Python 3.6.5 Documentation >  Contents of this Documentation

Python Documentation contents

* What’s New in Python

* What’s New In Python 3.6

* Summary – Release highlights

* New Features

* PEP 498: Formatted string literals

* PEP 526: Syntax for variable annotations

* PEP 515: Underscores in Numeric Literals

* PEP 525: Asynchronous Generators

* PEP 530: Asynchronous Comprehensions

* PEP 487: Simpler customization of class creation

* PEP 487: Descriptor Protocol Enhancements

* PEP 519: Adding a file system path protocol

* PEP 495: Local Time Disambiguation

* PEP 529: Change Windows filesystem encoding to UTF-8

* PEP 528: Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8

* PEP 520: Preserving Class Attribute Definition Order

* PEP 468: Preserving Keyword Argument Order

* New "dict" implementation

* PEP 523: Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython

* PYTHONMALLOC environment variable

* DTrace and SystemTap probing support

* Other Language Changes

* New Modules

* secrets

* Improved Modules

* array

* ast

* asyncio

* binascii

* cmath

* collections

* concurrent.futures

* contextlib

* datetime

* decimal

* distutils

* email

* encodings

* enum

* faulthandler

* fileinput

* hashlib

* http.client

* idlelib and IDLE

* importlib

* inspect

* json

* logging

* math

* multiprocessing

* os

* pathlib

* pdb

* pickle

* pickletools

* pydoc

* random

* re

* readline

* rlcompleter

* shlex

* site

* sqlite3

* socket

* socketserver

* ssl

* statistics

* struct

* subprocess

* sys

* telnetlib

* time

* timeit

* tkinter

* traceback

* tracemalloc

* typing

* unicodedata

* unittest.mock

* urllib.request

* urllib.robotparser

* venv

* warnings

* winreg

* winsound

* xmlrpc.client

* zipfile

* zlib

* Optimizations

* Build and C API Changes

* Other Improvements

* Deprecated

* New Keywords

* Deprecated Python behavior

* Deprecated Python modules, functions and methods

* asynchat

* asyncore

* dbm

* distutils

* grp

* importlib

* os

* re

* ssl

* tkinter

* venv

* Deprecated functions and types of the C API

* Deprecated Build Options

* Removed

* API and Feature Removals

* Porting to Python 3.6

* Changes in ‘python’ Command Behavior

* Changes in the Python API

* Changes in the C API

* CPython bytecode changes

* Notable changes in Python 3.6.2

* New "make regen-all" build target

* Removal of "make touch" build target

* Notable changes in Python 3.6.5

* What’s New In Python 3.5

* Summary – Release highlights

* New Features

* PEP 492 - Coroutines with async and await syntax

* PEP 465 - A dedicated infix operator for matrix

* PEP 448 - Additional Unpacking Generalizations

* PEP 461 - percent formatting support for bytes and bytearray

* PEP 484 - Type Hints

* PEP 471 - os.scandir() function – a better and faster
directory iterator

* PEP 475: Retry system calls failing with EINTR

* PEP 479: Change StopIteration handling inside generators

* PEP 485: A function for testing approximate equality

* PEP 486: Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual

* PEP 488: Elimination of PYO files

* PEP 489: Multi-phase extension module initialization

* Other Language Changes

* New Modules

* typing

* zipapp

* Improved Modules

* argparse

* asyncio

* bz2

* cgi

* cmath

* code

* collections


* compileall

* concurrent.futures

* configparser

* contextlib

* csv

* curses

* dbm

* difflib

* distutils

* doctest

* email

* enum

* faulthandler

* functools

* glob

* gzip

* heapq

* http

* http.client

* idlelib and IDLE

* imaplib

* imghdr

* importlib

* inspect

* io

* ipaddress

* json

* linecache

* locale

* logging

* lzma

* math

* multiprocessing

* operator

* os

* pathlib

* pickle

* poplib

* re

* readline

* selectors

* shutil

* signal

* smtpd

* smtplib

* sndhdr

* socket

* ssl

* Memory BIO Support

* Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Support

* Other Changes

* sqlite3

* subprocess

* sys

* sysconfig

* tarfile

* threading

* time

* timeit

* tkinter

* traceback

* types

* unicodedata

* unittest

* unittest.mock

* urllib

* wsgiref

* xmlrpc

* xml.sax

* zipfile

* Other module-level changes

* Optimizations

* Build and C API Changes

* Deprecated

* New Keywords

* Deprecated Python Behavior

* Unsupported Operating Systems

* Deprecated Python modules, functions and methods

* Removed

* API and Feature Removals

* Porting to Python 3.5

* Changes in Python behavior

* Changes in the Python API

* Changes in the C API

* What’s New In Python 3.4

* Summary – Release Highlights

* New Features

* PEP 453: Explicit Bootstrapping of PIP in Python

* Bootstrapping pip By Default

* Documentation Changes

* PEP 446: Newly Created File Descriptors Are Non-Inheritable

* Improvements to Codec Handling

* PEP 451: A ModuleSpec Type for the Import System

* Other Language Changes

* New Modules

* asyncio

* ensurepip

* enum

* pathlib

* selectors

* statistics

* tracemalloc

* Improved Modules

* abc

* aifc

* argparse

* audioop

* base64

* collections

* colorsys

* contextlib

* dbm

* dis

* doctest

* email

* filecmp

* functools

* gc

* glob

* hashlib

* hmac

* html

* http

* idlelib and IDLE

* importlib

* inspect

* ipaddress

* logging

* marshal

* mmap

* multiprocessing

* operator

* os

* pdb

* pickle

* plistlib

* poplib

* pprint

* pty

* pydoc

* re

* resource

* select

* shelve

* shutil

* smtpd

* smtplib

* socket

* sqlite3

* ssl

* stat

* struct

* subprocess

* sunau

* sys

* tarfile

* textwrap

* threading

* traceback

* types

* urllib

* unittest

* venv

* wave

* weakref

* xml.etree

* zipfile

* CPython Implementation Changes

* PEP 445: Customization of CPython Memory Allocators

* PEP 442: Safe Object Finalization

* PEP 456: Secure and Interchangeable Hash Algorithm

* PEP 436: Argument Clinic

* Other Build and C API Changes

* Other Improvements

* Significant Optimizations

* Deprecated

* Deprecations in the Python API

* Deprecated Features

* Removed

* Operating Systems No Longer Supported

* API and Feature Removals

* Code Cleanups

* Porting to Python 3.4

* Changes in ‘python’ Command Behavior

* Changes in the Python API

* Changes in the C API

* Changed in 3.4.3

* PEP 476: Enabling certificate verification by default for
stdlib http clients

* What’s New In Python 3.3

* Summary – Release highlights

* PEP 405: Virtual Environments

* PEP 420: Implicit Namespace Packages

* PEP 3118: New memoryview implementation and buffer protocol

* Features

* API changes

* PEP 393: Flexible String Representation

* Functionality

* Performance and resource usage

* PEP 397: Python Launcher for Windows

* PEP 3151: Reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy

* PEP 380: Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator

* PEP 409: Suppressing exception context

* PEP 414: Explicit Unicode literals

* PEP 3155: Qualified name for classes and functions

* PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionary

* PEP 362: Function Signature Object

* PEP 421: Adding sys.implementation

* SimpleNamespace

* Using importlib as the Implementation of Import

* New APIs

* Visible Changes

* Other Language Changes

* A Finer-Grained Import Lock

* Builtin functions and types

* New Modules

* faulthandler

* ipaddress

* lzma

* Improved Modules

* abc

* array

* base64

* binascii

* bz2

* codecs

* collections

* contextlib

* crypt

* curses

* datetime

* decimal

* Features

* API changes

* email

* Policy Framework

* Provisional Policy with New Header API

* Other API Changes

* ftplib

* functools

* gc

* hmac

* http

* html

* imaplib

* inspect

* io

* itertools

* logging

* math

* mmap

* multiprocessing

* nntplib

* os

* pdb

* pickle

* pydoc

* re

* sched

* select

* shlex

* shutil

* signal

* smtpd

* smtplib

* socket

* socketserver

* sqlite3

* ssl

* stat

* struct

* subprocess

* sys

* tarfile

* tempfile

* textwrap

* threading

* time

* types

* unittest

* urllib

* webbrowser

* xml.etree.ElementTree

* zlib

* Optimizations

* Build and C API Changes

* Deprecated

* Unsupported Operating Systems

* Deprecated Python modules, functions and methods

* Deprecated functions and types of the C API

* Deprecated features

* Porting to Python 3.3

* Porting Python code

* Porting C code

* Building C extensions

* Command Line Switch Changes

* What’s New In Python 3.2

* PEP 384: Defining a Stable ABI

* PEP 389: Argparse Command Line Parsing Module

* PEP 391: Dictionary Based Configuration for Logging

* PEP 3148: The "concurrent.futures" module

* PEP 3147: PYC Repository Directories

* PEP 3149: ABI Version Tagged .so Files

* PEP 3333: Python Web Server Gateway Interface v1.0.1

* Other Language Changes

* New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules

* email

* elementtree

* functools

* itertools

* collections

* threading

* datetime and time

* math

* abc

* io

* reprlib

* logging

* csv

* contextlib

* decimal and fractions

* ftp

* popen

* select

* gzip and zipfile

* tarfile

* hashlib

* ast

* os

* shutil

* sqlite3

* html

* socket

* ssl

* nntp

* certificates

* imaplib

* http.client

* unittest

* random

* poplib

* asyncore

* tempfile

* inspect

* pydoc

* dis

* dbm

* ctypes

* site

* sysconfig

* pdb

* configparser

* urllib.parse

* mailbox

* turtledemo

* Multi-threading

* Optimizations

* Unicode

* Codecs

* Documentation


* Code Repository

* Build and C API Changes

* Porting to Python 3.2

* What’s New In Python 3.1

* PEP 372: Ordered Dictionaries

* PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator

* Other Language Changes

* New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules

* Optimizations


* Build and C API Changes

* Porting to Python 3.1

* What’s New In Python 3.0

* Common Stumbling Blocks

* Print Is A Function

* Views And Iterators Instead Of Lists

* Ordering Comparisons

* Integers

* Text Vs. Data Instead Of Unicode Vs. 8-bit

* Overview Of Syntax Changes

* New Syntax

* Changed Syntax

* Removed Syntax

* Changes Already Present In Python 2.6

* Library Changes

* **PEP 3101**: A New Approach To String Formatting

* Changes To Exceptions

* Miscellaneous Other Changes

* Operators And Special Methods

* Builtins

* Build and C API Changes

* Performance

* Porting To Python 3.0

* What’s New in Python 2.7

* The Future for Python 2.x

* Changes to the Handling of Deprecation Warnings

* Python 3.1 Features

* PEP 372: Adding an Ordered Dictionary to collections

* PEP 378: Format Specifier for Thousands Separator

* PEP 389: The argparse Module for Parsing Command Lines

* PEP 391: Dictionary-Based Configuration For Logging

* PEP 3106: Dictionary Views

* PEP 3137: The memoryview Object

* Other Language Changes

* Interpreter Changes

* Optimizations

* New and Improved Modules

* New module: importlib

* New module: sysconfig

* ttk: Themed Widgets for Tk

* Updated module: unittest

* Updated module: ElementTree 1.3

* Build and C API Changes

* Capsules

* Port-Specific Changes: Windows

* Port-Specific Changes: Mac OS X

* Port-Specific Changes: FreeBSD

* Other Changes and Fixes

* Porting to Python 2.7

* New Features Added to Python 2.7 Maintenance Releases

* PEP 434: IDLE Enhancement Exception for All Branches

* PEP 466: Network Security Enhancements for Python 2.7

* Acknowledgements

* What’s New in Python 2.6

* Python 3.0

* Changes to the Development Process

* New Issue Tracker: Roundup

* New Documentation Format: reStructuredText Using Sphinx

* PEP 343: The ‘with’ statement

* Writing Context Managers

* The contextlib module

