Siebel Administration >  How to create an Email Template

How to create an email template

From the application-level menu, choose Site Map > Administration - Communications > All Templates.

Create a new record using the values as shown in the following table.




Test Email template

Channel Type


Click the Advanced view tab.

In the Advanced form, enter a new record using the values as shown in the following table.




Delivery Profile

Default SMTP Profile

Created for the Internet SMTP/POP3 Servers communications driver, for an email template. The profile must exist before you create the template. In this profile, define the communications sender using the From Address parameter override.

Recipient Group

Activity Contacts

This group must be selected from the list shown below. Depending on the group name, you can select the variables (Dynamic text) that you can use in the Template.


Test Email Subject

Default subject line for the email. The subject line can also include substitution fields.



TRUE means that the template is available to all users.

Template Text

Enter Template Text. Please check below for an example template text

Text to appear in the body of the template. The term in brackets is a substitution or dynamic text. Please check below for an example template text


Predefined Recipient Groups

Recipient Group
(Display Value)

Source Business Object
(Parent LIC)

Recipient Business Component
(Language-Independent Code)

Account Contacts



Account Team Members



Activity Contact


Comm Contact

Activity Contacts



Activity Owner


Employee (MM)

Campaign Contacts/Prospects


Campaign Recipient

Campaign Team Members


Campaign Position




Division Positions

Internal Division


Email Activity Receiver*

Comm Outbound Email

Comm Outbound Email

Email Activity Sender






Expense Approver


Expense Report Approver

Expense Owner


Expense Report Owner

List Contacts/Prospects

List Mgmt

List Mgmt List Member

Messaging Activity*


Messaging Activity

Messaging Activity Assignee


Messaging Activity Assignee

Messaging Assignee*


Messaging Assignee

Messaging Contacts*



Opportunity Contacts



Opportunity Key Contact


Opportunity Key Contact

Opportunity Sales Team Members



Order Contact

Order Entry

Comm Contact

Order Contact (Purchasing Mgr)

Order Entry

Contact (Purchasing Manager)

Order Sales Team Members

Order Entry


Project Team Members


PS Project Team

Prospect Partner

Channel Partner

Prospect Partner

Quote Contact


Comm Contact

Quote Sales Rep



Service Request Contact

Service Request

Comm Contact

Service Request Owner

Service Request

Comm Employee

Time Sheet Approver

Time Sheet

TS Approver

Time Sheet Owner

Time Sheet

TS Owner

eEvent Attendee

eEvents Event Attendee

eEvents Event Attendee


Example Email Text

Dear [Action.Email Recipient Name]

You are requested to meet with [Action.Owner First Name] [Action.Owner Last Name] to discuss offering more products for [Action.PMP Account Id]

This work is currently [Action.Percent Complete]

Thank you

Account Management Team


The full list of dynamic text for Activity is given below:



[Approval Currency]

[Approval Exchange Date]

[Assignment Excluded]

[Availability Status]

[Availability Status Until]

[Calendar Access Login Name]

[Categories For Outlook]


[City - Calc]

[Configuration Id]

[Configuration Name]


[Country - Calc]

[Default Skill Expert]


[EMail Addr]

[Emergency Notification]

[Emp #]

[Employee End Date]

[Employee Start Date]

[Employment Status]

[Expense Amount Approvable]

[Fax #]

[Fax Address]

[Fax Number]

[First Name]

[Full Name]

[Full Name No Space]

[Hire Date]

[Home Phone #]

[Home Phone # - Calc]

[Job Title]

[Last Name]

[Last Name, First Name]

[Login Name]


[MS Exchange Profile Encrypted PWD]

[MS Exchange Profile Name]

[MS Exchange Store ID]

[MS Exchange Sync Type]

[Maiden Name]

[Mdf Amount Approvable]

[Middle Name]

[Next Availability Status]

[Nick Name]


[Pager Address]

[Pager Alpha Address]

[Pager Company]

[Pager Company Alpha Phone #]

[Pager Company Id]

[Pager Numeric Address]

[Pager PIN]

[Pager Phone #]

[Pager Type]

[Parent Position Name]

[Party Name]

[Party Type Code]

[Party UId]


[Person UId]

[Personal Title]

[Phone #]

[Phone Number]


[Position Id]

[Position Type]

[Postal Code]

[Postal Code - Calc]

[Preferred Communications]

[Primary Organization Id]

[Primary Position Id]

[Primary Responsibility Id]

[Pwd Last Upd]



[S-S Instance]

[S-S Instance Id]

[S-S Key Id]

[Share Address Flag]

[Share Home Phone Flag]

[Shift Id]

[Shift Name]

[Skip Cover Page]

[Standard Notification]


[State - Calc]

[Street Address]

[Street Address - Calc]

[Subcontractor Flag]

[Subcontractor Id]

[Subcontractor Name]

[Termination Date]


[TimeSheet Hours Approvable]


[Todays Date]

[Action.# Pages]

[Action.ACD Call Duration]

[Action.AMS Activity Id]

[Action.AMS CLMax]

[Action.AMS CLMin]


[Action.AMS User CL]

[Action.AMS User STOI]

[Action.AMS V4AType]



[Action.Account Access Level]

[Action.Account Contact Id]

[Action.Account Currency Code]

[Action.Account Id]

[Action.Account Issue Id]

[Action.Account List Mgmt List Id]

[Action.Account Location]

[Action.Account Name]

[Action.Account Number]

[Action.Account Read Only]

[Action.Account Source Id]

[Action.Account Travel Zone]

[Action.Action Customer Qnty Est]

[Action.Action Date Reported]

[Action.Action Interest Level]

[Action.Action Interest Price]

[Action.Action Interest Qnty]

[Action.Action Interest Type]

[Action.Action Last Updated]

[Action.Action Qnty Changed]

[Action.Action Quantity Held]

[Action.Active Flag]


[Action.Activity Children RO]

[Action.Activity Code]

[Action.Activity Defect Id]

[Action.Activity Id]

[Action.Activity SR Id]

[Action.Activity Template Id]

[Action.Activity Type]

[Action.Activity UID]

[Action.Actual End RO]

[Action.Agreement Id]

[Action.Agreement Name]


[Action.Alarm Fired]

[Action.Alert Id]

[Action.Alignment Id]

[Action.Amount Currency Code]

[Action.Amount Exchange Date]

[Action.Anonymous Customer]

[Action.Anonymous Identification]

[Action.Application Activity Id]

[Action.Application Id]

[Action.Appointment Status]

[Action.Approved By]

[Action.Approved By Id]

[Action.Approved By Phone Number]

[Action.Appt Alarm Time Min]

[Action.Appt PIM Flag]

[Action.Appt Siebel Flag]

[Action.Appt Unsupported Pattern Flag]

[Action.Arrest Id]

[Action.Assessment Template Id]

[Action.Assessment Template Name]

[Action.Asset Id]

[Action.Asset Id-vanilla]

[Action.Asset Number]

[Action.Asset Number S_ASSET]

[Action.Assign Date]

[Action.Assign To All]

[Action.Assigned To]

[Action.Assignment Excluded]

[Action.Associated Cost]

[Action.Attachment Flag]

[Action.Attachment Id]

[Action.BC Read Only Flag]



[Action.Base Date]

[Action.Best Action]

[Action.Billable Flag]

[Action.Branch Id]

[Action.Branch Name]

[Action.Breakable flag]

[Action.Budgeted Cost]

[Action.Budgeted Cost Currency Code]

[Action.Budgeted Cost Exchange Date]

[Action.CA Number]

[Action.CEM Due Date]

[Action.CEM Planned Completion Date]

[Action.CEM Planned Start Date]

[Action.CEM Time Unit]

[Action.CEM Total Time]

[Action.CEM Total Time Unit]

[Action.CHAMP Objective Id]

[Action.CRMC DTA Active]

[Action.CRMD Integration Id]


[Action.Cal DealerApplication]

[Action.CalDav ETag]

[Action.CalDav ics FileName]

[Action.Calc Acct Id]

[Action.Calc Acct Id 1]

[Action.Calc Acct Id 2]

[Action.Calc Acct Id 3]

[Action.Calc Acct Id 4]

[Action.Calc Acct Name]

[Action.Calc Acct Name 1]

[Action.Calc Acct Name 2]

[Action.Calc Acct Name 3]

[Action.Calc Acct Name 4]

[Action.Calc Acct Name 5]

[Action.Calc Claims Alert Type]

[Action.Calc Link Activity 2 Acct & Cont]






[Action.Calculated Account Id]

