Siebel EAI >  Using VB Script to access Siebel Objeckts

This is an example of how you can access Siebel Component Objects using VBScript.

You can you the excel sheet to update LOVs in Siebel. 

This was developed by Iain Ollerenshaw who agreed to let me use it in my website. Thanks you Iain!

His website is

The excel sheet can be downloaded here

To use the excel sheet you need to enter your siebel url. The image below shows the enu component, that does not have to be the case always.

Siebel Uploader

The VB Script code is here




Option Explicit
' ******************************************************
'* Function: createButton_Click()
'* Handle the 'New' button click
'* Input: None
'* Output: None
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Private Sub createButton_Click()

MainProcess "Create", "Create"

End Sub
' ******************************************************
'* Function: deactivateButton_Click()
'* Handle the 'Deactivate' button click
'* Input: None
'* Output: None
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Private Sub deactivateButton_Click()

MainProcess "Deactivate", "Deactivate"

End Sub
' ******************************************************
'* Function: MainProcess
'* Handles logon and passes control to the function related to the button pressed
'* Input: sProcessToRun - name of the function to call
'* sSourceBook - name of the Workbook containing the source data
'* Output: None
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Private Function MainProcess(sProcessToRun As String, sSourceBook As String)

Dim iResponse As Integer
Dim sConnectString As String
Dim sUserName As String

' This is where we keep track of each record status
Dim rStatus As Range

' Main Siebel application object
Dim oSiebel As SiebelDataControl

' Overall process status
Dim bStatus As Boolean

' Get the connection details and initialise
sConnectString = Range("C2").Value
sUserName = Range("C3").Value
Set rStatus = Range("C5")

rStatus.Value = "Initialising..."

' Make sure user wants to proceed
' *** Modify the message to give user details of what's about to happen
iResponse = MsgBox("You are about to amend LOVs in this environment!" & vbNewLine & _
vbNewLine & "Are you sure you want to continue?", vbYesNo, "Warning!")

If (iResponse = vbYes) Then

' Get admin password - actual connect process will handle incorrect password

If gPassword <> "" Then
rStatus.Value = "Connecting..."

' Connect to Siebel
If (ConnectToSiebel(sConnectString, sUserName, gPassword, oSiebel)) Then
rStatus.Value = "Processing..."

' Run the process specified
If sProcessToRun = "Deactivate" Then
bStatus = ChangeAllStatus(oSiebel, sSourceBook, "N")
ElseIf sProcessToRun = "Create" Then
bStatus = CreateAllRecords(oSiebel, sSourceBook)
MsgBox "Process name not recognised: " & sProcessToRun
End If
' Handle the failure to connect to Siebel
MsgBox "An error has occurred connecting to Siebel" & vbNewLine & "VB: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description & vbNewLine & _
"Siebel: " & oSiebel.GetLastErrText, vbCritical + vbOKOnly
rStatus.Value = "Error connecting to Siebel"
End If

' Close the Siebel connection and zap the object reference
CloseSiebel oSiebel

' Display the final status
If bStatus = True Then
rStatus.Value = "Finished without errors!"
rStatus.Value = "Finished with errors!"
End If

rStatus.Value = "Cancelled!"
End If

rStatus.Value = "Cancelled!"
End If

Set oSiebel = Nothing

End Function
' ******************************************************
'* Function: ChangeAllStatus
'* Go through source data records in the worksheet and calls the individual record processing function
'* Input: oSiebel - Siebel Application object
'* sSourceBook - the Workbook from which to pull the data
'* sStatus - Status to set, Y, N or D for delete
'* Output: Boolean - True for success, False for failure
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Private Function ChangeAllStatus(oSiebel As SiebelDataControl, sSourceBook As String, sActiveFlag As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' Results will be output to the this location
Dim rResults As Range
Set rResults = Worksheets(sSourceBook).Range("H3")

' Data Source is defined here
Dim rSource As Range
Set rSource = Worksheets(sSourceBook).Range("B3")