* PEP 366: Explicit Relative Imports From a Main Module

* PEP 370: Per-user "site-packages" Directory

* PEP 371: The "multiprocessing" Package

* PEP 3101: Advanced String Formatting

* PEP 3105: "print" As a Function

* PEP 3110: Exception-Handling Changes

* PEP 3112: Byte Literals

* PEP 3116: New I/O Library

* PEP 3118: Revised Buffer Protocol

* PEP 3119: Abstract Base Classes

* PEP 3127: Integer Literal Support and Syntax

* PEP 3129: Class Decorators

* PEP 3141: A Type Hierarchy for Numbers

* The "fractions" Module

* Other Language Changes

* Optimizations

* Interpreter Changes

* New and Improved Modules

* The "ast" module

* The "future_builtins" module

* The "json" module: JavaScript Object Notation

* The "plistlib" module: A Property-List Parser

* ctypes Enhancements

* Improved SSL Support

* Deprecations and Removals

* Build and C API Changes

* Port-Specific Changes: Windows

* Port-Specific Changes: Mac OS X

* Port-Specific Changes: IRIX

* Porting to Python 2.6

* Acknowledgements

* What’s New in Python 2.5

* PEP 308: Conditional Expressions

* PEP 309: Partial Function Application

* PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1

* PEP 328: Absolute and Relative Imports

* PEP 338: Executing Modules as Scripts

* PEP 341: Unified try/except/finally

* PEP 342: New Generator Features

* PEP 343: The ‘with’ statement

* Writing Context Managers

* The contextlib module

* PEP 352: Exceptions as New-Style Classes

* PEP 353: Using ssize_t as the index type

* PEP 357: The ‘__index__’ method

* Other Language Changes

* Interactive Interpreter Changes

* Optimizations

* New, Improved, and Removed Modules

* The ctypes package

* The ElementTree package

* The hashlib package

* The sqlite3 package

* The wsgiref package

* Build and C API Changes

* Port-Specific Changes

* Porting to Python 2.5

* Acknowledgements

* What’s New in Python 2.4

* PEP 218: Built-In Set Objects

* PEP 237: Unifying Long Integers and Integers

* PEP 289: Generator Expressions

* PEP 292: Simpler String Substitutions

* PEP 318: Decorators for Functions and Methods

* PEP 322: Reverse Iteration

* PEP 324: New subprocess Module

* PEP 327: Decimal Data Type

* Why is Decimal needed?

* The "Decimal" type

* The "Context" type

* PEP 328: Multi-line Imports

* PEP 331: Locale-Independent Float/String Conversions

* Other Language Changes

* Optimizations

* New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules

* cookielib

* doctest

* Build and C API Changes

* Port-Specific Changes

* Porting to Python 2.4

* Acknowledgements

* What’s New in Python 2.3

* PEP 218: A Standard Set Datatype

* PEP 255: Simple Generators

* PEP 263: Source Code Encodings

* PEP 273: Importing Modules from ZIP Archives

* PEP 277: Unicode file name support for Windows NT

* PEP 278: Universal Newline Support

* PEP 279: enumerate()

* PEP 282: The logging Package

* PEP 285: A Boolean Type

* PEP 293: Codec Error Handling Callbacks

* PEP 301: Package Index and Metadata for Distutils

* PEP 302: New Import Hooks

* PEP 305: Comma-separated Files

* PEP 307: Pickle Enhancements

* Extended Slices

* Other Language Changes

* String Changes

* Optimizations

* New, Improved, and Deprecated Modules

* Date/Time Type

* The optparse Module

* Pymalloc: A Specialized Object Allocator

* Build and C API Changes

* Port-Specific Changes

* Other Changes and Fixes

* Porting to Python 2.3

* Acknowledgements

* What’s New in Python 2.2

* Introduction

* PEPs 252 and 253: Type and Class Changes

* Old and New Classes

* Descriptors

* Multiple Inheritance: The Diamond Rule

* Attribute Access

* Related Links

* PEP 234: Iterators

* PEP 255: Simple Generators

* PEP 237: Unifying Long Integers and Integers

* PEP 238: Changing the Division Operator

* Unicode Changes

* PEP 227: Nested Scopes

* New and Improved Modules

* Interpreter Changes and Fixes

* Other Changes and Fixes

* Acknowledgements

* What’s New in Python 2.1

* Introduction

* PEP 227: Nested Scopes

* PEP 236: __future__ Directives

* PEP 207: Rich Comparisons

* PEP 230: Warning Framework

* PEP 229: New Build System

* PEP 205: Weak References

* PEP 232: Function Attributes

* PEP 235: Importing Modules on Case-Insensitive Platforms

* PEP 217: Interactive Display Hook

* PEP 208: New Coercion Model

* PEP 241: Metadata in Python Packages

* New and Improved Modules

* Other Changes and Fixes

* Acknowledgements

* What’s New in Python 2.0

* Introduction

* What About Python 1.6?

* New Development Process

* Unicode

* List Comprehensions

* Augmented Assignment

* String Methods

* Garbage Collection of Cycles

* Other Core Changes

* Minor Language Changes

* Changes to Built-in Functions

* Porting to 2.0

* Extending/Embedding Changes

* Distutils: Making Modules Easy to Install

* XML Modules

* SAX2 Support

* DOM Support

* Relationship to PyXML

* Module changes

* New modules

* IDLE Improvements

* Deleted and Deprecated Modules

* Acknowledgements

* Changelog

* Python next

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Documentation

* Tests

* Tools/Demos


* Python 3.6.5 release candidate 1

* Security

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Windows

* macOS


* Tools/Demos


* Python 3.6.4 final

* Python 3.6.4 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Windows

* macOS


* Tools/Demos


* Python 3.6.3 final

* Library

* Build

* Python 3.6.3 release candidate 1

* Security

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Windows


* Tools/Demos

* Python 3.6.2 final

* Python 3.6.2 release candidate 2

* Security

* Python 3.6.2 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Security

* Library



* Build

* Documentation

* Tools/Demos

* Tests

* Windows

* Python 3.6.1 final

* Core and Builtins

* Build

* Python 3.6.1 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library


* Windows


* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Python 3.6.0 final

* Python 3.6.0 release candidate 2

* Core and Builtins

* Tools/Demos

* Windows

* Build

* Python 3.6.0 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library


* Documentation

* Tools/Demos

* Python 3.6.0 beta 4

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Python 3.6.0 beta 3

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Windows

* Build

* Tests

* Python 3.6.0 beta 2

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Windows


* Build

* Tests

* Python 3.6.0 beta 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library



* Tests

* Build

* Tools/Demos

* Windows

* Python 3.6.0 alpha 4

* Core and Builtins

* Library


* Tests

* Windows

* Build

* Python 3.6.0 alpha 3

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library



* Build

* Tools/Demos

* Documentation

* Tests

* Python 3.6.0 alpha 2

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library


* Documentation

* Tests

* Windows

* Build

* Windows


* Tools/Demos

* Python 3.6.0 alpha 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library


* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Windows

* Tools/Demos


* Python 3.5.3 final

* Python 3.5.3 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library



* Documentation

* Tests

* Tools/Demos

* Windows

* Build

* Python 3.5.2 final

* Core and Builtins

* Tests


* Python 3.5.2 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library

* Security

* Library


* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Windows

* Tools/Demos

* Windows

* Python 3.5.1 final

* Core and Builtins

* Windows

* Python 3.5.1 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library


* Documentation

* Tests

* Build

* Windows

* Tools/Demos

* Python 3.5.0 final

* Build

* Python 3.5.0 release candidate 4

* Library

* Build

* Python 3.5.0 release candidate 3

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Python 3.5.0 release candidate 2

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Python 3.5.0 release candidate 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library


* Documentation

* Tests

* Python 3.5.0 beta 4

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Build

* Python 3.5.0 beta 3

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Tests

* Documentation

* Build

* Python 3.5.0 beta 2

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Python 3.5.0 beta 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library


* Tests

* Documentation

* Tools/Demos

* Python 3.5.0 alpha 4

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Build

* Tests

* Tools/Demos


* Python 3.5.0 alpha 3

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Build

* Tests

* Tools/Demos

* Python 3.5.0 alpha 2

* Core and Builtins

* Library

* Build


* Windows

* Python 3.5.0 alpha 1

* Core and Builtins

* Library


* Build


* Documentation

* Tests

* Tools/Demos

* Windows

* The Python Tutorial

* Whetting Your Appetite

* Using the Python Interpreter

* Invoking the Interpreter

* Argument Passing

* Interactive Mode

* The Interpreter and Its Environment

* Source Code Encoding

* An Informal Introduction to Python

* Using Python as a Calculator

* Numbers

* Strings

* Lists

* First Steps Towards Programming

* More Control Flow Tools

* "if" Statements

* "for" Statements

* The "range()" Function

* "break" and "continue" Statements, and "else" Clauses on Loops

* "pass" Statements

* Defining Functions

* More on Defining Functions

* Default Argument Values

* Keyword Arguments

* Arbitrary Argument Lists

* Unpacking Argument Lists

* Lambda Expressions

* Documentation Strings

* Function Annotations

* Intermezzo: Coding Style

* Data Structures

* More on Lists

* Using Lists as Stacks

* Using Lists as Queues

* List Comprehensions

* Nested List Comprehensions

* The "del" statement

* Tuples and Sequences

* Sets

* Dictionaries

* Looping Techniques

* More on Conditions

* Comparing Sequences and Other Types

* Modules

* More on Modules

* Executing modules as scripts

* The Module Search Path

* “Compiled” Python files

* Standard Modules

* The "dir()" Function

* Packages

* Importing * From a Package

* Intra-package References

* Packages in Multiple Directories

* Input and Output

* Fancier Output Formatting

* Old string formatting

* Reading and Writing Files

* Methods of File Objects

* Saving structured data with "json"

* Errors and Exceptions

* Syntax Errors

* Exceptions

* Handling Exceptions

* Raising Exceptions

* User-defined Exceptions

* Defining Clean-up Actions

* Predefined Clean-up Actions

* Classes

* A Word About Names and Objects

* Python Scopes and Namespaces

* Scopes and Namespaces Example

* A First Look at Classes

* Class Definition Syntax

* Class Objects

* Instance Objects

* Method Objects

* Class and Instance Variables

* Random Remarks

* Inheritance

* Multiple Inheritance

* Private Variables

* Odds and Ends

* Iterators

* Generators

* Generator Expressions

* Brief Tour of the Standard Library

* Operating System Interface

* File Wildcards

* Command Line Arguments

* Error Output Redirection and Program Termination

* String Pattern Matching

* Mathematics

* Internet Access

* Dates and Times

* Data Compression

* Performance Measurement

* Quality Control

* Batteries Included

* Brief Tour of the Standard Library — Part II

* Output Formatting

* Templating

* Working with Binary Data Record Layouts

* Multi-threading

* Logging

* Weak References

* Tools for Working with Lists

* Decimal Floating Point Arithmetic

* Virtual Environments and Packages

* Introduction

* Creating Virtual Environments

* Managing Packages with pip

* What Now?