[Action.Calculated Activity Status]

[Action.Calculated Bill To Address]

[Action.Calculated Bill To City]

[Action.Calculated Bill To Country]

[Action.Calculated Bill To Location]

[Action.Calculated Bill To Name]

[Action.Calculated Category]

[Action.Calculated Current Time]

[Action.Calculated Type]

[Action.Calendar Description]

[Action.Calendar Event Id]

[Action.Calendar Event Id 2]

[Action.Call Duration]

[Action.Call Id]

[Action.Call Reason]

[Action.Call Report]

[Action.Call Report Access Value]

[Action.Call Report Desc]

[Action.Call Report Flag]

[Action.Call Status SignSynchronized]

[Action.Call Status Signed]

[Action.Call Type]

[Action.Caller Name]

[Action.Caller Type]

[Action.Campaign Channel]

[Action.Campaign Channel LIC]

[Action.Campaign Id]

[Action.Campaign Name]

[Action.Campaign Status]

[Action.Capacity Type]

[Action.Case Id]

[Action.Case Name]

[Action.Case Number]

[Action.Catalog Id]


[Action.Category Display Name]

[Action.Category Id]

[Action.Category Literal]

[Action.Category Name]


[Action.Charged Flag]

[Action.Chosen Template]

[Action.Claim Element Id]

[Action.Claim Id]

[Action.Claim Number]

[Action.Claim Read Only]


[Action.Clinical Activity Type]

[Action.Clinical Protocol Site Id]

[Action.Collection Flag]

[Action.Comm Id]


[Action.Comment Address]

[Action.Communication Id]

[Action.Company Position Id]


[Action.Completed Date]

[Action.Completed Flag]

[Action.Computed INV NA Score]

[Action.Configured SearchSpec]

[Action.Contact Access Level]

[Action.Contact Account Id]

[Action.Contact Cellular Phone]

[Action.Contact Email Address]

[Action.Contact First Name]

[Action.Contact First Name - CE]

[Action.Contact Full Name]

[Action.Contact Home Phone]

[Action.Contact Id]

[Action.Contact Id (Thin)]

[Action.Contact Job Title]

[Action.Contact Last Name]

[Action.Contact Last Name - CE]

[Action.Contact List Mgmt List Id]

[Action.Contact M/M]

[Action.Contact Middle Name]

[Action.Contact Phone]

[Action.Contact Primary Position Id]

[Action.Contact Read Only]

[Action.Contact Row Status]

[Action.Contact Row Status Asterisk]

[Action.Contact Type]

[Action.Contact Work Fax]

[Action.Contact Work Fax Link]

[Action.Contact Work Phone]

[Action.Corrective Action Id]


[Action.Cost Center]

[Action.Count Part Tracker Lines]

[Action.Coverage Company]

[Action.Created By Name]

[Action.Creation Date]

[Action.Currency Code]

[Action.Currency Code AtComplete]

[Action.Current Date/Time + 30 Minutes]

[Action.Current Method]

[Action.Customer Qnty Estimate]

[Action.DB Account Primary City]

[Action.DB Account Status]

[Action.DB Account Status Sort Value]

[Action.DB Activity Id Calc]

[Action.DB Activity Sub Status]

[Action.DB Agreement FOC Order Reason]

[Action.DB Arrival DateTime]

[Action.DB Asset Software Version]

[Action.DB Billing Status]

[Action.DB CIG]

[Action.DB CUP]

[Action.DB Call Back]

[Action.DB Call Back DateTime]

[Action.DB Carrier Read Only]

[Action.DB Child Campaign Flag]

[Action.DB Completed DateTime]

[Action.DB Completed DateTime RO]

[Action.DB Contact First Name]

[Action.DB Contact Id]

[Action.DB Contact Last Name]

[Action.DB FSE Start Dt]

[Action.DB GSMS #]

[Action.DB GSMS Act Recvd Dt]

[Action.DB GSMS Act Sent Dt]

[Action.DB GSMS RO]

[Action.DB Inst Asset Id]

[Action.DB Instrument]

[Action.DB Instrument Asset Number]

[Action.DB Instrument Id]

[Action.DB Instrument Inter Id]

[Action.DB Instrument Serial Number]

[Action.DB Invoiced Status]

[Action.DB Lot Num]

[Action.DB Message]

[Action.DB Owner Employee Type]

[Action.DB Owner Full Name]

[Action.DB Owner Type]

[Action.DB PI Area]

[Action.DB PI CAPA]

[Action.DB PI CAPA Num]

[Action.DB PI Check]

[Action.DB PI Comp Desc]

[Action.DB PI SR Cons Name]

[Action.DB PI SR Consumable Id]

[Action.DB PI SR Id]

[Action.DB PI SR Num]

[Action.DB PI Software Override]

[Action.DB PI Type]

[Action.DB Parent Campaign Id]

[Action.DB Part Tracker Id]

[Action.DB Planned DT]

[Action.DB Planned TM]

[Action.DB Print Owner Flag]

[Action.DB Product Id]

[Action.DB Profile Full Name]

[Action.DB SAP Sales Order #]

[Action.DB SAP Sales Order Date]

[Action.DB SR Account Primary City]

[Action.DB SR Account Primary Country]

[Action.DB SR Agreement Item Desc]

[Action.DB SR Agreement Service Product Id]

[Action.DB SR Agreement Service Product Name]

[Action.DB SR Bill To]

[Action.DB SR Bill To Location]

[Action.DB SR Bill To Primary Address Id]

[Action.DB SR Entitlement Line Item Id]

[Action.DB SR Entitlement Name]

[Action.DB SR PO #]

[Action.DB SR Priority]

[Action.DB SR Priority Sort Value]

[Action.DB SR Product]

[Action.DB SR Sold To Account]

[Action.DB SR Sold To Account Location]

[Action.DB SR Sold To Id]

[Action.DB SR Sold To Primary Address Id]

[Action.DB Service Report Print]

[Action.DB Severity]

[Action.DB T App Stat]

[Action.DB T P Stat]

[Action.DB T Perf]

[Action.DB T Perf Stat]

[Action.DB T Performer]

[Action.DB Test App]

[Action.DB Test Appr Id]

[Action.DB Test Approve Dt]

[Action.DB Test Approver]

[Action.DB Test Approver RO]

[Action.DB Test Conclusion]

[Action.DB Test Conclusion Type]

[Action.DB Test Confirmed]

[Action.DB Test Exception]

[Action.DB Test Exception Type]

[Action.DB Test Perf Id]

[Action.DB Test Performer]

[Action.DB Test RO]

[Action.DB Test Range]

[Action.DB Test Recommendation]

[Action.DB Test Recommendation Type]

[Action.DB Test Results]

[Action.DB Test Results Type]

[Action.DB Test Stat]

[Action.DB Test Status]

[Action.DB Test Submit Dt]

[Action.DB Testing Drill]

[Action.DB Today Dt]

[Action.DB Travel End Dt]

[Action.DB Travel Start Dt]

[Action.DB User Id]

[Action.DB User Name]


[Action.Date Expected]

[Action.Date Reported]

[Action.Date Returned]

[Action.Date Sent]

[Action.Day Description]

[Action.Dealer #  of TradeIn]

[Action.Dealer # of ValidEvaluation]

[Action.Dealer Channel]

[Action.Dealer Created]

[Action.Dealer Created At]

[Action.Dealer Customer Type]

[Action.Dealer Deal Type]

[Action.Dealer Exterior Color]

[Action.Dealer Last Activity Date]

[Action.Dealer Last Activity Id]

[Action.Dealer Lease EndDt]

[Action.Dealer Lease StartDt]

[Action.Dealer Make]

[Action.Dealer Model]

[Action.Dealer Model Year]

[Action.Dealer Opportunity]

[Action.Dealer Sales Stage]

[Action.Dealer Sales Stage Id]

[Action.Dealer Source Type Dyn]

[Action.Dealer Sub Source Type]

[Action.Default Parent Flag]

[Action.Defect Num]

[Action.Defective Tag]

[Action.Denorm Asgn Flag]


[Action.Deviation Amount]


[Action.Disclosure 1]

[Action.Disclosure 2]

[Action.Disclosure 3]

[Action.Disclosure 4]

[Action.Disclosure 5]

[Action.Disclosure 6]

[Action.Disclosure 7]


[Action.Display Email Body]

[Action.Distribution Channel]


[Action.Document Expected Dt]

[Action.Document Received Dt]

[Action.Document Sent Dt]


[Action.Done Flag]


[Action.Drill Down]


[Action.Due - Service Region]

