Siebel Administration >  SBL-ADM-02071 Enterprise server %1 not found in gateway server

SBL-ADM-02071 Enterprise server %1 not found in gateway server

(samisc.cpp 9(510) err=4400005 sys=0) SCC-00005: Internal:No more items found.
(sasess.cpp 9(365) err=902071 sys=0) ADM-02071: Enterprise server <value> not found in gateway server

This error is usually reported at times when a server administration session is invoked from the command line with an incorrect value for the Siebel enterprise server.

Diagnostic Steps

Check the values specified for arguments "e" and "s" while invoking "srvrmgr" command line (where "e" represents the Siebel enterprise server and "s" the Siebel application server). Most likely one or both of these parameters are incorrect which is why the Siebel gateway server has no record of its existence in its backing file (siebns.dat).


Verify "e" and "s" arguments are indeed the correct Siebel enterprise and application server respectively when invoking the srvrmgr command line.