Dim bIsRecord As Boolean
Dim bStatus As Boolean
bStatus = True

' Keep count of rows effected
Dim iCount As Integer
iCount = 0

Dim iRowsInQuery As Integer

' Keep track of success for each row
Dim sStatus As String

' Declare BO and BC for use
Dim oBO As SiebelBusObject
Dim oBC As SiebelBusComp

' Init BO and BC
' *** Define specific required BO and BC names here
Set oBO = oSiebel.GetBusObject("List Of Values")
Set oBC = oBO.GetBusComp("List Of Values")

' Go through the records and process them
Dim sType As String
Dim sDisplay As String
Dim sLIC As String
Dim sParLIC As String
Dim sParType As String
Dim sDescription As String
Dim sOrder As String
Dim sHigh As String
Dim sLow As String
Dim sLang As String
Dim sParId As String

'*** Grab appropriate cell values
sType = rSource.Offset(iCount, 0).Value

While sType <> ""

'*** Grab appropriate cell values
sDisplay = rSource.Offset(iCount, 1).Value
sLIC = rSource.Offset(iCount, 2).Value
sLang = rSource.Offset(iCount, 3).Value
sParLIC = rSource.Offset(iCount, 4).Value
sParType = rSource.Offset(iCount, 5).Value
' Execute query and do something
With oBC
.SetViewMode 3

' *** Activate and set appropriate search spec / expression here
.ActivateField "Active"
.SetSearchSpec "Name", """" + sLIC + """"
.SetSearchSpec "Value", """" + sDisplay + """"
.SetSearchSpec "Type", sType
.SetSearchSpec "Lang", sLang

' Get the Parent LIC AND Type
If (sParLIC <> "") Then
.SetSearchSpec "Parent Id", sParLIC
.SetSearchSpec "Parent Id", "IS NULL"
End If

.ExecuteQuery True

bIsRecord = .FirstRecord
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

' Loop through record set
iRowsInQuery = 0

If bIsRecord Then

While bIsRecord
iRowsInQuery = iRowsInQuery + 1

' Process the current record
If SetStatus(oSiebel, oBO, oBC, sActiveFlag, iCount, rResults) Then
rResults.Offset(iCount, 0).Value = "Success (" & iRowsInQuery & " rows)"
rResults.Offset(iCount, 0).Value = "Failed: " & Err.Description
bStatus = False
End If

bIsRecord = .NextRecord

' Allow some time for the application to update
rResults.Offset(iCount, 0).Value = "Failed: record not found"
bStatus = False
End If

rResults.Offset(iCount, 1).Value = Now

End With

iCount = iCount + 1

'*** Grab appropriate cell values
sType = rSource.Offset(iCount, 0).Value


' Destroy objects
Set oBC = Nothing
Set oBO = Nothing

ChangeAllStatus = bStatus

Exit Function


If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then Err.Description = "A Siebel error has occurred: " & oSiebel.GetLastErrText
rResults.Offset(iCount, 0).Value = "Failed: " & Err.Description

Set oBC = Nothing
Set oBO = Nothing
ChangeAllStatus = False

End Function
' ******************************************************
'* Function: SetStatus
'* Sets the 'Active' flag of a record
'* Input: oSiebel - Siebel Application object
'* oBO - Siebel Business Object, already initialised
'* oBC - Siebel Business Component, already initialised
'* sStatus - status to set, Y or N
'* iCount - record being processed
'* rResults - range where results will be added to the worksheet
'* Output: Boolean - True for success, False for failure
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Function SetStatus(oSiebel As SiebelDataControl, oBO As SiebelBusObject, oBC As SiebelBusComp, sStatus As String, iCount As Integer, rResults As Range) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' Do the processing here
With oBC

' Delete record if D
If sStatus = "D" Then
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler
' Otherwise, set the status flag
.SetFieldValue "Active", sStatus
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler
End If
End With

SetStatus = True

Exit Function


If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then Err.Description = "A Siebel error has occurred: " & oSiebel.GetLastErrText