[Action.Due Date]

[Action.Due Status Code]

[Action.Duration Hours]

[Action.Duration Minutes]

[Action.Duration TOT Hours]

[Action.Effective Date]

[Action.Email Attachment Flag]

[Action.Email BCC Line]

[Action.Email Body]

[Action.Email CC Line]

[Action.Email Catalog Id]

[Action.Email Charset]

[Action.Email Format]

[Action.Email Forward Flag]

[Action.Email Inbound]

[Action.Email Language Id]

[Action.Email Language Name]

[Action.Email Manual Edit Flag]

[Action.Email Normalized Subject]

[Action.Email Outbound]

[Action.Email Recipient Address]

[Action.Email Recipient Name]

[Action.Email Sender Address]

[Action.Email Sender Name]

[Action.Email To Line]

[Action.Employee Email Address]

[Action.Employee First Name]

[Action.Employee Id]

[Action.Employee Last Name]

[Action.Encounter #]

[Action.Encounter Id]

[Action.Encounter Type]

[Action.End Date]

[Action.End Time]

[Action.End Time Calc]


[Action.Entitlement Id]

[Action.Entitlement Name]

[Action.Entitlement Parent Agreement Id]

[Action.Error Desc]

[Action.Est Work Time Remaining]

[Action.Estimate Date]

[Action.Evaluation Response Id]

[Action.Event Region]

[Action.Event Sub Region]

[Action.Event Type]

[Action.Evidence Id]

[Action.Evidence Name]

[Action.Exchange Date]

[Action.Exchange Date AtComplete]

[Action.Expense Autogen Type]

[Action.Expense Autogen Type A]

[Action.Expense Autogen Type B]

[Action.Expense Flag]

[Action.Expense Item Type]

[Action.Expense Item Type Id]

[Action.Expense Related Flag]

[Action.Expense Report Id]

[Action.Expense Report Number]

[Action.Explanation 1]

[Action.Explanation 2]

[Action.Explanation 3]

[Action.Explanation 4]

[Action.Explanation 5]

[Action.Explanation 6]

[Action.Explanation 7]

[Action.Explorer Label]

[Action.External Access]

[Action.FINS Product Group Id]

[Action.FINS Product Group Name]

[Action.FINS Product Group Public Flag]

[Action.FINS Product Group Public Flag Calculate]

[Action.Facility Id]

[Action.Fulfillment Id]

[Action.Fund Request]

[Action.Fund Request Id]

[Action.Geo Code Valid Flag]

[Action.HLS Created By]

[Action.HLS Created By Name]

[Action.HLS Created Date]

[Action.HLS Type Code]

[Action.Household Id]

[Action.Household Name]

[Action.Household Number]

[Action.INS Area]

[Action.INS Claims Id]

[Action.INS Household Id]

[Action.INS Policy Number]

[Action.INS Policy Type]

[Action.INS Product]


[Action.Incident Id]

[Action.Incident Name]


[Action.Integration Id]

[Action.Integration Message]

[Action.Integration Return Code]

[Action.Interest Level]

[Action.Interest Price]

[Action.Interest Quantity]

[Action.Interest Report Date]

[Action.Interest Type]

[Action.Is Active]

[Action.Is AttndeeCall MeetInvitee]

[Action.Is Auto Sales Activity]

[Action.Is Call]

[Action.Is Call Meeting Tot]

[Action.Is Call Tot]

[Action.Is Done]

[Action.Is Done HH]

[Action.Is Late]

[Action.Is MedEd Event Activity]

[Action.Is MeetSpeaker]

[Action.Is Meeting Tot ProfCall]

[Action.Is Not Owner And Not General Activity]

[Action.Is ProfCall]

[Action.Is ProjPaymentFlag Meeting]

[Action.Is Submitted Synched]

[Action.Is Todo]

[Action.Is Training Type]

[Action.Is Type Read Only]

[Action.Is eDealer App]








[Action.Issuing Company]

[Action.Item Id]

[Action.Job Value]

[Action.Joined Account Id]

[Action.Joined Comm Id]

[Action.LS Calculated Type]

[Action.LS Calendar Display Text]

[Action.LS Calendar Icon]

[Action.LS Calendar Tooltip]

[Action.LS Comment LIC]

[Action.LS Description LIC]

[Action.LS Medical Code Id]

[Action.LS Medical Code Name]

[Action.LS Meeting Loc LIC]

[Action.LS Plan Comp LIC]

[Action.LS Planned LIC]

[Action.LS Type LIC]

[Action.Language Code]

[Action.Last Updated]

[Action.Last Updated By]

[Action.Last Updated By Name]


[Action.Late Cost]

[Action.Lead Id]

[Action.Lead Name]

[Action.Letter Inbound]

[Action.Letter Outbound]

[Action.Literature Distributor]

[Action.Location Level]

[Action.Loyalty Member Id]

[Action.Loyalty Member Number]

[Action.Loyalty Transaction Id]

[Action.ME Event Id]

[Action.ME Event Name]

[Action.Main Phone Number]

[Action.Manual Asgn Flag]

[Action.Market Type]

[Action.Marketing Asset Request Id]

[Action.Master Case Id]

[Action.Max Offset]

[Action.Max Payment Amount]


[Action.Member Id]

[Action.Message Id]

[Action.Messaging Id]

[Action.Min Offset]

[Action.Modification Num]

[Action.Month Description]

[Action.New Mail Message]

[Action.New Max Amount]

[Action.Next Call Objective]

[Action.No Sales Reason]

[Action.No Sooner Than Date]

[Action.No Sooner Than Date - Service Region]

[Action.Num Activities Completed]

[Action.Num Activities Planned]

[Action.Num Visits Completed]

[Action.Num Visits Planned]

[Action.ORS Activity]

[Action.ORS Latest State]

[Action.ORS Preceding Activity Id]

[Action.ORS Status Update]

[Action.ORS System Sync Desc]

[Action.ORS System Sync Flag]

[Action.ORS System Sync Time]

[Action.ORS Time Zone Name]


[Action.Objective Id]

[Action.Objective Name]


[Action.Opportunity Currency Code]

[Action.Opportunity Id]

[Action.Opportunity Primary Contact Id]

[Action.Opportunity Primary Position Id]

[Action.Opportunity Secure Flag]

[Action.Oppty Id]

[Action.Opty Primary Employee]

[Action.Order Discount]

[Action.Order Id]

[Action.Order Item Id]

[Action.Order MRC Total]

[Action.Order NRC Total]

[Action.Order Num Offers Accepted]

[Action.Order Num Offers Extended]

[Action.Order Number]

[Action.Orig Appt Id]

[Action.Outline Number]


[Action.Overdue Flag]

[Action.Override Date]

[Action.Override Flag]

[Action.Override Id]

[Action.Override Type]

[Action.Owned By]

[Action.Owned By Id]

[Action.Owned By Id SVF]

[Action.Owned By Service Role]

[Action.Owned By Service Role Historic]

[Action.Owner Email]

[Action.Owner Emp Service Region Id]

[Action.Owner First Name]

[Action.Owner Last Name]

[Action.Owner Main Phone]

[Action.Owner Mobile]

[Action.Owner Primary Position Id]


[Action.Ownership Type]

[Action.PI Number]

[Action.PM Action Id]

[Action.PMP Account Id]

[Action.PMP Category Id]

[Action.PMP Portfolio Id]

[Action.Parameter Set Id]

[Action.Parent Activity Desc]

[Action.Parent Activity Id]

[Action.Parent Activity Type]

[Action.Parent Last Updated]

[Action.Parent Objective Id]

[Action.Parent Opty Id]

[Action.Parent Order Id]

[Action.Parent Order Item Id]

[Action.Parent Protocol Id]

[Action.Parent Site Protocol Id]

[Action.Parent Site Region Id]

[Action.Parent Visit Date]

[Action.Parent Visit Primary Owner Id]

[Action.Part #]

[Action.Part Tracker RO]

[Action.Payment Flag]

[Action.Payment Flag Status]

[Action.Payment Id]

[Action.Percent Complete]

[Action.Personal City]

[Action.Personal Country]

[Action.Personal Location Id]

[Action.Personal Postal Code]

[Action.Personal State]

[Action.Personal Street Address]

[Action.Personal Street Address URL]

[Action.Personal Zip Code]


[Action.Planned - Property]

[Action.Planned - Service Region]

[Action.Planned Completion]

[Action.Planned Completion - Property]

[Action.Planned Completion - Service Region]

[Action.Planned Completion Time]

[Action.Planned Date]

[Action.Planned Time]

