Siebel Tools >  Update srf, browser scripts and Templates from server to local Tools and local client

Update srf, browser scripts and Templates from server to local Tools and local client

When you are working with the local Tools in your computer, code may be change in the
server by other developers. Here is a batch file which can updat the local developer clint.
This updates the srf, browser scripts and Templates. You need to change the folder paths
in the batch file. Run the batch file without Parameters.


REM Update local environment
REM the local client folder für Developer client from Server
set localSiebelClient=C:\Siebel\8.2\Client\
REM siebsrvr folder of the main environment
set sourceSiebelServer=\\CZ_TEST\sba81\siebsrvr\
set srfNameServer=siebel_sia
REM this will be the name of the new srf
set srfNameClient=siebel_sia_test
set Siebel_Log_Events=4

REM if you need to login to the server computer in the network, enter the login and password below
net use \\CZ_TEST\c$\siebsrvr Password /USER:serverlogin

set CfgFile=C:\Siebel\8.2\Client\BIN\enu\scomm.cfg
"%localSiebelClient%BIN\genbscript.exe" %CfgFile% "%localSiebelClient%public\enu" ENU

REM this copies server srfs
copy /Y "%localSiebelClient%OBJECTS\ENU\%srfNameClient%.srf" "%localSiebelClient%OBJECTS\ENU\%srfNameClient%_last.srf"
copy /Y "%sourceSiebelServer%objects\ENU\%srfNameServer%.srf" "%localSiebelClient%OBJECTS\ENU\%srfNameClient%.srf"
"%localSiebelClient%BIN\genbscript.exe" %CfgFile% "%localSiebelClient%public\enu" ENU

REM in case you are using several languages, srf needs to be opied again. In case your
REM primary language is not english, browser script generation must be done with the primary language.

copy /Y "%sourceSiebelServer%WEBTEMPL\*.swt" "%localSiebelClient%WEBTEMPL\"

copy /Y "%sourceSiebelServer%WEBMASTER\siebel_build\scripts\cfgui.js" "%localSiebelClient%public\enu\23048\SCRIPTS\"

REM this will delete old logs
del /Q C:\Siebel\8.2\Client\log\*
del /Q C:\Siebel\8.2\Tools\LOG\*