* Interactive Input Editing and History Substitution

* Tab Completion and History Editing

* Alternatives to the Interactive Interpreter

* Floating Point Arithmetic: Issues and Limitations

* Representation Error

* Appendix

* Interactive Mode

* Error Handling

* Executable Python Scripts

* The Interactive Startup File

* The Customization Modules

* Python Setup and Usage

* Command line and environment

* Command line

* Interface options

* Generic options

* Miscellaneous options

* Options you shouldn’t use

* Environment variables

* Debug-mode variables

* Using Python on Unix platforms

* Getting and installing the latest version of Python

* On Linux

* On FreeBSD and OpenBSD

* On OpenSolaris

* Building Python

* Python-related paths and files

* Miscellaneous

* Editors and IDEs

* Using Python on Windows

* Installing Python

* Supported Versions

* Installation Steps

* Removing the MAX_PATH Limitation

* Installing Without UI

* Installing Without Downloading

* Modifying an install

* Other Platforms

* Alternative bundles

* Configuring Python

* Excursus: Setting environment variables

* Finding the Python executable

* Python Launcher for Windows

* Getting started

* From the command-line

* Virtual environments

* From a script

* From file associations

* Shebang Lines

* Arguments in shebang lines

* Customization

* Customization via INI files

* Customizing default Python versions

* Diagnostics

* Finding modules

* Additional modules

* PyWin32

* cx_Freeze

* WConio

* Compiling Python on Windows

* Embedded Distribution

* Python Application

* Embedding Python

* Other resources

* Using Python on a Macintosh

* Getting and Installing MacPython

* How to run a Python script

* Running scripts with a GUI

* Configuration

* The IDE

* Installing Additional Python Packages

* GUI Programming on the Mac

* Distributing Python Applications on the Mac

* Other Resources

* The Python Language Reference

* Introduction

* Alternate Implementations

* Notation

* Lexical analysis

* Line structure

* Logical lines

* Physical lines

* Comments

* Encoding declarations

* Explicit line joining

* Implicit line joining

* Blank lines

* Indentation

* Whitespace between tokens

* Other tokens

* Identifiers and keywords

* Keywords

* Reserved classes of identifiers

* Literals

* String and Bytes literals

* String literal concatenation

* Formatted string literals

* Numeric literals

* Integer literals

* Floating point literals

* Imaginary literals

* Operators

* Delimiters

* Data model

* Objects, values and types

* The standard type hierarchy

* Special method names

* Basic customization

* Customizing attribute access

* Customizing module attribute access

* Implementing Descriptors

* Invoking Descriptors

* __slots__

* Notes on using *__slots__*

* Customizing class creation

* Metaclasses

* Determining the appropriate metaclass

* Preparing the class namespace

* Executing the class body

* Creating the class object

* Metaclass example

* Customizing instance and subclass checks

* Emulating callable objects

* Emulating container types

* Emulating numeric types

* With Statement Context Managers

* Special method lookup

* Coroutines

* Awaitable Objects

* Coroutine Objects

* Asynchronous Iterators

* Asynchronous Context Managers

* Execution model

* Structure of a program

* Naming and binding

* Binding of names

* Resolution of names

* Builtins and restricted execution

* Interaction with dynamic features

* Exceptions

* The import system

* "importlib"

* Packages

* Regular packages

* Namespace packages

* Searching

* The module cache

* Finders and loaders

* Import hooks

* The meta path

* Loading

* Loaders

* Submodules

* Module spec

* Import-related module attributes

* module.__path__

* Module reprs

* The Path Based Finder

* Path entry finders

* Path entry finder protocol

* Replacing the standard import system

* Special considerations for __main__

* __main__.__spec__

* Open issues

* References

* Expressions

* Arithmetic conversions

* Atoms

* Identifiers (Names)

* Literals

* Parenthesized forms

* Displays for lists, sets and dictionaries

* List displays

* Set displays

* Dictionary displays

* Generator expressions

* Yield expressions

* Generator-iterator methods

* Examples

* Asynchronous generator functions

* Asynchronous generator-iterator methods

* Primaries

* Attribute references

* Subscriptions

* Slicings

* Calls

* Await expression

* The power operator

* Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations

* Binary arithmetic operations

* Shifting operations

* Binary bitwise operations

* Comparisons

* Value comparisons

* Membership test operations

* Identity comparisons

* Boolean operations

* Conditional expressions

* Lambdas

* Expression lists

* Evaluation order

* Operator precedence

* Simple statements

* Expression statements

* Assignment statements

* Augmented assignment statements

* Annotated assignment statements

* The "assert" statement

* The "pass" statement

* The "del" statement

* The "return" statement

* The "yield" statement

* The "raise" statement

* The "break" statement

* The "continue" statement

* The "import" statement

* Future statements

* The "global" statement

* The "nonlocal" statement

* Compound statements

* The "if" statement

* The "while" statement

* The "for" statement

* The "try" statement

* The "with" statement

* Function definitions

* Class definitions

* Coroutines

* Coroutine function definition

* The "async for" statement

* The "async with" statement

* Top-level components

* Complete Python programs

* File input

* Interactive input

* Expression input

* Full Grammar specification

* The Python Standard Library

* Introduction

* Built-in Functions

* Built-in Constants

* Constants added by the "site" module

* Built-in Types

* Truth Value Testing

* Boolean Operations — "and", "or", "not"

* Comparisons

* Numeric Types — "int", "float", "complex"

* Bitwise Operations on Integer Types

* Additional Methods on Integer Types

* Additional Methods on Float

* Hashing of numeric types

* Iterator Types

* Generator Types

* Sequence Types — "list", "tuple", "range"

* Common Sequence Operations

* Immutable Sequence Types

* Mutable Sequence Types

* Lists

* Tuples

* Ranges

* Text Sequence Type — "str"

* String Methods

* "printf"-style String Formatting

* Binary Sequence Types — "bytes", "bytearray", "memoryview"

* Bytes Objects

* Bytearray Objects

* Bytes and Bytearray Operations

* "printf"-style Bytes Formatting

* Memory Views

* Set Types — "set", "frozenset"

* Mapping Types — "dict"

* Dictionary view objects

* Context Manager Types

* Other Built-in Types

* Modules

* Classes and Class Instances

* Functions

* Methods

* Code Objects

* Type Objects

* The Null Object

* The Ellipsis Object

* The NotImplemented Object

* Boolean Values

* Internal Objects

* Special Attributes

* Built-in Exceptions

* Base classes

* Concrete exceptions

* OS exceptions

* Warnings

* Exception hierarchy

* Text Processing Services

* "string" — Common string operations

* String constants

* Custom String Formatting

* Format String Syntax

* Format Specification Mini-Language

* Format examples

* Template strings

* Helper functions

* "re" — Regular expression operations

* Regular Expression Syntax

* Module Contents

* Regular Expression Objects

* Match Objects

* Regular Expression Examples

* Checking for a Pair

* Simulating scanf()

* search() vs. match()

* Making a Phonebook

* Text Munging

* Finding all Adverbs

* Finding all Adverbs and their Positions

* Raw String Notation

* Writing a Tokenizer

* "difflib" — Helpers for computing deltas

* SequenceMatcher Objects

* SequenceMatcher Examples

* Differ Objects

* Differ Example

* A command-line interface to difflib

* "textwrap" — Text wrapping and filling

* "unicodedata" — Unicode Database

* "stringprep" — Internet String Preparation

* "readline" — GNU readline interface

* Init file

* Line buffer

* History file

* History list

* Startup hooks

* Completion

* Example

* "rlcompleter" — Completion function for GNU readline

* Completer Objects

* Binary Data Services

* "struct" — Interpret bytes as packed binary data

* Functions and Exceptions

* Format Strings

* Byte Order, Size, and Alignment

* Format Characters

* Examples

* Classes

* "codecs" — Codec registry and base classes

* Codec Base Classes

* Error Handlers

* Stateless Encoding and Decoding

* Incremental Encoding and Decoding

* IncrementalEncoder Objects

* IncrementalDecoder Objects

* Stream Encoding and Decoding

* StreamWriter Objects

* StreamReader Objects

* StreamReaderWriter Objects

* StreamRecoder Objects

* Encodings and Unicode

* Standard Encodings

* Python Specific Encodings

* Text Encodings

* Binary Transforms

* Text Transforms

* "encodings.idna" — Internationalized Domain Names in

* "encodings.mbcs" — Windows ANSI codepage

* "encodings.utf_8_sig" — UTF-8 codec with BOM signature

* Data Types

* "datetime" — Basic date and time types

* Available Types

* "timedelta" Objects

* "date" Objects

* "datetime" Objects

* "time" Objects

* "tzinfo" Objects

* "timezone" Objects

* "strftime()" and "strptime()" Behavior

* "calendar" — General calendar-related functions

* "collections" — Container datatypes

* "ChainMap" objects

* "ChainMap" Examples and Recipes

* "Counter" objects

* "deque" objects

* "deque" Recipes

* "defaultdict" objects

* "defaultdict" Examples

* "namedtuple()" Factory Function for Tuples with Named Fields

* "OrderedDict" objects

* "OrderedDict" Examples and Recipes

* "UserDict" objects

* "UserList" objects

* "UserString" objects

* "" — Abstract Base Classes for Containers

* Collections Abstract Base Classes

* "heapq" — Heap queue algorithm

* Basic Examples

* Priority Queue Implementation Notes

* Theory

* "bisect" — Array bisection algorithm

* Searching Sorted Lists

* Other Examples

* "array" — Efficient arrays of numeric values

* "weakref" — Weak references

* Weak Reference Objects

* Example

* Finalizer Objects

* Comparing finalizers with "__del__()" methods

* "types" — Dynamic type creation and names for built-in types

* Dynamic Type Creation

* Standard Interpreter Types

* Additional Utility Classes and Functions

* Coroutine Utility Functions

* "copy" — Shallow and deep copy operations

* "pprint" — Data pretty printer

* PrettyPrinter Objects

* Example

* "reprlib" — Alternate "repr()" implementation

* Repr Objects

* Subclassing Repr Objects

* "enum" — Support for enumerations

* Module Contents

* Creating an Enum

* Programmatic access to enumeration members and their

* Duplicating enum members and values

* Ensuring unique enumeration values

* Using automatic values

* Iteration

* Comparisons

* Allowed members and attributes of enumerations

* Restricted subclassing of enumerations

* Pickling

* Functional API

* Derived Enumerations

* IntEnum

* IntFlag

* Flag

* Others

* Interesting examples

* Omitting values

* Using "auto"

* Using "object"

* Using a descriptive string

* Using a custom "__new__()"

* OrderedEnum

* DuplicateFreeEnum

* Planet

* How are Enums different?