[Action.Policy Id]

[Action.Policy Number]

[Action.Policy Number Read Only]


[Action.Position Id]

[Action.Postal Code]


[Action.Premise Id]

[Action.Previous Activity Description]

[Action.Previous Activity Id]

[Action.Price List]

[Action.Price List Id]

[Action.Primary Address Id]

[Action.Primary Attachment Id]

[Action.Primary Category Id]

[Action.Primary Claim Id]

[Action.Primary Contact First Name]

[Action.Primary Contact Id]

[Action.Primary Contact Last Name]

[Action.Primary Container Id]

[Action.Primary Coverage Company Id]

[Action.Primary Fulfillment Id]

[Action.Primary Geocode Valid Flag]

[Action.Primary Opportunity Id]

[Action.Primary Order Id]

[Action.Primary Owned By]

[Action.Primary Owner By Organization Id]

[Action.Primary Owner Id]

[Action.Primary Policy/Quote Id]

[Action.Primary Product Id]

[Action.Primary Service Address Latitude]

[Action.Primary Service Address Longitude]

[Action.Primary Service Request Id]

[Action.Primary Symptom Code]



[Action.Product Account]

[Action.Product Class]

[Action.Product Id]

[Action.Product Issue Id]

[Action.Product Issue Number]

[Action.Product Name]

[Action.Products Detailed]

[Action.Products Detailed Id]

[Action.Project Class]

[Action.Project Currency Code]

[Action.Project Id]

[Action.Project Item Actual End]

[Action.Project Item Actual Start]

[Action.Project Item Id]

[Action.Project Item Name]

[Action.Project Item Parent Actual End]

[Action.Project Item Parent Actual Start]

[Action.Project Item Parent Planned End]

[Action.Project Item Parent Planned Start]

[Action.Project Item Planned End]

[Action.Project Item Planned Start]

[Action.Project Name]

[Action.Project Number]


[Action.Property Id]

[Action.Protocol Number]

[Action.Protocol Number Protocol]

[Action.Protocol Site Id]
















[Action.Quantity Changed]

[Action.Quantity Held]


[Action.Quote Id]

[Action.Quote Item Id]


[Action.Rate List]

[Action.Rate List Id]

[Action.Read Mail Asterisk]

[Action.Received Date]


[Action.Region Name]

[Action.Region Name Protocol]

[Action.Registration Id]

[Action.Repair Id]


[Action.Repeating Expires]

[Action.Repeating Type]


[Action.Required Flag]

[Action.Resolution Code]

[Action.Resource Id]

[Action.Resource Name]

[Action.Response Method]

[Action.Risk Id]

[Action.Role Code]

[Action.Route To]

[Action.Route To Read Only Flag]

[Action.Routine Flag]

[Action.Routine Id]

[Action.Row Status]

[Action.Row Status Asterisk]

[Action.Row Status Old]

[Action.S-S Instance]

[Action.S-S Instance Id]

[Action.S-S Key Id]

[Action.SR Abstract]

[Action.SR Account Bill To Address]

[Action.SR Account Bill To City]

[Action.SR Account Bill To Country]

[Action.SR Account Bill To Location]

[Action.SR Account Bill To Name]

[Action.SR Account City]

[Action.SR Account Country]

[Action.SR Account Id]

[Action.SR Account Location]

[Action.SR Account Name]

[Action.SR Account Org Id]

[Action.SR Account Primary Org Name]

[Action.SR Account Street Address]

[Action.SR Account Travel Zone]

[Action.SR Agreement Id]

[Action.SR Agreement Name]

[Action.SR Asset Bill To #]

[Action.SR Asset Bill To Address]

[Action.SR Asset Bill To City]

[Action.SR Asset Bill To Country]

[Action.SR Asset Bill To Id]

[Action.SR Asset Bill To Name]

[Action.SR Asset Bill To Primary Address Id]

[Action.SR Asset Id]

[Action.SR Asset Number]

[Action.SR Bill To Address]

[Action.SR Bill To City]

[Action.SR Bill To Country]

[Action.SR Billing Account Id]

[Action.SR Billing Account Name]

[Action.SR Closed Date]

[Action.SR Created By]

[Action.SR Created By Name]

[Action.SR Created Date]

[Action.SR Currency Code]

[Action.SR DB Product Description]

[Action.SR DB Product Part #]

[Action.SR DB Product Part Id]

[Action.SR DB Product Part Name]

[Action.SR DB Serial Number Write In]

[Action.SR Description]

[Action.SR Due Date]

[Action.SR Entitlement Id]

[Action.SR High Level Product Group Id]

[Action.SR High Level Product Group Name]

[Action.SR Keyword Product Id]

[Action.SR Number]

[Action.SR Opened Date]

[Action.SR Owner]

[Action.SR Owner Id]

[Action.SR Price List Id]

[Action.SR Price List Name]

[Action.SR Primary Address Id]

[Action.SR Primary Organization Id]

[Action.SR Primary Organization Name]

[Action.SR Product]

[Action.SR Product Id]

[Action.SR Product Part Number]

[Action.SR Reporting Model Part Number]

[Action.SR Reporting Model Product Id]

[Action.SR Reporting Model Product Name]

[Action.SR Serial Number]

[Action.SR Sold To Address]

[Action.SR Sold To City]

[Action.SR Sold To Country]

[Action.SR Sold To Location]

[Action.SR Status]

[Action.SRM Request Id]

[Action.Sales Order Id]

[Action.Sales Rep]

[Action.Sales Rep Id]

[Action.Sales Rep Name]

[Action.Sales Step Id]

[Action.Sample Reference Number]

[Action.Schedule Excluded]

[Action.Search Spec]

[Action.Secure Opty Id]

[Action.Security CUSIP]

[Action.Security Issuer]

[Action.Security Name]

[Action.Security Symbol]

[Action.Sent Date]

[Action.Serial Number]

[Action.Server Only]

[Action.Service Address Name]

[Action.Service City]

[Action.Service Country]

[Action.Service Date]

[Action.Service Latitude]

[Action.Service Location Id]

[Action.Service Longitude]

[Action.Service Postal Code]

[Action.Service Region]

[Action.Service Region Id]

[Action.Service Region Time Zone]

[Action.Service Region Time Zone Id]

[Action.Service Request Id]

[Action.Service Role]

[Action.Service State]

[Action.Service Street Address]

[Action.Service Street Address URL]

[Action.Service Zip Code]

[Action.Shift Id]

[Action.Shift Promotion]

[Action.Short Comment]

[Action.Siebel Context]

[Action.Signature Captured]

[Action.Significant Event Flag]

[Action.Site Number]

[Action.Site Protocol Number]

[Action.Site Region Name]

[Action.Slot Group]

[Action.Social Security #]

[Action.Source Name]

[Action.Stage Id]

[Action.Stage Name]

[Action.Start Time]



[Action.State Override]


[Action.Status Done Flag]

[Action.Status INT]

[Action.Status LIC]

[Action.Status Report Flag]

[Action.Status Update TimeStamp]

[Action.Street Address]

[Action.Sub Item]

[Action.Sub Type]

[Action.Sub Type Calc RO Flag]

[Action.Sub Type LngInd]

[Action.Subject DOB]

[Action.Subject Id]

[Action.Subject Initials]

[Action.Subject Number]

[Action.Suppress Calendar]

[Action.Susp Group Id]

[Action.Suspect First Name]

[Action.Suspect Full Name]

[Action.Suspect Group]

[Action.Suspect Id]

[Action.Suspect Last Name]

[Action.Symptom Code]

[Action.System Asgn Flag]

[Action.System Service Role]

[Action.TOT Calculated Category]


[Action.Teller Activity Type]

[Action.Template Flag]

[Action.Template Id]

[Action.Territory Id]

[Action.Test Order Id]

[Action.Thread Id]

[Action.Time Sheet Id]

[Action.Time Sheet Line Id]

[Action.Time Sheet Number]

[Action.Time Sheet Related Flag]

[Action.Training Class Id]

[Action.Travel Duration]

[Action.Travel End Read Only]

[Action.Travel Time Min]


[Action.Type Description Label]

[Action.Type INT]

[Action.Type Name]

[Action.UTC Offset]

[Action.User Time Zone]


[Action.Variable Code]

[Action.Variable Value]

[Action.WB Email Sender Address]

[Action.Warranty Claim Id]

[Action.Wave Id]

[Action.Web Access]

[Action.Web Collab Default Type]

[Action.Web Collab Session Handle]

[Action.Web Collab Start View]

[Action.Web Collab Type]

