Python 3.6.5 Documentation >  "compileall" — Byte-compile Python libraries

"compileall" — Byte-compile Python libraries

**Source code:** Lib/


This module provides some utility functions to support installing
Python libraries. These functions compile Python source files in a
directory tree. This module can be used to create the cached byte-code
files at library installation time, which makes them available for use
even by users who don’t have write permission to the library

Command-line use

This module can work as a script (using **python -m compileall**) to
compile Python sources.

directory ...
file ...

Positional arguments are files to compile or directories that
contain source files, traversed recursively. If no argument is
given, behave as if the command line was "-l <directories from


Do not recurse into subdirectories, only compile source code files
directly contained in the named or implied directories.


Force rebuild even if timestamps are up-to-date.


Do not print the list of files compiled. If passed once, error
messages will still be printed. If passed twice ("-qq"), all output
is suppressed.

-d destdir

Directory prepended to the path to each file being compiled. This
will appear in compilation time tracebacks, and is also compiled in
to the byte-code file, where it will be used in tracebacks and
other messages in cases where the source file does not exist at the
time the byte-code file is executed.

-x regex

regex is used to search the full path to each file considered for
compilation, and if the regex produces a match, the file is

-i list

Read the file "list" and add each line that it contains to the list
of files and directories to compile. If "list" is "-", read lines
from "stdin".


Write the byte-code files to their legacy locations and names,
which may overwrite byte-code files created by another version of
Python. The default is to write files to their **PEP 3147**
locations and names, which allows byte-code files from multiple
versions of Python to coexist.


Control the maximum recursion level for subdirectories. If this is
given, then "-l" option will not be taken into account. **python -m
compileall <directory> -r 0** is equivalent to **python -m
compileall <directory> -l**.

-j N

Use *N* workers to compile the files within the given directory. If
"0" is used, then the result of "os.cpu_count()" will be used.

Changed in version 3.2: Added the "-i", "-b" and "-h" options.

Changed in version 3.5: Added the "-j", "-r", and "-qq" options.
"-q" option was changed to a multilevel value. "-b" will always
produce a byte-code file ending in ".pyc", never ".pyo".

There is no command-line option to control the optimization level used
by the "compile()" function, because the Python interpreter itself
already provides the option: **python -O -m compileall**.

Public functions

compileall.compile_dir(dir, maxlevels=10, ddir=None, force=False, rx=None, quiet=0, legacy=False, optimize=-1, workers=1)

Recursively descend the directory tree named by *dir*, compiling
all ".py" files along the way. Return a true value if all the files
compiled successfully, and a false value otherwise.

The *maxlevels* parameter is used to limit the depth of the
recursion; it defaults to "10".

If *ddir* is given, it is prepended to the path to each file being
compiled for use in compilation time tracebacks, and is also
compiled in to the byte-code file, where it will be used in
tracebacks and other messages in cases where the source file does
not exist at the time the byte-code file is executed.

If *force* is true, modules are re-compiled even if the timestamps
are up to date.

If *rx* is given, its search method is called on the complete path
to each file considered for compilation, and if it returns a true
value, the file is skipped.

If *quiet* is "False" or "0" (the default), the filenames and other
information are printed to standard out. Set to "1", only errors
are printed. Set to "2", all output is suppressed.

If *legacy* is true, byte-code files are written to their legacy
locations and names, which may overwrite byte-code files created by
another version of Python. The default is to write files to their
**PEP 3147** locations and names, which allows byte-code files from
multiple versions of Python to coexist.

*optimize* specifies the optimization level for the compiler. It
is passed to the built-in "compile()" function.

The argument *workers* specifies how many workers are used to
compile files in parallel. The default is to not use multiple
workers. If the platform can’t use multiple workers and *workers*
argument is given, then sequential compilation will be used as a
fallback. If *workers* is lower than "0", a "ValueError" will be

Changed in version 3.2: Added the *legacy* and *optimize*

Changed in version 3.5: Added the *workers* parameter.

Changed in version 3.5: *quiet* parameter was changed to a
multilevel value.

Changed in version 3.5: The *legacy* parameter only writes out
".pyc" files, not ".pyo" files no matter what the value of
*optimize* is.

Changed in version 3.6: Accepts a *path-like object*.

compileall.compile_file(fullname, ddir=None, force=False, rx=None, quiet=0, legacy=False, optimize=-1)

Compile the file with path *fullname*. Return a true value if the
file compiled successfully, and a false value otherwise.

If *ddir* is given, it is prepended to the path to the file being
compiled for use in compilation time tracebacks, and is also
compiled in to the byte-code file, where it will be used in
tracebacks and other messages in cases where the source file does
not exist at the time the byte-code file is executed.

If *rx* is given, its search method is passed the full path name to
the file being compiled, and if it returns a true value, the file
is not compiled and "True" is returned.

If *quiet* is "False" or "0" (the default), the filenames and other
information are printed to standard out. Set to "1", only errors
are printed. Set to "2", all output is suppressed.

If *legacy* is true, byte-code files are written to their legacy
locations and names, which may overwrite byte-code files created by
another version of Python. The default is to write files to their
**PEP 3147** locations and names, which allows byte-code files from
multiple versions of Python to coexist.

*optimize* specifies the optimization level for the compiler. It
is passed to the built-in "compile()" function.

New in version 3.2.

Changed in version 3.5: *quiet* parameter was changed to a
multilevel value.

Changed in version 3.5: The *legacy* parameter only writes out
".pyc" files, not ".pyo" files no matter what the value of
*optimize* is.

compileall.compile_path(skip_curdir=True, maxlevels=0, force=False, quiet=0, legacy=False, optimize=-1)

Byte-compile all the ".py" files found along "sys.path". Return a
true value if all the files compiled successfully, and a false
value otherwise.

If *skip_curdir* is true (the default), the current directory is
not included in the search. All other parameters are passed to the
"compile_dir()" function. Note that unlike the other compile
functions, "maxlevels" defaults to "0".

Changed in version 3.2: Added the *legacy* and *optimize*

Changed in version 3.5: *quiet* parameter was changed to a
multilevel value.

Changed in version 3.5: The *legacy* parameter only writes out
".pyc" files, not ".pyo" files no matter what the value of
*optimize* is.

To force a recompile of all the ".py" files in the "Lib/" subdirectory
and all its subdirectories:

import compileall

compileall.compile_dir('Lib/', force=True)

# Perform same compilation, excluding files in .svn directories.
import re
compileall.compile_dir('Lib/', rx=re.compile(r'[/\\][.]svn'), force=True)

# pathlib.Path objects can also be used.
import pathlib
compileall.compile_dir(pathlib.Path('Lib/'), force=True)

See also:

Module "py_compile"
Byte-compile a single source file.