* Enum Classes

* Enum Members (aka instances)

* Finer Points

* Supported "__dunder__" names

* Supported "_sunder_" names

* "Enum" member type

* Boolean value of "Enum" classes and members

* "Enum" classes with methods

* Combining members of "Flag"

* Numeric and Mathematical Modules

* "numbers" — Numeric abstract base classes

* The numeric tower

* Notes for type implementors

* Adding More Numeric ABCs

* Implementing the arithmetic operations

* "math" — Mathematical functions

* Number-theoretic and representation functions

* Power and logarithmic functions

* Trigonometric functions

* Angular conversion

* Hyperbolic functions

* Special functions

* Constants

* "cmath" — Mathematical functions for complex numbers

* Conversions to and from polar coordinates

* Power and logarithmic functions

* Trigonometric functions

* Hyperbolic functions

* Classification functions

* Constants

* "decimal" — Decimal fixed point and floating point arithmetic

* Quick-start Tutorial

* Decimal objects

* Logical operands

* Context objects

* Constants

* Rounding modes

* Signals

* Floating Point Notes

* Mitigating round-off error with increased precision

* Special values

* Working with threads

* Recipes

* Decimal FAQ

* "fractions" — Rational numbers

* "random" — Generate pseudo-random numbers

* Bookkeeping functions

* Functions for integers

* Functions for sequences

* Real-valued distributions

* Alternative Generator

* Notes on Reproducibility

* Examples and Recipes

* "statistics" — Mathematical statistics functions

* Averages and measures of central location

* Measures of spread

* Function details

* Exceptions

* Functional Programming Modules

* "itertools" — Functions creating iterators for efficient

* Itertool functions

* Itertools Recipes

* "functools" — Higher-order functions and operations on
callable objects

* "partial" Objects

* "operator" — Standard operators as functions

* Mapping Operators to Functions

* Inplace Operators

* File and Directory Access

* "pathlib" — Object-oriented filesystem paths

* Basic use

* Pure paths

* General properties

* Operators

* Accessing individual parts

* Methods and properties

* Concrete paths

* Methods

* "os.path" — Common pathname manipulations

* "fileinput" — Iterate over lines from multiple input streams

* "stat" — Interpreting "stat()" results

* "filecmp" — File and Directory Comparisons

* The "dircmp" class

* "tempfile" — Generate temporary files and directories

* Examples

* Deprecated functions and variables

* "glob" — Unix style pathname pattern expansion

* "fnmatch" — Unix filename pattern matching

* "linecache" — Random access to text lines

* "shutil" — High-level file operations

* Directory and files operations

* copytree example

* rmtree example

* Archiving operations

* Archiving example

* Querying the size of the output terminal

* "macpath" — Mac OS 9 path manipulation functions

* Data Persistence

* "pickle" — Python object serialization

* Relationship to other Python modules

* Comparison with "marshal"

* Comparison with "json"

* Data stream format

* Module Interface

* What can be pickled and unpickled?

* Pickling Class Instances

* Persistence of External Objects

* Dispatch Tables

* Handling Stateful Objects

* Restricting Globals

* Performance

* Examples

* "copyreg" — Register "pickle" support functions

* Example

* "shelve" — Python object persistence

* Restrictions

* Example

* "marshal" — Internal Python object serialization

* "dbm" — Interfaces to Unix “databases”

* "dbm.gnu" — GNU’s reinterpretation of dbm

* "dbm.ndbm" — Interface based on ndbm

* "dbm.dumb" — Portable DBM implementation

* "sqlite3" — DB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite databases

* Module functions and constants

* Connection Objects

* Cursor Objects

* Row Objects

* Exceptions

* SQLite and Python types

* Introduction

* Using adapters to store additional Python types in SQLite

* Letting your object adapt itself

* Registering an adapter callable

* Converting SQLite values to custom Python types

* Default adapters and converters

* Controlling Transactions

* Using "sqlite3" efficiently

* Using shortcut methods

* Accessing columns by name instead of by index

* Using the connection as a context manager

* Common issues

* Multithreading

* Data Compression and Archiving

* "zlib" — Compression compatible with **gzip**

* "gzip" — Support for **gzip** files

* Examples of usage

* "bz2" — Support for **bzip2** compression

* (De)compression of files

* Incremental (de)compression

* One-shot (de)compression

* "lzma" — Compression using the LZMA algorithm

* Reading and writing compressed files

* Compressing and decompressing data in memory

* Miscellaneous

* Specifying custom filter chains

* Examples

* "zipfile" — Work with ZIP archives

* ZipFile Objects

* PyZipFile Objects

* ZipInfo Objects

* Command-Line Interface

* Command-line options

* "tarfile" — Read and write tar archive files

* TarFile Objects

* TarInfo Objects

* Command-Line Interface

* Command-line options

* Examples

* Supported tar formats

* Unicode issues

* File Formats

* "csv" — CSV File Reading and Writing

* Module Contents

* Dialects and Formatting Parameters

* Reader Objects

* Writer Objects

* Examples

* "configparser" — Configuration file parser

* Quick Start

* Supported Datatypes

* Fallback Values

* Supported INI File Structure

* Interpolation of values

* Mapping Protocol Access

* Customizing Parser Behaviour

* Legacy API Examples

* ConfigParser Objects

* RawConfigParser Objects

* Exceptions

* "netrc" — netrc file processing

* netrc Objects

* "xdrlib" — Encode and decode XDR data

* Packer Objects

* Unpacker Objects

* Exceptions

* "plistlib" — Generate and parse Mac OS X ".plist" files

* Examples

* Cryptographic Services

* "hashlib" — Secure hashes and message digests

* Hash algorithms

* SHAKE variable length digests

* Key derivation


* Creating hash objects

* Constants

* Examples

* Simple hashing

* Using different digest sizes

* Keyed hashing

* Randomized hashing

* Personalization

* Tree mode

* Credits

* "hmac" — Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication

* "secrets" — Generate secure random numbers for managing

* Random numbers

* Generating tokens

* How many bytes should tokens use?

* Other functions

* Recipes and best practices

* Generic Operating System Services

* "os" — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces

* File Names, Command Line Arguments, and Environment

* Process Parameters

* File Object Creation

* File Descriptor Operations

* Querying the size of a terminal

* Inheritance of File Descriptors

* Files and Directories

* Linux extended attributes

* Process Management

* Interface to the scheduler

* Miscellaneous System Information

* Random numbers

* "io" — Core tools for working with streams

* Overview

* Text I/O

* Binary I/O

* Raw I/O

* High-level Module Interface

* In-memory streams

* Class hierarchy

* I/O Base Classes

* Raw File I/O

* Buffered Streams

* Text I/O

* Performance

* Binary I/O

* Text I/O

* Multi-threading

* Reentrancy

* "time" — Time access and conversions

* Functions

* Clock ID Constants

* Timezone Constants

* "argparse" — Parser for command-line options, arguments and
sub- commands

* Example

* Creating a parser

* Adding arguments

* Parsing arguments

* ArgumentParser objects

* prog

* usage

* description

* epilog

* parents

* formatter_class

* prefix_chars

* fromfile_prefix_chars

* argument_default

* allow_abbrev

* conflict_handler

* add_help

* The add_argument() method

* name or flags

* action

* nargs

* const

* default

* type

* choices

* required

* help

* metavar

* dest

* Action classes

* The parse_args() method

* Option value syntax

* Invalid arguments

* Arguments containing "-"

* Argument abbreviations (prefix matching)

* Beyond "sys.argv"

* The Namespace object

* Other utilities

* Sub-commands

* FileType objects

* Argument groups

* Mutual exclusion

* Parser defaults

* Printing help

* Partial parsing

* Customizing file parsing

* Exiting methods

* Upgrading optparse code

* "getopt" — C-style parser for command line options

* "logging" — Logging facility for Python

* Logger Objects

* Logging Levels

* Handler Objects

* Formatter Objects

* Filter Objects

* LogRecord Objects

* LogRecord attributes

* LoggerAdapter Objects

* Thread Safety

* Module-Level Functions

* Module-Level Attributes

* Integration with the warnings module

* "logging.config" — Logging configuration

* Configuration functions

* Configuration dictionary schema

* Dictionary Schema Details

* Incremental Configuration

* Object connections

* User-defined objects

* Access to external objects

* Access to internal objects

* Import resolution and custom importers

* Configuration file format

* "logging.handlers" — Logging handlers

* StreamHandler

* FileHandler

* NullHandler

* WatchedFileHandler

* BaseRotatingHandler

* RotatingFileHandler

* TimedRotatingFileHandler

* SocketHandler

* DatagramHandler

* SysLogHandler

* NTEventLogHandler

* SMTPHandler

* MemoryHandler

* HTTPHandler

* QueueHandler

* QueueListener

* "getpass" — Portable password input

* "curses" — Terminal handling for character-cell displays

* Functions

* Window Objects

* Constants

* "curses.textpad" — Text input widget for curses programs

* Textbox objects

* "curses.ascii" — Utilities for ASCII characters

* "curses.panel" — A panel stack extension for curses

* Functions

* Panel Objects

* "platform" — Access to underlying platform’s identifying data

* Cross Platform

* Java Platform

* Windows Platform

* Win95/98 specific

* Mac OS Platform

* Unix Platforms

* "errno" — Standard errno system symbols

* "ctypes" — A foreign function library for Python

* ctypes tutorial

* Loading dynamic link libraries

* Accessing functions from loaded dlls

* Calling functions

* Fundamental data types

* Calling functions, continued

* Calling functions with your own custom data types

* Specifying the required argument types (function

* Return types

* Passing pointers (or: passing parameters by reference)

* Structures and unions

* Structure/union alignment and byte order

* Bit fields in structures and unions

* Arrays

* Pointers

* Type conversions

* Incomplete Types

* Callback functions

* Accessing values exported from dlls

* Surprises

* Variable-sized data types

* ctypes reference

* Finding shared libraries

* Loading shared libraries

* Foreign functions

* Function prototypes

* Utility functions

* Data types

* Fundamental data types

* Structured data types

* Arrays and pointers

* Concurrent Execution

* "threading" — Thread-based parallelism

* Thread-Local Data

* Thread Objects

* Lock Objects

* RLock Objects

* Condition Objects

* Semaphore Objects

* "Semaphore" Example

* Event Objects

* Timer Objects

* Barrier Objects

* Using locks, conditions, and semaphores in the "with"

* "multiprocessing" — Process-based parallelism

* Introduction

* The "Process" class

* Contexts and start methods

* Exchanging objects between processes

* Synchronization between processes

* Sharing state between processes

* Using a pool of workers

* Reference

* "Process" and exceptions

* Pipes and Queues

* Miscellaneous

* Connection Objects

* Synchronization primitives

* Shared "ctypes" Objects

* The "multiprocessing.sharedctypes" module

* Managers

* Customized managers

* Using a remote manager

* Proxy Objects

* Cleanup

* Process Pools

* Listeners and Clients

* Address Formats

* Authentication keys

* Logging

* The "multiprocessing.dummy" module

* Programming guidelines

* All start methods

* The *spawn* and *forkserver* start methods

* Examples

* The "concurrent" package

* "concurrent.futures" — Launching parallel tasks

* Executor Objects

* ThreadPoolExecutor

* ThreadPoolExecutor Example

* ProcessPoolExecutor

* ProcessPoolExecutor Example

* Future Objects

* Module Functions

* Exception classes

* "subprocess" — Subprocess management

* Using the "subprocess" Module

* Frequently Used Arguments

* Popen Constructor

* Exceptions

* Security Considerations

* Popen Objects

* Windows Popen Helpers

* Constants

* Older high-level API

* Replacing Older Functions with the "subprocess" Module

* Replacing /bin/sh shell backquote

* Replacing shell pipeline

* Replacing "os.system()"