[Action.Webphone Description]

[Action.Webphone Opportunity]

[Action.Week Description]

[Action.Work Order Id]

[Action.Work Time Min]

[Action.WorkItem Id]





The Full List of dynamic Text for  Service Requests is given below




[Approval Currency]

[Approval Exchange Date]

[Assignment Excluded]

[Availability Status]

[Availability Status Until]

[Calendar Access Login Name]

[Categories For Outlook]


[City - Calc]

[Configuration Id]

[Configuration Name]


[Country - Calc]

[Default Skill Expert]


[EMail Addr]

[Emergency Notification]

[Emp #]

[Employee End Date]

[Employee Start Date]

[Employment Status]

[Expense Amount Approvable]

[Fax #]

[Fax Address]

[Fax Number]

[First Name]

[Full Name]

[Full Name No Space]

[Hire Date]

[Home Phone #]

[Home Phone # - Calc]

[Job Title]

[Last Name]

[Last Name, First Name]

[Login Name]


[MS Exchange Profile Encrypted PWD]

[MS Exchange Profile Name]

[MS Exchange Store ID]

[MS Exchange Sync Type]

[Maiden Name]

[Mdf Amount Approvable]

[Middle Name]

[Next Availability Status]

[Nick Name]


[Pager Address]

[Pager Alpha Address]

[Pager Company]

[Pager Company Alpha Phone #]

[Pager Company Id]

[Pager Numeric Address]

[Pager PIN]

[Pager Phone #]

[Pager Type]

[Parent Position Name]

[Party Name]

[Party Type Code]

[Party UId]


[Person UId]

[Personal Title]

[Phone #]

[Phone Number]


[Position Id]

[Position Type]

[Postal Code]

[Postal Code - Calc]

[Preferred Communications]

[Primary Organization Id]

[Primary Position Id]

[Primary Responsibility Id]

[Pwd Last Upd]



[S-S Instance]

[S-S Instance Id]

[S-S Key Id]

[Share Address Flag]

[Share Home Phone Flag]

[Shift Id]

[Shift Name]

[Skip Cover Page]

[Standard Notification]


[State - Calc]

[Street Address]

[Street Address - Calc]

[Subcontractor Flag]

[Subcontractor Id]

[Subcontractor Name]

[Termination Date]


[TimeSheet Hours Approvable]


[Todays Date]

[Service Request.AId]

[Service Request.Abstract]

[Service Request.Account]

[Service Request.Account # Copy]

[Service Request.Account Bill To]

[Service Request.Account Bill To Address]

[Service Request.Account Bill To City]

[Service Request.Account Bill To Country]

[Service Request.Account Bill To Location]

[Service Request.Account Bill To Name]

[Service Request.Account Comment]

[Service Request.Account Contact Id]

[Service Request.Account Integration Id]

[Service Request.Account Location]

[Service Request.Account Notes Status]

[Service Request.Account Number]

[Service Request.Account Primary Organization Desc]

[Service Request.Account Primary Organization Id]

[Service Request.Account Primary Organization Name]

[Service Request.Account Primary Position Id]

[Service Request.Account Primary SAP Plant]

[Service Request.Account Primary SAP System]

[Service Request.Account Read Only]

[Service Request.Account Status]

[Service Request.Account Title Copy]

[Service Request.Account Transaction #]

[Service Request.Account Txn Id]

[Service Request.Actual Transfer]

[Service Request.Address Copy]

[Service Request.Address Id]

[Service Request.Address Maint - Old Addr Line 1 (eBanking)]

[Service Request.Adjustor Comments]

[Service Request.Adjustor Id]

[Service Request.Adjustor Name]

[Service Request.Agency Address]

[Service Request.Agency City]

[Service Request.Agency Contact First Name]

[Service Request.Agency Contact Id]

[Service Request.Agency Contact Last Name]

[Service Request.Agency Contact Name]

[Service Request.Agency Country]

[Service Request.Agency Fax]

[Service Request.Agency Phone]

[Service Request.Agency State]

[Service Request.Agency Zip]

[Service Request.AgencyContactPrimaryAddressId]

[Service Request.Agreement End Date]

[Service Request.Agreement Id]

[Service Request.Agreement Item Id]

[Service Request.Agreement Name]

[Service Request.Agreement Start Date]

[Service Request.Agreement Status]

[Service Request.Agreement Type]

[Service Request.Alert Me]

[Service Request.Area]

[Service Request.Area No Constrain]

[Service Request.Asset Account Id]

[Service Request.Asset Description]

[Service Request.Asset Domain Name]

[Service Request.Asset Id]

[Service Request.Asset Machine Name]

[Service Request.Asset Notes Status]

[Service Request.Asset Number]

[Service Request.Asset Number Help Desk]

[Service Request.Asset Primary Employee First Name]

[Service Request.Asset Primary Employee Id]

[Service Request.Asset Primary Employee Last Name]

[Service Request.Asset Primary Employee Login]

[Service Request.Asset Type]

[Service Request.Asset Type Cal]

[Service Request.Assigned Dealer]

[Service Request.Assigned Dealer Id]

[Service Request.Assignment User Exclude Flag]

[Service Request.Auto CF Agency Email]

[Service Request.Auto CF Agency Phone #]

[Service Request.Auto CF Agency Primary Contact First Name]

[Service Request.Auto CF Agency Primary Contact Id]

[Service Request.Auto CF Agency Primary Contact Last Name]

[Service Request.Auto CF Agency Primary Contact Name]

[Service Request.Auto CF Agency fax #]

[Service Request.Auto CF Area Impound Calc]

[Service Request.Auto CF Area Skip Calc]

[Service Request.Auto CF Asset Fin Calc]

[Service Request.Auto CF Rep Area Calc]

[Service Request.Auto CF Repossessed Date]

[Service Request.Auto CF Repossession Agency]

[Service Request.Auto CF Repossession Comment]

[Service Request.Auto CF Repossession Fee]

[Service Request.Auto CF Send To For Approval]

[Service Request.Auto CF Send To For Approval Id]

[Service Request.Auto Payment - Dollar Amt of Transfer Copy]

[Service Request.Auto Payment - End Date of Transfer Copy]

[Service Request.Auto Payment - Frequency Copy]

[Service Request.Auto Payment - Start Date of Transfer Copy]

[Service Request.Auto Saver - Frequency Copy]

[Service Request.Available for Release Date]

[Service Request.Benefit]

[Service Request.Benefit Effective Date]

[Service Request.Benefit Id]

[Service Request.Benefit Policy Category]

[Service Request.Bill Pay Account ABA Number]

[Service Request.Bill Pay Account Number]

[Service Request.Billable Flag]

[Service Request.Billing Account #]

[Service Request.Billing Account Id]

[Service Request.Billing Account Read Only]

[Service Request.Branch Code]

[Service Request.Branch Id]

[Service Request.Branch/Address Copy]

[Service Request.ByAge]

[Service Request.CC Current Payment Due Date]

[Service Request.CC Outstanding Balance]

[Service Request.CEM Due Date]

[Service Request.CEM Planned Completion Date]

[Service Request.CEM Planned Start Date]

[Service Request.CEM Total Time]

[Service Request.CEM Total Time Unit]

[Service Request.CF APR]

[Service Request.CF Base Payment]

[Service Request.CF Commited Flag]

[Service Request.CF Company Name]

[Service Request.CF Contact Address]

[Service Request.CF Contact City]

[Service Request.CF Contact Country]

[Service Request.CF Contact Id]

[Service Request.CF Contact SSN]

[Service Request.CF Contact State]

[Service Request.CF Contact Work Phone]

[Service Request.CF Contact Zip]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Amount Financed]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Annual % Rate]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Base Payment]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Contact Id]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Contact Login]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Contact Login Id]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Maturity]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Open Date]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Partner Id]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Partner Name]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Product Rate Id]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Rate Type]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Residual]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Term]

[Service Request.CF Curr Lease Total Payments]

[Service Request.CF Current Mileage]

[Service Request.CF Date]

[Service Request.CF Date Effective]

[Service Request.CF Financial Account]

[Service Request.CF Financial Account Id]

[Service Request.CF First Name]

[Service Request.CF Last Name]

[Service Request.CF Last Name - Title Move]

[Service Request.CF Lease Maturity]

[Service Request.CF New Residual Amount]

[Service Request.CF Outstanding Balance]

[Service Request.CF Partner Contact Fax]

[Service Request.CF Partner Contact Id]

[Service Request.CF Partner Contact Login]

[Service Request.CF Partner Contact Login Id]