SetStatus = False

End Function
' ******************************************************
'* Function: CreateAllRecords
'* Go through source data records in the worksheet and calls the individual record processing function
'* Input: oSiebel - Siebel Application object
'* sSourceBook - the Workbook from which to pull the data
'* Output: Boolean - True for success, False for failure
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Private Function CreateAllRecords(oSiebel As SiebelDataControl, sSourceBook As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' Results will be output to the 'New' worksheet
Dim rResults As Range
Set rResults = Worksheets(sSourceBook).Range("N3")

' Data Source is defined here
Dim rSource As Range
Set rSource = Worksheets(sSourceBook).Range("B3")

Dim bIsRecord As Boolean
Dim bStatus As Boolean
bStatus = True

' Keep count of rows effected
Dim iCount As Integer
iCount = 0

Dim iRowsInQuery As Integer

' Keep track of success for each row
Dim sStatus As String

' Declare BO and BC for use
Dim oBO As SiebelBusObject
Dim oBC As SiebelBusComp

' Init BO and BC
' *** Define specific required BO and BC names here
Set oBO = oSiebel.GetBusObject("List Of Values")
Set oBC = oBO.GetBusComp("List Of Values")

' Go through the records and process them
' *** Define variables here to retrieve values from source worksheet
Dim sType As String
Dim sDisplay As String
Dim sLIC As String
Dim sActive As String
Dim sLang As String
Dim sOrder As String
Dim sParLIC As String
Dim sParType As String
Dim sHigh As String
Dim sLow As String
Dim sSubType As String
Dim sDescription As String

'*** Grab appropriate cell values
sType = rSource.Offset(iCount, 0).Value

While sType <> ""

'*** Grab appropriate cell values
sDisplay = rSource.Offset(iCount, 1).Value
sLIC = rSource.Offset(iCount, 2).Value
sActive = rSource.Offset(iCount, 3).Value
sLang = rSource.Offset(iCount, 4).Value
sOrder = rSource.Offset(iCount, 5).Value
sParLIC = rSource.Offset(iCount, 6).Value
sParType = rSource.Offset(iCount, 7).Value
sHigh = rSource.Offset(iCount, 8).Value
sLow = rSource.Offset(iCount, 9).Value
sSubType = rSource.Offset(iCount, 10).Value
sDescription = rSource.Offset(iCount, 11).Value

If CreateRecord(oSiebel, oBO, oBC, iCount, rResults, sType, sDisplay, sLIC, sActive, sLang, sOrder, sParLIC, _
sParType, sHigh, sLow, sSubType, sDescription) Then
rResults.Offset(iCount, 0).Value = "Success"
rResults.Offset(iCount, 0).Value = "Failed: " & Err.Description
bStatus = False
End If

rResults.Offset(iCount, 1).Value = Now

' Allow some time for the application to update

iCount = iCount + 1
sType = rSource.Offset(iCount, 0).Value


' Destroy objects
Set oBC = Nothing
Set oBO = Nothing

CreateAllRecords = bStatus

Exit Function

If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then Err.Description = "A Siebel error has occurred: " & oSiebel.GetLastErrText
rResults.Offset(iCount, 0).Value = "Failed: " & Err.Description

' Destroy objects
Set oBC = Nothing
Set oBO = Nothing
CreateAllRecords = False

End Function
' ******************************************************
'* Function: CreateRecord
'* Creates a single instance of a BC record
'* Input: oSiebel - Siebel Application object
'* oBO - Siebel Business Object, already initialised
'* oBC - Siebel Business Component, already initialised
'* iCount - record being processed
'* rResults - range where results will be added to the worksheet
'* Output: Boolean - True for success, False for failure
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Function CreateRecord(oSiebel As SiebelDataControl, oBO As SiebelBusObject, oBC As SiebelBusComp, iCount As Integer, rResults As Range, _
sType As String, sDisplay As String, sLIC As String, sActive As String, sLang As String, sOrder As String, sParLIC As String, _
sParType As String, sHigh As String, sLow As String, sSubType As String, sDescription As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler


Dim sSiebError As String
Dim oParBC As SiebelBusComp
Dim sRet As Boolean

sRet = True

' Do the processing here
With oBC
.NewRecord 1

' *** Set appropriate field values
.SetFieldValue "Type", sType
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Name", sLIC
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Value", sDisplay
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Active", sActive
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Language Name", sLang
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Order By", sOrder
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "High", sHigh
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Low", sLow
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Sub Type", sSubType
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

.SetFieldValue "Description", sDescription
If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

' Set the parent, if appropriate
If sParLIC <> "" Then
Set oParBC = .GetPicklistBusComp("Parent")

With oParBC
.SetViewMode 3
.SetSearchSpec "Type", sParType
.SetSearchSpec "Name", """" & sParLIC & """"
.ExecuteQuery True

If .FirstRecord Then
Err.Description = "Parent LOV not found!"
sRet = False
End If
End With
End If

If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then GoTo ErrorHandler

End With

Set oParBC = Nothing
CreateRecord = sRet

Exit Function


If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then Err.Description = "A Siebel error has occurred: " & oSiebel.GetLastErrText

Set oParBC = Nothing
CreateRecord = False

End Function
' ******************************************************
'* Function: GetParRowId
'* Returns the ROW_ID of the Parent LOV
'* Input: oSiebel - Siebel Application object
'* oBO - Siebel Business Object, already initialised
'* oBC - Siebel Business Component, already initialised
'* sParLIC - Parent LIC
'* sParType - Parent Type
'* Output: String - ROW_ID or NOT_FOUND
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Function GetParRowId(oSiebel As SiebelDataControl, oBO As SiebelBusObject, oBC As SiebelBusComp, sParLIC As String, sParType As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Dim oParBO As SiebelBusObject
Dim oParBC As SiebelBusComp
Dim sParId As String

Set oParBO = oSiebel.GetBusObject("List Of Values")
Set oParBC = oParBO.GetBusComp("List Of Values")

With oParBC
.SetViewMode 3
.SetSearchSpec "Name", """" & sParLIC & """"
.SetSearchSpec "Type", sParType
.SetSearchSpec "Parent Id", "IS NULL"
.ExecuteQuery 1

If (.FirstRecord) Then
sParId = .GetFieldValue("Id")
sParId = "NOT_FOUND"
End If
End With

GetParRowId = sParId

Set oParBC = Nothing

Exit Function


If oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0 Then Err.Description = "A Siebel error has occurred: " & oSiebel.GetLastErrText

Set oParBC = Nothing
GetParRowId = "NOT_FOUND"

End Function
' ******************************************************
'* Function: ConnectToSiebel
'* Connect to the Siebel Data Control, using the connect string and user credentials passed
'* Input: sConnectString - appropriately formated Siebel connect string
'* sUserName - name to login as
'* sPassword - password for user
'* oSiebel - a Siebel Application object
'* Output: Boolean - True for success, False for failure
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Private Function ConnectToSiebel(sConnectString As String, sUserName As String, sPassword As String, _
oSiebel As SiebelDataControl) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

' Uses the specified parameters to connect to the Data Control
Dim iErrCode As Integer
Set oSiebel = CreateObject("SiebelDataControl.SiebelDataControl.1")

oSiebel.Login sConnectString, sUserName, sPassword
If (oSiebel.GetLastErrCode <> 0) Then GoTo ErrorHandler

ConnectToSiebel = True

Exit Function


MsgBox oSiebel.GetLastErrCode
ConnectToSiebel = False

End Function
' ******************************************************
'* Function: CloseSiebel
'* Close the connection to the Siebel Data Control
'* Input: oSiebel - a Siebel Application object
'* Output: Boolean - True for success, False for failure
'* When Who What
'* 21/07/09 Iain Ollerenshaw Created
Private Function CloseSiebel(oSiebel As SiebelDataControl) As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

CloseSiebel = True
Exit Function


CloseSiebel = False

End Function