* Replacing the "os.spawn" family

* Replacing "os.popen()", "os.popen2()", "os.popen3()"

* Replacing functions from the "popen2" module

* Legacy Shell Invocation Functions

* Notes

* Converting an argument sequence to a string on Windows

* "sched" — Event scheduler

* Scheduler Objects

* "queue" — A synchronized queue class

* Queue Objects

* "dummy_threading" — Drop-in replacement for the "threading"

* "_thread" — Low-level threading API

* "_dummy_thread" — Drop-in replacement for the "_thread" module

* Interprocess Communication and Networking

* "socket" — Low-level networking interface

* Socket families

* Module contents

* Exceptions

* Constants

* Functions

* Creating sockets

* Other functions

* Socket Objects

* Notes on socket timeouts

* Timeouts and the "connect" method

* Timeouts and the "accept" method

* Example

* "ssl" — TLS/SSL wrapper for socket objects

* Functions, Constants, and Exceptions

* Socket creation

* Context creation

* Random generation

* Certificate handling

* Constants

* SSL Sockets

* SSL Contexts

* Certificates

* Certificate chains

* CA certificates

* Combined key and certificate

* Self-signed certificates

* Examples

* Testing for SSL support

* Client-side operation

* Server-side operation

* Notes on non-blocking sockets

* Memory BIO Support

* SSL session

* Security considerations

* Best defaults

* Manual settings

* Verifying certificates

* Protocol versions

* Cipher selection

* Multi-processing

* LibreSSL support

* "select" — Waiting for I/O completion

* "/dev/poll" Polling Objects

* Edge and Level Trigger Polling (epoll) Objects

* Polling Objects

* Kqueue Objects

* Kevent Objects

* "selectors" — High-level I/O multiplexing

* Introduction

* Classes

* Examples

* "asyncio" — Asynchronous I/O, event loop, coroutines and tasks

* Base Event Loop

* Run an event loop

* Calls

* Delayed calls

* Futures

* Tasks

* Creating connections

* Creating listening connections

* Watch file descriptors

* Low-level socket operations

* Resolve host name

* Connect pipes

* UNIX signals

* Executor

* Error Handling API

* Debug mode

* Server

* Handle

* Event loop examples

* Hello World with call_soon()

* Display the current date with call_later()

* Watch a file descriptor for read events

* Set signal handlers for SIGINT and SIGTERM

* Event loops

* Event loop functions

* Available event loops

* Platform support

* Windows

* Mac OS X

* Event loop policies and the default policy

* Event loop policy interface

* Access to the global loop policy

* Customizing the event loop policy

* Tasks and coroutines

* Coroutines

* Example: Hello World coroutine

* Example: Coroutine displaying the current date

* Example: Chain coroutines

* InvalidStateError

* TimeoutError

* Future

* Example: Future with run_until_complete()

* Example: Future with run_forever()

* Task

* Example: Parallel execution of tasks

* Task functions

* Transports and protocols (callback based API)

* Transports

* BaseTransport

* ReadTransport

* WriteTransport

* DatagramTransport

* BaseSubprocessTransport

* Protocols

* Protocol classes

* Connection callbacks

* Streaming protocols

* Datagram protocols

* Flow control callbacks

* Coroutines and protocols

* Protocol examples

* TCP echo client protocol

* TCP echo server protocol

* UDP echo client protocol

* UDP echo server protocol

* Register an open socket to wait for data using a

* Streams (coroutine based API)

* Stream functions

* StreamReader

* StreamWriter

* StreamReaderProtocol

* IncompleteReadError

* LimitOverrunError

* Stream examples

* TCP echo client using streams

* TCP echo server using streams

* Get HTTP headers

* Register an open socket to wait for data using streams

* Subprocess

* Windows event loop

* Create a subprocess: high-level API using Process

* Create a subprocess: low-level API using subprocess.Popen

* Constants

* Process

* Subprocess and threads

* Subprocess examples

* Subprocess using transport and protocol

* Subprocess using streams

* Synchronization primitives

* Locks

* Lock

* Event

* Condition

* Semaphores

* Semaphore

* BoundedSemaphore

* Queues

* Queue

* PriorityQueue

* LifoQueue

* Exceptions

* Develop with asyncio

* Debug mode of asyncio

* Cancellation

* Concurrency and multithreading

* Handle blocking functions correctly

* Logging

* Detect coroutine objects never scheduled

* Detect exceptions never consumed

* Chain coroutines correctly

* Pending task destroyed

* Close transports and event loops

* "asyncore" — Asynchronous socket handler

* asyncore Example basic HTTP client

* asyncore Example basic echo server

* "asynchat" — Asynchronous socket command/response handler

* asynchat Example

* "signal" — Set handlers for asynchronous events

* General rules

* Execution of Python signal handlers

* Signals and threads

* Module contents

* Example

* "mmap" — Memory-mapped file support

* Internet Data Handling

* "email" — An email and MIME handling package

* "email.message": Representing an email message

* "email.parser": Parsing email messages

* FeedParser API

* Parser API

* Additional notes

* "email.generator": Generating MIME documents

* "email.policy": Policy Objects

* "email.errors": Exception and Defect classes

* "email.headerregistry": Custom Header Objects

* "email.contentmanager": Managing MIME Content

* Content Manager Instances

* "email": Examples

* "email.message.Message": Representing an email message using
the "compat32" API

* "email.mime": Creating email and MIME objects from scratch

* "email.header": Internationalized headers

* "email.charset": Representing character sets

* "email.encoders": Encoders

* "email.utils": Miscellaneous utilities

* "email.iterators": Iterators

* "json" — JSON encoder and decoder

* Basic Usage

* Encoders and Decoders

* Exceptions

* Standard Compliance and Interoperability

* Character Encodings

* Infinite and NaN Number Values

* Repeated Names Within an Object

* Top-level Non-Object, Non-Array Values

* Implementation Limitations

* Command Line Interface

* Command line options

* "mailcap" — Mailcap file handling

* "mailbox" — Manipulate mailboxes in various formats

* "Mailbox" objects

* "Maildir"

* "mbox"

* "MH"

* "Babyl"

* "MMDF"

* "Message" objects

* "MaildirMessage"

* "mboxMessage"

* "MHMessage"

* "BabylMessage"

* "MMDFMessage"