[Service Request.CF Partner Contact Work Phone]

[Service Request.CF Partner Id]

[Service Request.CF Partner Name]

[Service Request.CF Personal City]

[Service Request.CF Personal Country]

[Service Request.CF Personal Location Id]

[Service Request.CF Personal Postal Code]

[Service Request.CF Personal State]

[Service Request.CF Personal Street Address]

[Service Request.CF Pirmary Vehicle Make]

[Service Request.CF Primary Address Id]

[Service Request.CF Primary Company Id]

[Service Request.CF Primary Vehicle Id]

[Service Request.CF Primary Vehicle License Number]

[Service Request.CF Primary Vehicle Make]

[Service Request.CF Primary Vehicle Model]

[Service Request.CF Primary Vehicle Product Id]

[Service Request.CF Primary Vehicle Serial Number]

[Service Request.CF Primary Vehicle Year]

[Service Request.CF Principal Balance Calc]

[Service Request.CF Product Id]

[Service Request.CF Product Name]

[Service Request.CF Product Rate Id]

[Service Request.CF Product Rate Type]

[Service Request.CF Re-lease Item Residual]

[Service Request.CF Refinance Product Name]

[Service Request.CF Title #]

[Service Request.CF Title Id]

[Service Request.CF Title Move Partner Id]

[Service Request.CF Title Move Partner Name]

[Service Request.CId]

[Service Request.CL - Account Delinquent Amount]

[Service Request.CL Total Amount (DP)]

[Service Request.CLId]

[Service Request.CSE Number]

[Service Request.CSN]

[Service Request.CalcAppReq]

[Service Request.CalcAutoCFWorkflowName]

[Service Request.CalcSkipReq]

[Service Request.Calculated Account Id]

[Service Request.Calculated Bill To Address]

[Service Request.Calculated Bill To City]

[Service Request.Calculated Bill To Country]

[Service Request.Calculated Bill To Id]

[Service Request.Calculated Bill To Location]

[Service Request.Calculated Bill To Name]

[Service Request.Calculated DateTime without sec]

[Service Request.Calculated Parent Asset Reg Id]

[Service Request.Call Back]

[Service Request.Call Type]

[Service Request.Caller Name]

[Service Request.Calling From]

[Service Request.Callout Appointment]

[Service Request.Card Holder]

[Service Request.Case Id]

[Service Request.Case Name]

[Service Request.Case Node Name]

[Service Request.Case Num]

[Service Request.Change Flag]

[Service Request.Check Order - Design Calc Copy]

[Service Request.Check Order - Quantity Calc Copy]

[Service Request.Check Order - Starting Number Calc Copy]

[Service Request.Check Order - Style Calc Copy]

[Service Request.City]

[Service Request.Claim Num]

[Service Request.Claim Read Only]

[Service Request.Closed Date]

[Service Request.Collection Latest Promise Date]

[Service Request.Collection Min Promise Amount]

[Service Request.Collection Promise Type LIC]

[Service Request.Collection Promise Type deferred]

[Service Request.Collection Promise Type long term]

[Service Request.Collection Promise Type single]

[Service Request.Collection Promise Type single/two part]

[Service Request.Collection Promise Type two part]

[Service Request.Comm Method]

[Service Request.Comments]

[Service Request.Commit Time]

[Service Request.Communication Id]

[Service Request.Communication Needed]

[Service Request.Component Warranty Flag]

[Service Request.Contact AKA Name]

[Service Request.Contact Account]

[Service Request.Contact Account Id]

[Service Request.Contact Account Integration Id]

[Service Request.Contact Birth Place]

[Service Request.Contact Business Phone]

[Service Request.Contact Closed Date]

[Service Request.Contact Commit Time]

[Service Request.Contact Created]

[Service Request.Contact Customer Since]

[Service Request.Contact DB Primary Account Parent BU Id]

[Service Request.Contact DOB]

[Service Request.Contact Degree]

[Service Request.Contact Email]

[Service Request.Contact Email Address]

[Service Request.Contact Financial Accounts]

[Service Request.Contact Financial Accounts ABA Number]

[Service Request.Contact Financial Accounts Bank Id]

[Service Request.Contact Financial Accounts Branch ABA Number]

[Service Request.Contact Financial Accounts Title]

[Service Request.Contact First Name]

[Service Request.Contact Home Phone]

[Service Request.Contact Id]

[Service Request.Contact Id - eBanking]

[Service Request.Contact Last Name]

[Service Request.Contact MI]

[Service Request.Contact Mother Maiden Name]

[Service Request.Contact Nick Name]

[Service Request.Contact Primary Position Id]

[Service Request.Contact Read Only]

[Service Request.Contact Read Only-Account Needed]

[Service Request.Contact SSN]

[Service Request.Contact Salutation]

[Service Request.Contact Suffix]

[Service Request.Contact Time Zone]

[Service Request.Contact Time Zone Id]

[Service Request.Contact Time Zone Id-Original]

[Service Request.Contact Time Zone-Original]

[Service Request.ContactNameRequiredCalc]

[Service Request.Correspondent Swift Number Copy]

[Service Request.Country]

[Service Request.Created By Name]

[Service Request.Credit Card Namber]

[Service Request.Credit Card Type]

[Service Request.Credit To Copy]

[Service Request.Curr PCP Full Name]

[Service Request.Currency]

[Service Request.Current Date]

[Service Request.Current Month]

[Service Request.Current Network]

[Service Request.Current Network Id]

[Service Request.Current PCP First Name]

[Service Request.Current PCP Id]

[Service Request.Current PCP Last Name]

[Service Request.Current Status]

[Service Request.Current Year]

[Service Request.CurrentArea]

[Service Request.CurrentType]

[Service Request.Custodian Copy]

[Service Request.Customer Comments]

[Service Request.Customer Product Id]

[Service Request.Customer Ref Number]

[Service Request.Customer Value]

[Service Request.DB Accnt Purchase Order Required]

[Service Request.DB Account ADV]

[Service Request.DB Account Inverse]

[Service Request.DB Account Name2]

[Service Request.DB Account Name3]

[Service Request.DB Account Name4]

[Service Request.DB Account Note Count]

[Service Request.DB Account Org Name]

[Service Request.DB Account Primary Address]

[Service Request.DB Account Primary City]

[Service Request.DB Account Primary Country]

[Service Request.DB Account Primary Fax]

[Service Request.DB Account Primary Phone]

[Service Request.DB Account Primary State]

[Service Request.DB Account Primary Zip]

[Service Request.DB Account Sales Area]

[Service Request.DB Account Sales Org]

[Service Request.DB Account Sales Rep]

[Service Request.DB Account Service Area]

[Service Request.DB Account Status]

[Service Request.DB Account Status Calc]

[Service Request.DB Account Status Reason]

[Service Request.DB Account Status Sort Value]

[Service Request.DB Account Sub Type]

[Service Request.DB Account Travel Zone]

[Service Request.DB Account Type]

[Service Request.DB Agreement Item Desc]

[Service Request.DB Agreement Item Name]

[Service Request.DB Agreement Item Part#]

[Service Request.DB Agreement Name]

[Service Request.DB Antenna CREF]

[Service Request.DB Antenna Date Time]

[Service Request.DB Antenna Error]

[Service Request.DB Asset Bill To #]

[Service Request.DB Asset Bill To Address]

[Service Request.DB Asset Bill To City]

[Service Request.DB Asset Bill To Country]

[Service Request.DB Asset Bill To Id]

[Service Request.DB Asset Bill To Name]

[Service Request.DB Asset Bill To Primary Address Id]

[Service Request.DB Asset Inverse]

[Service Request.DB Billing Status]

[Service Request.DB CCHS #]

[Service Request.DB CCHS Sent Dt]

[Service Request.DB CCHS Sent Dt Old]

[Service Request.DB CIG]

[Service Request.DB CUP]

[Service Request.DB Calibration Req]

[Service Request.DB Closed Date]

[Service Request.DB Commit Time]

[Service Request.DB Communication Channel]

[Service Request.DB Contact Name]

[Service Request.DB Division]

[Service Request.DB Early Warning]

[Service Request.DB Early Warning Page Info]

[Service Request.DB GBL Deleted Account]

[Service Request.DB GSMS #]

[Service Request.DB GSMS Nature of Issue]

[Service Request.DB GSMS Recvd Dt]

[Service Request.DB GSMS Sent Dt]

[Service Request.DB Ground Wire Resistor]

[Service Request.DB High Level Product Group Id]

[Service Request.DB High Level Product Group Name]

[Service Request.DB IVK Group]

