Python 3.6.5 Documentation >  Generic Operating System Services

Generic Operating System Services

The modules described in this chapter provide interfaces to operating
system features that are available on (almost) all operating systems,
such as files and a clock. The interfaces are generally modeled after
the Unix or C interfaces, but they are available on most other systems
as well. Here’s an overview:

* "os" — Miscellaneous operating system interfaces

* File Names, Command Line Arguments, and Environment Variables

* Process Parameters

* File Object Creation

* File Descriptor Operations

* Querying the size of a terminal

* Inheritance of File Descriptors

* Files and Directories

* Linux extended attributes

* Process Management

* Interface to the scheduler

* Miscellaneous System Information

* Random numbers

* "io" — Core tools for working with streams

* Overview

* Text I/O

* Binary I/O

* Raw I/O

* High-level Module Interface

* In-memory streams

* Class hierarchy

* I/O Base Classes

* Raw File I/O

* Buffered Streams

* Text I/O

* Performance

* Binary I/O

* Text I/O

* Multi-threading

* Reentrancy

* "time" — Time access and conversions

* Functions

* Clock ID Constants

* Timezone Constants

* "argparse" — Parser for command-line options, arguments and sub-

* Example

* Creating a parser

* Adding arguments

* Parsing arguments

* ArgumentParser objects

* prog

* usage

* description

* epilog

* parents

* formatter_class

* prefix_chars

* fromfile_prefix_chars

* argument_default

* allow_abbrev

* conflict_handler

* add_help

* The add_argument() method

* name or flags

* action

* nargs

* const

* default

* type

* choices

* required

* help

* metavar

* dest

* Action classes

* The parse_args() method

* Option value syntax

* Invalid arguments

* Arguments containing "-"

* Argument abbreviations (prefix matching)

* Beyond "sys.argv"

* The Namespace object

* Other utilities

* Sub-commands

* FileType objects

* Argument groups

* Mutual exclusion

* Parser defaults

* Printing help

* Partial parsing

* Customizing file parsing

* Exiting methods

* Upgrading optparse code

* "getopt" — C-style parser for command line options

* "logging" — Logging facility for Python

* Logger Objects

* Logging Levels

* Handler Objects

* Formatter Objects

* Filter Objects

* LogRecord Objects

* LogRecord attributes

* LoggerAdapter Objects

* Thread Safety

* Module-Level Functions

* Module-Level Attributes

* Integration with the warnings module

* "logging.config" — Logging configuration

* Configuration functions

* Configuration dictionary schema

* Dictionary Schema Details

* Incremental Configuration

* Object connections

* User-defined objects

* Access to external objects

* Access to internal objects

* Import resolution and custom importers

* Configuration file format

* "logging.handlers" — Logging handlers

* StreamHandler

* FileHandler

* NullHandler

* WatchedFileHandler

* BaseRotatingHandler

* RotatingFileHandler

* TimedRotatingFileHandler

* SocketHandler

* DatagramHandler

* SysLogHandler

* NTEventLogHandler

* SMTPHandler

* MemoryHandler

* HTTPHandler

* QueueHandler

* QueueListener

* "getpass" — Portable password input

* "curses" — Terminal handling for character-cell displays

* Functions

* Window Objects

* Constants

* "curses.textpad" — Text input widget for curses programs

* Textbox objects

* "curses.ascii" — Utilities for ASCII characters

* "curses.panel" — A panel stack extension for curses

* Functions

* Panel Objects

* "platform" — Access to underlying platform’s identifying data

* Cross Platform

* Java Platform

* Windows Platform

* Win95/98 specific

* Mac OS Platform

* Unix Platforms

* "errno" — Standard errno system symbols

* "ctypes" — A foreign function library for Python

* ctypes tutorial

* Loading dynamic link libraries

* Accessing functions from loaded dlls

* Calling functions

* Fundamental data types

* Calling functions, continued

* Calling functions with your own custom data types

* Specifying the required argument types (function prototypes)

* Return types

* Passing pointers (or: passing parameters by reference)

* Structures and unions

* Structure/union alignment and byte order

* Bit fields in structures and unions

* Arrays

* Pointers

* Type conversions

* Incomplete Types

* Callback functions

* Accessing values exported from dlls

* Surprises

* Variable-sized data types

* ctypes reference

* Finding shared libraries

* Loading shared libraries

* Foreign functions

* Function prototypes

* Utility functions

* Data types

* Fundamental data types

* Structured data types

* Arrays and pointers