* Exceptions

* Examples

* "mimetypes" — Map filenames to MIME types

* MimeTypes Objects

* "base64" — Base16, Base32, Base64, Base85 Data Encodings

* "binhex" — Encode and decode binhex4 files

* Notes

* "binascii" — Convert between binary and ASCII

* "quopri" — Encode and decode MIME quoted-printable data

* "uu" — Encode and decode uuencode files

* Structured Markup Processing Tools

* "html" — HyperText Markup Language support

* "html.parser" — Simple HTML and XHTML parser

* Example HTML Parser Application

* "HTMLParser" Methods

* Examples

* "html.entities" — Definitions of HTML general entities

* XML Processing Modules

* XML vulnerabilities

* The "defusedxml" and "defusedexpat" Packages

* "xml.etree.ElementTree" — The ElementTree XML API

* Tutorial

* XML tree and elements

* Parsing XML

* Pull API for non-blocking parsing

* Finding interesting elements

* Modifying an XML File

* Building XML documents

* Parsing XML with Namespaces

* Additional resources

* XPath support

* Example

* Supported XPath syntax

* Reference

* Functions

* Element Objects

* ElementTree Objects

* QName Objects

* TreeBuilder Objects

* XMLParser Objects

* XMLPullParser Objects

* Exceptions

* "xml.dom" — The Document Object Model API

* Module Contents

* Objects in the DOM

* DOMImplementation Objects

* Node Objects

* NodeList Objects

* DocumentType Objects

* Document Objects

* Element Objects

* Attr Objects

* NamedNodeMap Objects

* Comment Objects

* Text and CDATASection Objects

* ProcessingInstruction Objects

* Exceptions

* Conformance

* Type Mapping

* Accessor Methods

* "xml.dom.minidom" — Minimal DOM implementation

* DOM Objects

* DOM Example

* minidom and the DOM standard

* "xml.dom.pulldom" — Support for building partial DOM trees

* DOMEventStream Objects

* "xml.sax" — Support for SAX2 parsers

* SAXException Objects

* "xml.sax.handler" — Base classes for SAX handlers

* ContentHandler Objects

* DTDHandler Objects

* EntityResolver Objects

* ErrorHandler Objects

* "xml.sax.saxutils" — SAX Utilities

* "xml.sax.xmlreader" — Interface for XML parsers

* XMLReader Objects

* IncrementalParser Objects

* Locator Objects

* InputSource Objects

* The "Attributes" Interface

* The "AttributesNS" Interface

* "xml.parsers.expat" — Fast XML parsing using Expat

* XMLParser Objects

* ExpatError Exceptions

* Example

* Content Model Descriptions

* Expat error constants

* Internet Protocols and Support

* "webbrowser" — Convenient Web-browser controller

* Browser Controller Objects

* "cgi" — Common Gateway Interface support

* Introduction

* Using the cgi module

* Higher Level Interface

* Functions

* Caring about security

* Installing your CGI script on a Unix system

* Testing your CGI script

* Debugging CGI scripts

* Common problems and solutions

* "cgitb" — Traceback manager for CGI scripts

* "wsgiref" — WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation

* "wsgiref.util" – WSGI environment utilities

* "wsgiref.headers" – WSGI response header tools

* "wsgiref.simple_server" – a simple WSGI HTTP server

* "wsgiref.validate" — WSGI conformance checker

* "wsgiref.handlers" – server/gateway base classes

* Examples

* "urllib" — URL handling modules

* "urllib.request" — Extensible library for opening URLs

* Request Objects

* OpenerDirector Objects

* BaseHandler Objects

* HTTPRedirectHandler Objects

* HTTPCookieProcessor Objects

* ProxyHandler Objects

* HTTPPasswordMgr Objects

* HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth Objects

* AbstractBasicAuthHandler Objects

* HTTPBasicAuthHandler Objects

* ProxyBasicAuthHandler Objects

* AbstractDigestAuthHandler Objects

* HTTPDigestAuthHandler Objects

* ProxyDigestAuthHandler Objects

* HTTPHandler Objects

* HTTPSHandler Objects

* FileHandler Objects

* DataHandler Objects

* FTPHandler Objects

* CacheFTPHandler Objects

* UnknownHandler Objects

* HTTPErrorProcessor Objects

* Examples

* Legacy interface

* "urllib.request" Restrictions

* "urllib.response" — Response classes used by urllib

* "urllib.parse" — Parse URLs into components

* URL Parsing

* Parsing ASCII Encoded Bytes

* Structured Parse Results

* URL Quoting

* "urllib.error" — Exception classes raised by urllib.request

* "urllib.robotparser" — Parser for robots.txt

* "http" — HTTP modules

* HTTP status codes

* "http.client" — HTTP protocol client

* HTTPConnection Objects

* HTTPResponse Objects

* Examples

* HTTPMessage Objects

* "ftplib" — FTP protocol client

* FTP Objects

* FTP_TLS Objects

* "poplib" — POP3 protocol client

* POP3 Objects

* POP3 Example

* "imaplib" — IMAP4 protocol client

* IMAP4 Objects

* IMAP4 Example

* "nntplib" — NNTP protocol client

* NNTP Objects

* Attributes

* Methods

* Utility functions

* "smtplib" — SMTP protocol client

* SMTP Objects

* SMTP Example

* "smtpd" — SMTP Server

* SMTPServer Objects

* DebuggingServer Objects

* PureProxy Objects

* MailmanProxy Objects

* SMTPChannel Objects

* "telnetlib" — Telnet client

* Telnet Objects

* Telnet Example

* "uuid" — UUID objects according to RFC 4122

* Example

* "socketserver" — A framework for network servers

* Server Creation Notes

* Server Objects

* Request Handler Objects

* Examples

* "socketserver.TCPServer" Example

* "socketserver.UDPServer" Example

* Asynchronous Mixins

* "http.server" — HTTP servers

* "http.cookies" — HTTP state management

* Cookie Objects

* Morsel Objects

* Example

* "http.cookiejar" — Cookie handling for HTTP clients

* CookieJar and FileCookieJar Objects

* FileCookieJar subclasses and co-operation with web browsers

* CookiePolicy Objects

* DefaultCookiePolicy Objects

* Cookie Objects

* Examples

* "xmlrpc" — XMLRPC server and client modules

* "xmlrpc.client" — XML-RPC client access

* ServerProxy Objects

* DateTime Objects

* Binary Objects

* Fault Objects

* ProtocolError Objects

* MultiCall Objects

* Convenience Functions

* Example of Client Usage

* Example of Client and Server Usage

* "xmlrpc.server" — Basic XML-RPC servers

* SimpleXMLRPCServer Objects

* SimpleXMLRPCServer Example

* CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler

* Documenting XMLRPC server

* DocXMLRPCServer Objects

* DocCGIXMLRPCRequestHandler

* "ipaddress" — IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library

* Convenience factory functions

* IP Addresses

* Address objects

* Conversion to Strings and Integers

* Operators

* Comparison operators

* Arithmetic operators

* IP Network definitions

* Prefix, net mask and host mask

* Network objects

* Operators

* Logical operators

* Iteration

* Networks as containers of addresses

* Interface objects

* Operators

* Logical operators

* Other Module Level Functions

* Custom Exceptions

* Multimedia Services

* "audioop" — Manipulate raw audio data

* "aifc" — Read and write AIFF and AIFC files

* "sunau" — Read and write Sun AU files

* AU_read Objects

* AU_write Objects

* "wave" — Read and write WAV files

* Wave_read Objects

* Wave_write Objects

* "chunk" — Read IFF chunked data

* "colorsys" — Conversions between color systems

* "imghdr" — Determine the type of an image

* "sndhdr" — Determine type of sound file

* "ossaudiodev" — Access to OSS-compatible audio devices

* Audio Device Objects

* Mixer Device Objects

* Internationalization

* "gettext" — Multilingual internationalization services

* GNU **gettext** API

* Class-based API

* The "NullTranslations" class

* The "GNUTranslations" class

* Solaris message catalog support

* The Catalog constructor

* Internationalizing your programs and modules

* Localizing your module

* Localizing your application

* Changing languages on the fly

* Deferred translations

* Acknowledgements

* "locale" — Internationalization services

* Background, details, hints, tips and caveats

* For extension writers and programs that embed Python

* Access to message catalogs

* Program Frameworks

* "turtle" — Turtle graphics

* Introduction

* Overview of available Turtle and Screen methods

* Turtle methods

* Methods of TurtleScreen/Screen

* Methods of RawTurtle/Turtle and corresponding functions

* Turtle motion

* Tell Turtle’s state

* Settings for measurement

* Pen control

* Drawing state

* Color control

* Filling

* More drawing control

* Turtle state

* Visibility

* Appearance

* Using events

* Special Turtle methods

* Compound shapes

* Methods of TurtleScreen/Screen and corresponding functions

* Window control

* Animation control

* Using screen events

* Input methods

* Settings and special methods

* Methods specific to Screen, not inherited from

* Public classes

* Help and configuration

* How to use help

* Translation of docstrings into different languages

* How to configure Screen and Turtles

* "turtledemo" — Demo scripts

* Changes since Python 2.6

* Changes since Python 3.0

* "cmd" — Support for line-oriented command interpreters

* Cmd Objects

* Cmd Example

* "shlex" — Simple lexical analysis

* shlex Objects

* Parsing Rules

* Improved Compatibility with Shells

* Graphical User Interfaces with Tk

* "tkinter" — Python interface to Tcl/Tk

* Tkinter Modules

* Tkinter Life Preserver

* How To Use This Section

* A Simple Hello World Program

* A (Very) Quick Look at Tcl/Tk

* Mapping Basic Tk into Tkinter

* How Tk and Tkinter are Related

* Handy Reference

* Setting Options

* The Packer

* Packer Options

* Coupling Widget Variables

* The Window Manager

* Tk Option Data Types

* Bindings and Events

* The index Parameter

* Images

* File Handlers

* "tkinter.ttk" — Tk themed widgets

* Using Ttk

* Ttk Widgets

* Widget

* Standard Options

* Scrollable Widget Options

* Label Options

* Compatibility Options

* Widget States

* ttk.Widget

* Combobox

* Options

* Virtual events

* ttk.Combobox

* Notebook

* Options

* Tab Options

* Tab Identifiers

* Virtual Events

* ttk.Notebook

* Progressbar

* Options

* ttk.Progressbar

* Separator

* Options

* Sizegrip

* Platform-specific notes

* Bugs

* Treeview

* Options

* Item Options

* Tag Options

* Column Identifiers

* Virtual Events

* ttk.Treeview

* Ttk Styling

* Layouts

* "tkinter.tix" — Extension widgets for Tk

* Using Tix

* Tix Widgets

* Basic Widgets

* File Selectors

* Hierarchical ListBox

* Tabular ListBox

* Manager Widgets

* Image Types

* Miscellaneous Widgets

* Form Geometry Manager

* Tix Commands

* "tkinter.scrolledtext" — Scrolled Text Widget


* Menus

* File menu (Shell and Editor)

* Edit menu (Shell and Editor)

* Format menu (Editor window only)

* Run menu (Editor window only)

* Shell menu (Shell window only)

* Debug menu (Shell window only)

* Options menu (Shell and Editor)

* Window menu (Shell and Editor)

* Help menu (Shell and Editor)

* Context Menus

* Editing and navigation

* Automatic indentation

* Completions

* Calltips

* Python Shell window

* Text colors

* Startup and code execution

* Command line usage

* Startup failure

* IDLE-console differences

* Developing tkinter applications

* Running without a subprocess

* Help and preferences

* Additional help sources

* Setting preferences

* Extensions

* Other Graphical User Interface Packages

* Development Tools

* "typing" — Support for type hints

* Type aliases

* NewType

* Callable

* Generics

* User-defined generic types

* The "Any" type

* Classes, functions, and decorators

* "pydoc" — Documentation generator and online help system

* "doctest" — Test interactive Python examples

* Simple Usage: Checking Examples in Docstrings

* Simple Usage: Checking Examples in a Text File

* How It Works

* Which Docstrings Are Examined?

* How are Docstring Examples Recognized?

* What’s the Execution Context?

* What About Exceptions?

* Option Flags

* Directives

* Warnings

* Basic API

* Unittest API

* Advanced API

* DocTest Objects

* Example Objects

* DocTestFinder objects

* DocTestParser objects

* DocTestRunner objects

* OutputChecker objects

* Debugging

* Soapbox

* "unittest" — Unit testing framework

* Basic example

* Command-Line Interface

* Command-line options

* Test Discovery

* Organizing test code

* Re-using old test code

* Skipping tests and expected failures

* Distinguishing test iterations using subtests

* Classes and functions

* Test cases

* Deprecated aliases

* Grouping tests

* Loading and running tests

* load_tests Protocol

* Class and Module Fixtures

* setUpClass and tearDownClass

* setUpModule and tearDownModule

* Signal Handling

* "unittest.mock" — mock object library

* Quick Guide

* The Mock Class

* Calling

* Deleting Attributes

* Mock names and the name attribute

* Attaching Mocks as Attributes

* The patchers

* patch

* patch.object

* patch.dict

* patch.multiple

* patch methods: start and stop

* patch builtins


* Nesting Patch Decorators

* Where to patch

* Patching Descriptors and Proxy Objects

* MagicMock and magic method support

* Mocking Magic Methods

* Magic Mock

* Helpers

* sentinel


* call

* create_autospec



* mock_open

* Autospeccing

* "unittest.mock" — getting started

* Using Mock

* Mock Patching Methods

* Mock for Method Calls on an Object

* Mocking Classes

* Naming your mocks

* Tracking all Calls

* Setting Return Values and Attributes

* Raising exceptions with mocks

* Side effect functions and iterables

* Creating a Mock from an Existing Object

* Patch Decorators

* Further Examples

* Mocking chained calls

* Partial mocking

* Mocking a Generator Method

* Applying the same patch to every test method

* Mocking Unbound Methods

* Checking multiple calls with mock

* Coping with mutable arguments

* Nesting Patches

* Mocking a dictionary with MagicMock

* Mock subclasses and their attributes

* Mocking imports with patch.dict

* Tracking order of calls and less verbose call assertions

* More complex argument matching

* 2to3 - Automated Python 2 to 3 code translation

* Using 2to3

* Fixers

* "lib2to3" - 2to3’s library

* "test" — Regression tests package for Python

* Writing Unit Tests for the "test" package

* Running tests using the command-line interface

* "" — Utilities for the Python test suite

* Debugging and Profiling

* "bdb" — Debugger framework

* "faulthandler" — Dump the Python traceback

* Dumping the traceback

* Fault handler state

* Dumping the tracebacks after a timeout

* Dumping the traceback on a user signal

* Issue with file descriptors

* Example

* "pdb" — The Python Debugger

* Debugger Commands

* The Python Profilers

* Introduction to the profilers

* Instant User’s Manual

* "profile" and "cProfile" Module Reference

* The "Stats" Class

* What Is Deterministic Profiling?