[Service Request.DB Initiated By]

[Service Request.DB Keyword Product Grp Id]

[Service Request.DB Keyword Product Grp Name]

[Service Request.DB Keyword Product Id]

[Service Request.DB Keyword Product Id Calculated]

[Service Request.DB Lab/Dept Location]

[Service Request.DB Last Calibration Date]

[Service Request.DB Last Calibration Date 2]

[Service Request.DB Last Calibration Date 3]

[Service Request.DB Last Calibration Date 4]

[Service Request.DB Last Calibration Date 5]

[Service Request.DB Last Calibration Date 6]

[Service Request.DB Leakage Current]

[Service Request.DB Master Campaign Id]

[Service Request.DB Master Campaign Name]

[Service Request.DB Measurement Device]

[Service Request.DB Measurement Device 2]

[Service Request.DB Measurement Device 3]

[Service Request.DB Measurement Device 4]

[Service Request.DB Measurement Device 5]

[Service Request.DB Measurement Device 6]

[Service Request.DB Message]

[Service Request.DB Mod Code]

[Service Request.DB No Calibration Flag]

[Service Request.DB Opened Date]

[Service Request.DB Owner Asset Number]

[Service Request.DB PM Calc]

[Service Request.DB PM Mod Calc]

[Service Request.DB PM Original Due Date]

[Service Request.DB PO]

[Service Request.DB PO Required]

[Service Request.DB Parent Last S/W Revision]

[Service Request.DB Parent Organization Id]

[Service Request.DB Priority Sort Value]

[Service Request.DB Product Grp Id]

[Service Request.DB Product Line]

[Service Request.DB Product Ln Id]

[Service Request.DB Product Part #]

[Service Request.DB Product Part Id]

[Service Request.DB Product Part Name]

[Service Request.DB QCA Cust Status]

[Service Request.DB Report Org Address]

[Service Request.DB Reporting Model Product Id]

[Service Request.DB Reporting Model Product Name]

[Service Request.DB Reporting Model Product Part Number]

[Service Request.DB SADM Elite Users]

[Service Request.DB SAP Asset Number]

[Service Request.DB SAP Type]

[Service Request.DB SR Bill To]

[Service Request.DB SR Bill To Location]

[Service Request.DB SR Full Contact Name]

[Service Request.DB SR Number Calc]

[Service Request.DB SR Sold To Account]

[Service Request.DB SR Sold To Account Location]

[Service Request.DB SR Sold To Address]

[Service Request.DB SR Sold To City]

[Service Request.DB SR Sold To Country]

[Service Request.DB SR Sold To Id]

[Service Request.DB SR Sold To Primary Address Id]

[Service Request.DB Sales Area]

[Service Request.DB Sales Area Address]

[Service Request.DB Serial Number]

[Service Request.DB Serial Number 2]

[Service Request.DB Serial Number 3]

[Service Request.DB Serial Number 4]

[Service Request.DB Serial Number 5]

[Service Request.DB Serial Number 6]

[Service Request.DB Serial Number Write In]

[Service Request.DB Spiridon Report]

[Service Request.DB Srv Rpt Ins Prop Cond]

[Service Request.DB Srv Rpt Print]

[Service Request.DB Srv Rpt Valid Sign]

[Service Request.DBChildRequired]

[Service Request.DBSeverityRequired]

[Service Request.Dashboard SR Type]

[Service Request.Dashboard Type]

[Service Request.Date of Transfer Copy]

[Service Request.DealerLOVCal]

[Service Request.Default SR Sub Status]

[Service Request.Default SR Sub Status 2old]

[Service Request.Default SR Sub Type]

[Service Request.Default Severity]

[Service Request.Default Status]

[Service Request.Default Sub-Status]

[Service Request.Deliver All Security Copy]

[Service Request.Description]

[Service Request.Disease Id]

[Service Request.Disease Name]

[Service Request.Dock Flag]

[Service Request.Documentation Needed]

[Service Request.Documentation Received]

[Service Request.Down Payment Date]

[Service Request.Dummy]

[Service Request.Dynamic Applet Toggle]

[Service Request.EB AP Frequency Calc]

[Service Request.EB AS Frequency Calc]

[Service Request.EB Bank Check Amount Copy]

[Service Request.EB Delivery Method]

[Service Request.EB Delivery Method Copy]

[Service Request.EB Frequency Calc]

[Service Request.EB From External Account Copy]

[Service Request.EB To External Account Copy]

[Service Request.EB Transfer To Account Copy]

[Service Request.Entire Account Calc]

[Service Request.Entire Account Copy]

[Service Request.Entitlement Id]

[Service Request.Entitlement Name]

[Service Request.Entitlement Name Readonly]

[Service Request.Escalation Time]

[Service Request.Evidence Rel Type Code]

[Service Request.Expert]

[Service Request.Expiration Date]

[Service Request.Explorer Label]

[Service Request.Explorer Label Old]

[Service Request.External Service Request]

[Service Request.Fee Copy]

[Service Request.Funds Transfer - Date of Transfer Calc Copy]

[Service Request.Funds Transfer - Day of Month Copy]

[Service Request.Funds Transfer - Dollar Amount Calc Copy]

[Service Request.Funds Transfer - Stop Date Copy]

[Service Request.Funds Transfer - To Account Number Calc Copy]

[Service Request.Further Credit To Copy]

[Service Request.Futher Account # Copy]

[Service Request.Future Capital]

[Service Request.GoToeChannel]

[Service Request.Greenwich Time]

[Service Request.Group Id]

[Service Request.HId]

[Service Request.HMO Benefit]

[Service Request.HasNoAccount]

[Service Request.HelpDesk SR Resolution]

[Service Request.Household Id]

[Service Request.ID Reason]

[Service Request.INS Agent]

[Service Request.INS Area]

[Service Request.INS Area Calc]

[Service Request.INS Area INT]

[Service Request.INS Area NB]

[Service Request.INS Bill Account]

[Service Request.INS Claim Id]

[Service Request.INS Claim Number]

[Service Request.INS Contact At]

[Service Request.INS CurrentArea]

[Service Request.INS CurrentProduct]

[Service Request.INS Drilldown Destination]

[Service Request.INS Drilldown Destination (old)]

[Service Request.INS Drilldown Destination 1]

[Service Request.INS Drilldown Destination 2]

[Service Request.INS Drilldown Destination Conditional]

[Service Request.INS Drilldown Destination HC]

[Service Request.INS Followup]

[Service Request.INS Household]

[Service Request.INS Household Id]

[Service Request.INS Parent SR Id]

[Service Request.INS Parent SR Number]

[Service Request.INS Policy Number]

[Service Request.INS Product]

[Service Request.INS Product - Calc]

[Service Request.INS Product Calc]

[Service Request.INS Product External]

[Service Request.INS Product INT]

[Service Request.INS Product Predefault Calc]

[Service Request.INS Product Predefault Calc INT]

[Service Request.INS Product Predefault Calc INT 2]

[Service Request.INS Requested By]

[Service Request.INS Role]

[Service Request.INS Sub-Area]

[Service Request.INS Sub-Area Calc]

[Service Request.INS Sub-Area INT]

[Service Request.Iconmap]

[Service Request.Impound Agency Comment]

[Service Request.Impound Agency Id]

[Service Request.Impound Agency Name]

[Service Request.Impound Date]

[Service Request.Impound Reason]

[Service Request.InQuiraSRSearchPage]

[Service Request.Incident Count]

[Service Request.Incident Count - ExternalSR]

[Service Request.Incident Id]

[Service Request.Insurance Company Comments]

[Service Request.Insurance Company Id]

[Service Request.Insurance Company Name]

[Service Request.Insured First Name]

[Service Request.Insured Full Name]

[Service Request.Insured Id]

[Service Request.Insured Last Name]

[Service Request.Integration Id]

[Service Request.Is Parent InsPolicyBC]

[Service Request.Is Parent Policy BC]

[Service Request.Is eDealer]

[Service Request.Issue Certificate Copy]

[Service Request.Job Cardinality]

[Service Request.Job Id]

[Service Request.Job Type]

[Service Request.Joined Account Id]

[Service Request.Joined Contact Account Id]

[Service Request.Joined Contact Id]

[Service Request.LOY Member #]

[Service Request.LOY Member Id]

[Service Request.LS CIM Priority Mapped]

[Service Request.LS Medical Code Id]

[Service Request.LS Medical Code Name]

[Service Request.Lead Case Id]

[Service Request.Lead Case Name]

[Service Request.Lead Case Num]

[Service Request.Lead SR Type]

