Siebel Administration >  SBL-NET-01218: Connection refused by server %1, no one is listening on port %sysError.

SBL-NET-01218: Connection refused by server %1, no one is listening on port %sysError

The above error message is reported when a connection attempt to contact a specific component running on the Siebel server and listening on particular port number failed.


At the time of the Siebel server startup, the Siebel gateway server records all components and the respective ports that they start on. When a request to connect to a certain component is received, the Siebel gateway server provides the necessary information to route this request to the appropriate component and port. The connection failure could be due to several reasons such as:

The request to connect to the component is directed to the wrong port (the request itself might be accompanied with a hard coded port # in it – which might not be the port at which the component is actually started on).

The port at which the component is running might be behind a firewall that prevents it from being accessed.

The component being contacted might not be running.

The Siebel server might not be running and hence the component is un-available.

Diagnostic Steps

Since this is basically a failed connection attempt, the first things one should verify is:

The Siebel Server is running.

The Component being contacted is also running.

Identify the port number the component has started up on (refer to the <Enterprise_Server>.<Siebel_Server>.log file to secure this information). Most likely the port # will not match with the port # specified in the error message. In which case it would indicate that the request is attempting to connect with the component at the wrong port.

If it matches that would indicate that it is attempting to connect at the right place but has failed due to the component being unable to service the request. Possible causes for this could be the component has run out of tasks to service the request, or a firewall between the requestor and initiator is preventing the request from being serviced.


Ensure the above recommendations are taken care of. If the request has a hard coded reference to a specific port #, either ensure that this is removed or ensure that the component does start up on this port # (configure the component and provide it a "static" port).

Note: As a general recommendation it is preferred that components that belong to the "System Management" component group are not assigned "static" ports. (such as SRBroker, ReqProc etc.)