* Limitations

* Calibration

* Using a custom timer

* "timeit" — Measure execution time of small code snippets

* Basic Examples

* Python Interface

* Command-Line Interface

* Examples

* "trace" — Trace or track Python statement execution

* Command-Line Usage

* Main options

* Modifiers

* Filters

* Programmatic Interface

* "tracemalloc" — Trace memory allocations

* Examples

* Display the top 10

* Compute differences

* Get the traceback of a memory block

* Pretty top


* Functions

* DomainFilter

* Filter

* Frame

* Snapshot

* Statistic

* StatisticDiff

* Trace

* Traceback

* Software Packaging and Distribution

* "distutils" — Building and installing Python modules

* "ensurepip" — Bootstrapping the "pip" installer

* Command line interface

* Module API

* "venv" — Creation of virtual environments

* Creating virtual environments


* An example of extending "EnvBuilder"

* "zipapp" — Manage executable python zip archives

* Basic Example

* Command-Line Interface

* Python API

* Examples

* Specifying the Interpreter

* Creating Standalone Applications with zipapp

* Making a Windows executable

* Caveats

* The Python Zip Application Archive Format

* Python Runtime Services

* "sys" — System-specific parameters and functions

* "sysconfig" — Provide access to Python’s configuration

* Configuration variables

* Installation paths

* Other functions

* Using "sysconfig" as a script

* "builtins" — Built-in objects

* "__main__" — Top-level script environment

* "warnings" — Warning control

* Warning Categories

* The Warnings Filter

* Default Warning Filters

* Temporarily Suppressing Warnings

* Testing Warnings

* Updating Code For New Versions of Python

* Available Functions

* Available Context Managers

* "contextlib" — Utilities for "with"-statement contexts

* Utilities

* Examples and Recipes

* Supporting a variable number of context managers

* Simplifying support for single optional context managers

* Catching exceptions from "__enter__" methods

* Cleaning up in an "__enter__" implementation

* Replacing any use of "try-finally" and flag variables

* Using a context manager as a function decorator

* Single use, reusable and reentrant context managers

* Reentrant context managers

* Reusable context managers

* "abc" — Abstract Base Classes

* "atexit" — Exit handlers

* "atexit" Example

* "traceback" — Print or retrieve a stack traceback

* "TracebackException" Objects

* "StackSummary" Objects

* "FrameSummary" Objects

* Traceback Examples

* "__future__" — Future statement definitions

* "gc" — Garbage Collector interface

* "inspect" — Inspect live objects

* Types and members

* Retrieving source code

* Introspecting callables with the Signature object

* Classes and functions

* The interpreter stack

* Fetching attributes statically

* Current State of Generators and Coroutines

* Code Objects Bit Flags

* Command Line Interface

* "site" — Site-specific configuration hook

* Readline configuration

* Module contents

* "fpectl" — Floating point exception control

* Example

* Limitations and other considerations

* Custom Python Interpreters

* "code" — Interpreter base classes

* Interactive Interpreter Objects

* Interactive Console Objects

* "codeop" — Compile Python code

* Importing Modules

* "zipimport" — Import modules from Zip archives

* zipimporter Objects

* Examples

* "pkgutil" — Package extension utility

* "modulefinder" — Find modules used by a script

* Example usage of "ModuleFinder"

* "runpy" — Locating and executing Python modules

* "importlib" — The implementation of "import"

* Introduction

* Functions

* "" – Abstract base classes related to import

* "importlib.machinery" – Importers and path hooks

* "importlib.util" – Utility code for importers

* Examples

* Importing programmatically

* Checking if a module can be imported

* Importing a source file directly

* Setting up an importer

* Approximating "importlib.import_module()"

* Python Language Services

* "parser" — Access Python parse trees

* Creating ST Objects

* Converting ST Objects

* Queries on ST Objects

* Exceptions and Error Handling

* ST Objects

* Example: Emulation of "compile()"

* "ast" — Abstract Syntax Trees

* Node classes

* Abstract Grammar

* "ast" Helpers

* "symtable" — Access to the compiler’s symbol tables

* Generating Symbol Tables

* Examining Symbol Tables

* "symbol" — Constants used with Python parse trees

* "token" — Constants used with Python parse trees

* "keyword" — Testing for Python keywords

* "tokenize" — Tokenizer for Python source

* Tokenizing Input

* Command-Line Usage

* Examples

* "tabnanny" — Detection of ambiguous indentation

* "pyclbr" — Python class browser support

* Class Objects

* Function Objects

* "py_compile" — Compile Python source files

* "compileall" — Byte-compile Python libraries

* Command-line use

* Public functions

* "dis" — Disassembler for Python bytecode

* Bytecode analysis

* Analysis functions

* Python Bytecode Instructions

* Opcode collections

* "pickletools" — Tools for pickle developers

* Command line usage

* Command line options

* Programmatic Interface

* Miscellaneous Services

* "formatter" — Generic output formatting

* The Formatter Interface

* Formatter Implementations

* The Writer Interface

* Writer Implementations

* MS Windows Specific Services

* "msilib" — Read and write Microsoft Installer files

* Database Objects

* View Objects

* Summary Information Objects

* Record Objects

* Errors

* CAB Objects

* Directory Objects

* Features

* GUI classes

* Precomputed tables

* "msvcrt" — Useful routines from the MS VC++ runtime

* File Operations

* Console I/O

* Other Functions

* "winreg" — Windows registry access

* Functions

* Constants

* HKEY_* Constants

* Access Rights

* 64-bit Specific

* Value Types

* Registry Handle Objects

* "winsound" — Sound-playing interface for Windows

* Unix Specific Services

* "posix" — The most common POSIX system calls

* Large File Support

* Notable Module Contents

* "pwd" — The password database

* "spwd" — The shadow password database

* "grp" — The group database

* "crypt" — Function to check Unix passwords

* Hashing Methods

* Module Attributes

* Module Functions

* Examples

* "termios" — POSIX style tty control

* Example

* "tty" — Terminal control functions

* "pty" — Pseudo-terminal utilities

* Example

* "fcntl" — The "fcntl" and "ioctl" system calls

* "pipes" — Interface to shell pipelines

* Template Objects

* "resource" — Resource usage information

* Resource Limits

* Resource Usage

* "nis" — Interface to Sun’s NIS (Yellow Pages)

* "syslog" — Unix syslog library routines

* Examples

* Simple example

* Superseded Modules

* "optparse" — Parser for command line options

* Background

* Terminology

* What are options for?

* What are positional arguments for?

* Tutorial

* Understanding option actions

* The store action

* Handling boolean (flag) options

* Other actions

* Default values

* Generating help

* Grouping Options

* Printing a version string

* How "optparse" handles errors

* Putting it all together

* Reference Guide

* Creating the parser

* Populating the parser

* Defining options

* Option attributes

* Standard option actions

* Standard option types

* Parsing arguments

* Querying and manipulating your option parser

* Conflicts between options

* Cleanup

* Other methods

* Option Callbacks

* Defining a callback option

* How callbacks are called

* Raising errors in a callback

* Callback example 1: trivial callback

* Callback example 2: check option order

* Callback example 3: check option order (generalized)

* Callback example 4: check arbitrary condition

* Callback example 5: fixed arguments

* Callback example 6: variable arguments

* Extending "optparse"

* Adding new types

* Adding new actions

* "imp" — Access the "import" internals

* Examples

* Undocumented Modules

* Platform specific modules

* Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter

* Recommended third party tools

* Creating extensions without third party tools

* Extending Python with C or C++

* A Simple Example

* Intermezzo: Errors and Exceptions

* Back to the Example

* The Module’s Method Table and Initialization Function

* Compilation and Linkage

* Calling Python Functions from C

* Extracting Parameters in Extension Functions

* Keyword Parameters for Extension Functions

* Building Arbitrary Values

* Reference Counts

* Reference Counting in Python

* Ownership Rules

* Thin Ice

* NULL Pointers

* Writing Extensions in C++

* Providing a C API for an Extension Module

* Defining New Types

* The Basics

* Adding data and methods to the Basic example

* Providing finer control over data attributes

* Supporting cyclic garbage collection

* Subclassing other types

* Type Methods

* Finalization and De-allocation

* Object Presentation

* Attribute Management

* Generic Attribute Management

* Type-specific Attribute Management

* Object Comparison

* Abstract Protocol Support

* Weak Reference Support

* More Suggestions

* Building C and C++ Extensions

* Building C and C++ Extensions with distutils

* Distributing your extension modules

* Building C and C++ Extensions on Windows

* A Cookbook Approach

* Differences Between Unix and Windows

* Using DLLs in Practice

* Embedding the CPython runtime in a larger application

* Embedding Python in Another Application

* Very High Level Embedding

* Beyond Very High Level Embedding: An overview

* Pure Embedding

* Extending Embedded Python

* Embedding Python in C++

* Compiling and Linking under Unix-like systems

* Python/C API Reference Manual

* Introduction

* Include Files

* Objects, Types and Reference Counts

* Reference Counts

* Reference Count Details

* Types

* Exceptions

* Embedding Python

* Debugging Builds

* Stable Application Binary Interface

* The Very High Level Layer

* Reference Counting

* Exception Handling

* Printing and clearing

* Raising exceptions

* Issuing warnings

* Querying the error indicator

* Signal Handling

* Exception Classes

* Exception Objects

* Unicode Exception Objects

* Recursion Control

* Standard Exceptions

* Standard Warning Categories

* Utilities

* Operating System Utilities

* System Functions

* Process Control

* Importing Modules

* Data marshalling support

* Parsing arguments and building values

* Parsing arguments

* Strings and buffers

* Numbers

* Other objects

* API Functions

* Building values

* String conversion and formatting

* Reflection

* Codec registry and support functions

* Codec lookup API

* Registry API for Unicode encoding error handlers

* Abstract Objects Layer

* Object Protocol

* Number Protocol

* Sequence Protocol

* Mapping Protocol

* Iterator Protocol

* Buffer Protocol

* Buffer structure

* Buffer request types

* request-independent fields

* readonly, format

* shape, strides, suboffsets

* contiguity requests

* compound requests

* Complex arrays

* NumPy-style: shape and strides

* PIL-style: shape, strides and suboffsets

* Buffer-related functions

* Old Buffer Protocol

* Concrete Objects Layer

* Fundamental Objects

* Type Objects

* The "None" Object

* Numeric Objects

* Integer Objects

* Boolean Objects

* Floating Point Objects

* Complex Number Objects

* Complex Numbers as C Structures

* Complex Numbers as Python Objects

* Sequence Objects

* Bytes Objects

* Byte Array Objects

* Type check macros

* Direct API functions

* Macros

* Unicode Objects and Codecs

* Unicode Objects

* Unicode Type

* Unicode Character Properties

* Creating and accessing Unicode strings

* Deprecated Py_UNICODE APIs

* Locale Encoding

* File System Encoding

* wchar_t Support

* Built-in Codecs

* Generic Codecs

* UTF-8 Codecs

* UTF-32 Codecs

* UTF-16 Codecs

* UTF-7 Codecs

* Unicode-Escape Codecs

* Raw-Unicode-Escape Codecs

* Latin-1 Codecs

* ASCII Codecs

* Character Map Codecs

* MBCS codecs for Windows

* Methods & Slots

* Methods and Slot Functions

* Tuple Objects

* Struct Sequence Objects

* List Objects

* Container Objects

* Dictionary Objects

* Set Objects

* Function Objects

* Function Objects

* Instance Method Objects

* Method Objects

* Cell Objects

* Code Objects

* Other Objects

* File Objects

* Module Objects

* Initializing C modules

* Single-phase initialization

* Multi-phase initialization

* Low-level module creation functions

* Support functions

* Module lookup

* Iterator Objects

* Descriptor Objects

* Slice Objects

* Ellipsis Object

* MemoryView objects

* Weak Reference Objects

* Capsules

* Generator Objects

* Coroutine Objects

* DateTime Objects

* Initialization, Finalization, and Threads

* Initializing and finalizing the interpreter

* Process-wide parameters

* Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock

* Releasing the GIL from extension code

* Non-Python created threads

* High-level API

* Low-level API

* Sub-interpreter support

* Bugs and caveats

* Asynchronous Notifications

* Profiling and Tracing

* Advanced Debugger Support

* Memory Management

* Overview

* Raw Memory Interface

* Memory Interface

* Object allocators

* Customize Memory Allocators

* The pymalloc allocator

* Customize pymalloc Arena Allocator

* Examples

* Object Implementation Support

* Allocating Objects on the Heap

* Common Object Structures

* Type Objects

* Number Object Structures

* Mapping Object Structures

* Sequence Object Structures

* Buffer Object Structures

* Async Object Structures

* Supporting Cyclic Garbage Collection

* API and ABI Versioning

* Distributing Python Modules

* Key terms

* Open source licensing and collaboration

* Installing the tools

* Reading the guide

* How do I…?

