Siebel Installations >  Siebel Installation Step 12: Activate Component Groups and Definitions

We need to log into server manager and run these commands to create the Component definitions

You can run all the commands one by one. The better option would be to put all the commands in a text file.

The file should be in the same folder as server manager binary i.e. siebel server \ bin directory.

And then in server manager type

read filename.txt

Here are the commands. You must replace <SS_NAME> with the real siebel server name.

enable component group EAI
enable component group eChannel
enable component group ADM
enable component group XMLPReport
enable component group SystemAux
enable component group Remote
enable component group TaskUI
enable component group System
enable component group Communications
enable component group MktgSrv
enable component group CommMgmt

activate compdef GenTrig
activate compdef ADMBatchProc
activate compdef ADMObjMgr_csy
activate compdef ADMObjMgr_enu
activate compdef ADMProc
activate compdef DbXtract
activate compdef EAIObjMgr_csy
activate compdef EAIObjMgr_enu
activate compdef eChannelObjMgr_csy
activate compdef eChannelObjMgr_enu
activate compdef eCommunicationsObjMgr_csy
activate compdef eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu
activate compdef EIM
activate compdef FSMSrvr
activate compdef GenNewDb
activate compdef GenTrig
activate compdef JMSReceiver
activate compdef ListImportSvcMgr
activate compdef PDbXtract
activate compdef ServerMgr
activate compdef SRBroker
activate compdef SRProc
activate compdef SvrTblCleanup
activate compdef SvrTaskPersist
activate compdef AdminNotify
activate compdef SCBroker
activate compdef SiebSrvr
activate compdef SrvrSched
activate compdef SynchMgr
activate compdef TaskLogCleanup
activate compdef TxnMerge
activate compdef TxnProc
activate compdef TxnRoute
activate compdef WorkActn
activate compdef WorkMon
activate compdef WfProcBatchMgr
activate compdef WfProcMgr
activate compdef WfRecvMgr
activate compdef XMLPReportServer
activate compdef BusIntBatchMgr
activate compdef BusIntMgr
activate compdef CustomAppObjMgr_csy
activate compdef CustomAppObjMgr_enu
activate compdef MqSeriesSrvRcvr
activate compdef MqSeriesAMIRcvr
activate compdef MSMQRcvr
activate compdef SMQReceiver
activate compdef CommConfigMgr
activate compdef CommInboundProcessor
activate compdef CommInboundRcvr
activate compdef CommOutboundMgr
activate compdef CommSessionMgr
activate compdef MailMgr
activate compdef PageMgr
activate compdef SmartAnswer

assign component group Workflow to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group EAI to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group eChannel to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group ADM to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group XMLPReport to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group SystemAux to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group Remote to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group TaskUI to server <SS_NAME>
assign component group System to server <SS_NAME>