* … choose a name for my project?

* … create and distribute binary extensions?

* Installing Python Modules

* Key terms

* Basic usage

* How do I …?

* … install "pip" in versions of Python prior to Python 3.4?

* … install packages just for the current user?

* … install scientific Python packages?

* … work with multiple versions of Python installed in parallel?

* Common installation issues

* Installing into the system Python on Linux

* Pip not installed

* Installing binary extensions

* Python HOWTOs

* Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3

* The Short Explanation

* Details

* Drop support for Python 2.6 and older

* Make sure you specify the proper version support in your
"" file

* Have good test coverage

* Learn the differences between Python 2 & 3

* Update your code

* Division

* Text versus binary data

* Use feature detection instead of version detection

* Prevent compatibility regressions

* Check which dependencies block your transition

* Update your "" file to denote Python 3 compatibility

* Use continuous integration to stay compatible

* Consider using optional static type checking

* Porting Extension Modules to Python 3

* Conditional compilation

* Changes to Object APIs

* str/unicode Unification

* long/int Unification

* Module initialization and state

* CObject replaced with Capsule

* Other options

* Curses Programming with Python

* What is curses?

* The Python curses module

* Starting and ending a curses application

* Windows and Pads

* Displaying Text

* Attributes and Color

* User Input

* For More Information

* Descriptor HowTo Guide

* Abstract

* Definition and Introduction

* Descriptor Protocol

* Invoking Descriptors

* Descriptor Example

* Properties

* Functions and Methods

* Static Methods and Class Methods

* Functional Programming HOWTO

* Introduction

* Formal provability

* Modularity

* Ease of debugging and testing

* Composability

* Iterators

* Data Types That Support Iterators

* Generator expressions and list comprehensions

* Generators

* Passing values into a generator

* Built-in functions

* The itertools module

* Creating new iterators

* Calling functions on elements

* Selecting elements

* Combinatoric functions

* Grouping elements

* The functools module

* The operator module

* Small functions and the lambda expression

* Revision History and Acknowledgements

* References

* General

* Python-specific

* Python documentation

* Logging HOWTO

* Basic Logging Tutorial

* When to use logging

* A simple example

* Logging to a file

* Logging from multiple modules

* Logging variable data

* Changing the format of displayed messages

* Displaying the date/time in messages

* Next Steps

* Advanced Logging Tutorial

* Logging Flow

* Loggers

* Handlers

* Formatters

* Configuring Logging

* What happens if no configuration is provided

* Configuring Logging for a Library

* Logging Levels

* Custom Levels

* Useful Handlers

* Exceptions raised during logging

* Using arbitrary objects as messages

* Optimization

* Logging Cookbook

* Using logging in multiple modules

* Logging from multiple threads

* Multiple handlers and formatters

* Logging to multiple destinations

* Configuration server example

* Dealing with handlers that block

* Sending and receiving logging events across a network

* Adding contextual information to your logging output

* Using LoggerAdapters to impart contextual information

* Using objects other than dicts to pass contextual

* Using Filters to impart contextual information

* Logging to a single file from multiple processes

* Using file rotation

* Use of alternative formatting styles

* Customizing "LogRecord"

* Subclassing QueueHandler - a ZeroMQ example

* Subclassing QueueListener - a ZeroMQ example

* An example dictionary-based configuration

* Using a rotator and namer to customize log rotation processing

* A more elaborate multiprocessing example

* Inserting a BOM into messages sent to a SysLogHandler

* Implementing structured logging

* Customizing handlers with "dictConfig()"

* Using particular formatting styles throughout your application

* Using LogRecord factories

* Using custom message objects

* Configuring filters with "dictConfig()"

* Customized exception formatting

* Speaking logging messages

* Buffering logging messages and outputting them conditionally

* Formatting times using UTC (GMT) via configuration

* Using a context manager for selective logging

* Regular Expression HOWTO

* Introduction

* Simple Patterns

* Matching Characters

* Repeating Things

* Using Regular Expressions

* Compiling Regular Expressions

* The Backslash Plague

* Performing Matches

* Module-Level Functions

* Compilation Flags

* More Pattern Power

* More Metacharacters

* Grouping

* Non-capturing and Named Groups

* Lookahead Assertions

* Modifying Strings

* Splitting Strings

* Search and Replace

* Common Problems

* Use String Methods

* match() versus search()

* Greedy versus Non-Greedy

* Using re.VERBOSE

* Feedback

* Socket Programming HOWTO

* Sockets

* History

* Creating a Socket


* Using a Socket

* Binary Data

* Disconnecting

* When Sockets Die

* Non-blocking Sockets

* Sorting HOW TO

* Sorting Basics

* Key Functions

* Operator Module Functions

* Ascending and Descending

* Sort Stability and Complex Sorts

* The Old Way Using Decorate-Sort-Undecorate

* The Old Way Using the *cmp* Parameter

* Odd and Ends

* Unicode HOWTO

* Introduction to Unicode

* History of Character Codes

* Definitions

* Encodings

* References

* Python’s Unicode Support

* The String Type

* Converting to Bytes

* Unicode Literals in Python Source Code

* Unicode Properties

* Unicode Regular Expressions

* References

* Reading and Writing Unicode Data

* Unicode filenames

* Tips for Writing Unicode-aware Programs

* Converting Between File Encodings

* Files in an Unknown Encoding

* References

* Acknowledgements

* HOWTO Fetch Internet Resources Using The urllib Package

* Introduction

* Fetching URLs

* Data

* Headers

* Handling Exceptions

* URLError

* HTTPError

* Error Codes

* Wrapping it Up

* Number 1

* Number 2

* info and geturl

* Openers and Handlers

* Basic Authentication

* Proxies

* Sockets and Layers

* Footnotes

* Argparse Tutorial

* Concepts

* The basics

* Introducing Positional arguments

* Introducing Optional arguments

* Short options

* Combining Positional and Optional arguments

* Getting a little more advanced

* Conflicting options

* Conclusion

* An introduction to the ipaddress module

* Creating Address/Network/Interface objects

* A Note on IP Versions

* IP Host Addresses

* Defining Networks

* Host Interfaces

* Inspecting Address/Network/Interface Objects

* Networks as lists of Addresses

* Comparisons

* Using IP Addresses with other modules

* Getting more detail when instance creation fails

* Argument Clinic How-To

* The Goals Of Argument Clinic

* Basic Concepts And Usage

* Converting Your First Function

* Advanced Topics

* Symbolic default values

* Renaming the C functions and variables generated by Argument

* Converting functions using PyArg_UnpackTuple

* Optional Groups

* Using real Argument Clinic converters, instead of “legacy

* Py_buffer

* Advanced converters

* Parameter default values

* The "NULL" default value

* Expressions specified as default values

* Using a return converter

* Cloning existing functions

* Calling Python code

* Using a “self converter”

* Writing a custom converter

* Writing a custom return converter


* tp_new and tp_init functions

* Changing and redirecting Clinic’s output

* The #ifdef trick

* Using Argument Clinic in Python files

* Instrumenting CPython with DTrace and SystemTap

* Enabling the static markers

* Static DTrace probes

* Static SystemTap markers

* Available static markers

* SystemTap Tapsets

* Examples

* Python Frequently Asked Questions

* General Python FAQ

* General Information

* Python in the real world

* Programming FAQ

* General Questions

* Core Language

* Numbers and strings

* Performance

* Sequences (Tuples/Lists)

* Dictionaries

* Objects

* Modules

* Design and History FAQ

* Why does Python use indentation for grouping of statements?

* Why am I getting strange results with simple arithmetic

* Why are floating-point calculations so inaccurate?

* Why are Python strings immutable?

* Why must ‘self’ be used explicitly in method definitions and

* Why can’t I use an assignment in an expression?

* Why does Python use methods for some functionality (e.g.
list.index()) but functions for other (e.g. len(list))?

* Why is join() a string method instead of a list or tuple

* How fast are exceptions?

* Why isn’t there a switch or case statement in Python?

* Can’t you emulate threads in the interpreter instead of
relying on an OS-specific thread implementation?

* Why can’t lambda expressions contain statements?

* Can Python be compiled to machine code, C or some other

* How does Python manage memory?

* Why doesn’t CPython use a more traditional garbage collection

* Why isn’t all memory freed when CPython exits?

* Why are there separate tuple and list data types?

* How are lists implemented?

* How are dictionaries implemented?

* Why must dictionary keys be immutable?

* Why doesn’t list.sort() return the sorted list?

* How do you specify and enforce an interface spec in Python?

* Why is there no goto?

* Why can’t raw strings (r-strings) end with a backslash?

* Why doesn’t Python have a “with” statement for attribute

* Why are colons required for the if/while/def/class statements?

* Why does Python allow commas at the end of lists and tuples?

* Library and Extension FAQ

* General Library Questions

* Common tasks

* Threads

* Input and Output

* Network/Internet Programming

* Databases

* Mathematics and Numerics

* Extending/Embedding FAQ

* Can I create my own functions in C?

* Can I create my own functions in C++?

* Writing C is hard; are there any alternatives?

* How can I execute arbitrary Python statements from C?

* How can I evaluate an arbitrary Python expression from C?

* How do I extract C values from a Python object?

* How do I use Py_BuildValue() to create a tuple of arbitrary

* How do I call an object’s method from C?

* How do I catch the output from PyErr_Print() (or anything that
prints to stdout/stderr)?

* How do I access a module written in Python from C?

* How do I interface to C++ objects from Python?

* I added a module using the Setup file and the make fails; why?

* How do I debug an extension?

* I want to compile a Python module on my Linux system, but some
files are missing. Why?

* How do I tell “incomplete input” from “invalid input”?

* How do I find undefined g++ symbols __builtin_new or

* Can I create an object class with some methods implemented in
C and others in Python (e.g. through inheritance)?

* Python on Windows FAQ

* How do I run a Python program under Windows?

* How do I make Python scripts executable?

* Why does Python sometimes take so long to start?

* How do I make an executable from a Python script?

* Is a "*.pyd" file the same as a DLL?

* How can I embed Python into a Windows application?

* How do I keep editors from inserting tabs into my Python

* How do I check for a keypress without blocking?

* How do I emulate os.kill() in Windows?

* How do I extract the downloaded documentation on Windows?

* Graphic User Interface FAQ

* General GUI Questions

* What platform-independent GUI toolkits exist for Python?

* What platform-specific GUI toolkits exist for Python?

* Tkinter questions

* “Why is Python Installed on my Computer?” FAQ

* What is Python?

* Why is Python installed on my machine?

* Can I delete Python?

* Glossary

* About these documents

* Contributors to the Python Documentation

* Dealing with Bugs

* Documentation bugs

* Using the Python issue tracker

* Getting started contributing to Python yourself

* Copyright

* History and License

* History of the software

* Terms and conditions for accessing or otherwise using Python





* Licenses and Acknowledgements for Incorporated Software

* Mersenne Twister

* Sockets

* Floating point exception control

* Asynchronous socket services

* Cookie management

* Execution tracing

* UUencode and UUdecode functions

* XML Remote Procedure Calls

* test_epoll

* Select kqueue

* SipHash24

* strtod and dtoa

* OpenSSL

* expat

* libffi

* zlib

* cfuhash

* libmpdec