[Service Request.Login User]

[Service Request.Logon Contact Id]

[Service Request.Lot Expiration Date]

[Service Request.Lot Number]

[Service Request.Lot Start Date]

[Service Request.Main Fax Number]

[Service Request.Main Phone Number]

[Service Request.Make]

[Service Request.Manual Assignment Flag]

[Service Request.Manufacturer Warranty Flag]

[Service Request.Master Account Id]

[Service Request.Master Account Name]

[Service Request.Master Account SAP]

[Service Request.Member Flag]

[Service Request.MessageFundTransferSubmit]

[Service Request.MessageSubmit]

[Service Request.MessageSubmitBankCheck]

[Service Request.Model]

[Service Request.Model Year]

[Service Request.Mutual Fund Account]

[Service Request.N Calculated]

[Service Request.Name]

[Service Request.Name Asset Num Balance]

[Service Request.Name of Firm Copy]

[Service Request.New Network]

[Service Request.New Network Id]

[Service Request.New PCP Address Id]

[Service Request.New PCP City]

[Service Request.New PCP Country]

[Service Request.New PCP First Name]

[Service Request.New PCP Full Name]

[Service Request.New PCP Id]

[Service Request.New PCP Last Name]

[Service Request.New PCP State]

[Service Request.New PCP Street Address]

[Service Request.New PCP Zip]

[Service Request.Next First Day]

[Service Request.Next Month]

[Service Request.Next Year]

[Service Request.Next Year Char]

[Service Request.No Delete Flag]

[Service Request.Notice Received Date]

[Service Request.Notification SAP Id]

[Service Request.Notification Type]

[Service Request.Null Asset Id Flag]

[Service Request.Number of Payments (DP)]

[Service Request.Old Network Id]

[Service Request.Old PCP First Name]

[Service Request.Old PCP Full Name]

[Service Request.Old PCP Id]

[Service Request.Old PCP Last Name]

[Service Request.Omnibus Account #]

[Service Request.Opened Date]

[Service Request.Opened Date DT]

[Service Request.Opened Date TM]

[Service Request.Organization]

[Service Request.Organization Id]

[Service Request.Organization Text]

[Service Request.Over Limit Amount]

[Service Request.Owned By Group Id]

[Service Request.Owned By Id]

[Service Request.Owned By Service Role]

[Service Request.Owned By Service Role Historic]

[Service Request.Owner]

[Service Request.Owner Email Addr]

[Service Request.Owner Employee Type]

[Service Request.Owner First Name]

[Service Request.Owner Group]

[Service Request.Owner Last Name]

[Service Request.Owner Phone]

[Service Request.Owner Position Id]

[Service Request.Owner Position Org Id]

[Service Request.PM Action Id]

[Service Request.PO Approved Flag]

[Service Request.PPC]

[Service Request.PSD]

[Service Request.Parent Policy Number Calc]

[Service Request.Parent SR Abstract]

[Service Request.Parent SR Number]

[Service Request.Parent Service Request Id]

[Service Request.Parent Ticket Id]

[Service Request.ParentBC Account Id Field]

[Service Request.Personal City]

[Service Request.Personal City (Service Detail)]

[Service Request.Personal City Copy]

[Service Request.Personal Country]

[Service Request.Personal Country (Service Detail)]

[Service Request.Personal Country Copy]

[Service Request.Personal Location Id]

[Service Request.Personal Postal Code]

[Service Request.Personal Postal Code (Service Detail)]

[Service Request.Personal Postal Code Copy]

[Service Request.Personal State]

[Service Request.Personal State (Service Detail)]

[Service Request.Personal State Copy]

[Service Request.Personal Street Address]

[Service Request.Personal Street Address (Service Detail)]

[Service Request.Personal Street Address 2]

[Service Request.Personal Street Address Copy]

[Service Request.Policy Area for Member]

[Service Request.Policy Num]

[Service Request.Policy Number by Contact]

[Service Request.Policy Number for Member]

[Service Request.Postal Code]

[Service Request.Pref SRV Dealer Id]

[Service Request.Price List]

[Service Request.Price List Id]

[Service Request.Primary Address Id]

[Service Request.Primary Case Id]

[Service Request.Primary Contact Address Id]

[Service Request.Primary Organization Id]

[Service Request.Primary Organization Id Upd]

[Service Request.Primary Organization Name]

[Service Request.Primary Parent SR Id]

[Service Request.Primary Product Issue Id]

[Service Request.Primary Profile Id]

[Service Request.Primary Service Agreement Id]

[Service Request.Primary Symptom Code]

[Service Request.Primary Synonym Id]

[Service Request.Primary Type Id]

[Service Request.Priority]

[Service Request.Prod]

[Service Request.Prod (old)]

[Service Request.Product]

[Service Request.Product Description]

[Service Request.Product Id]

[Service Request.Product Int Id]

[Service Request.Product Issue Created Flag]

[Service Request.Product Issue Number]

[Service Request.Product Line Fee Id]

[Service Request.Product Part Number]

[Service Request.Product Siemens Material Number]

[Service Request.Product Type]

[Service Request.Product Warranty Flag]

[Service Request.Professional]

[Service Request.Project Id]

[Service Request.Project Name]

[Service Request.Provider Id]

[Service Request.Provider Last Name]

[Service Request.Provider Search]

[Service Request.Rate List]

[Service Request.Rate List Id]

[Service Request.Read Flag]

[Service Request.Recommendation]

[Service Request.Recommended Priority]

[Service Request.Red Flag]

[Service Request.Released To Comments]

[Service Request.Repair Details]

[Service Request.Repair Fee]

[Service Request.Reproduce]

[Service Request.Requestor Business Phone]

[Service Request.Requestor City]

[Service Request.Requestor Country]

[Service Request.Requestor First Name]

[Service Request.Requestor Last Name]

[Service Request.Requestor Login]

[Service Request.Requestor Postal Code]

[Service Request.Requestor PriPos Id]

[Service Request.Requestor State]

[Service Request.Requestor Street Address]

[Service Request.Required Asterisk]

[Service Request.RequiredField]

[Service Request.Resolution Code]

[Service Request.Revision Number]

[Service Request.Route Geography Dealer]

[Service Request.Route Geography Dealer Id]

[Service Request.Routing # Copy]

[Service Request.Row Status]

[Service Request.Row Status Asterisk]

[Service Request.SD]

[Service Request.SM Author]

[Service Request.SM Author Id]

[Service Request.SM Author Link]

[Service Request.SM Author Link URL]

[Service Request.SM Blog Id]

[Service Request.SM Community]

[Service Request.SM Community Id]

[Service Request.SM Data Id]

[Service Request.SM Influence Score]

[Service Request.SM Post Id]

[Service Request.SM Post Link]

[Service Request.SM Post Link URL]

[Service Request.SM Publish Date]

[Service Request.SM Sentiment]

[Service Request.SM Service Id]

[Service Request.SM Symbolic URL Single Post1]

[Service Request.SM Symbolic URL Single Post2]

[Service Request.SM Topic]

[Service Request.SR Contact Fax]

[Service Request.SR Contact Phone Number]

[Service Request.SR Fee]

[Service Request.SR Fee Amount]

[Service Request.SR Id]

[Service Request.SR Impact]

[Service Request.SR Number]

[Service Request.SR Open Date]

[Service Request.SR Read Only]

[Service Request.SR Read Only Closed]

[Service Request.SR Read Only Combo]

[Service Request.SR Read Only Combo2]

[Service Request.SR Read Only Install]

[Service Request.SR Read Only Mod]

[Service Request.SR Read Only Not Product Complaint]

[Service Request.SR Read Only PM]

[Service Request.SR Read Only PMDR]

[Service Request.SR Rootcause]

[Service Request.SR Routing Dealer Type Cal]

[Service Request.SR Status Date]

[Service Request.SR Sub Type]

[Service Request.SR Type]

[Service Request.SR Type INT]

[Service Request.SR Urgency]

[Service Request.SRRDT]

[Service Request.Sales Rep]

[Service Request.Security Answer]

[Service Request.Security Name]

[Service Request.Security Name Copy]

[Service Request.Security Question]

[Service Request.Sel Dealer Id]

[Service Request.Selected SR Routing Dealer]

[Service Request.Selected SR Routing Dealer Id]

[Service Request.Sell Date]

[Service Request.Send To]

[Service Request.Serial Number]

[Service Request.Service Calendar Id]

[Service Request.Service City]

[Service Request.Service City (FS)]

[Service Request.Service Country]

[Service Request.Service Country (FS)]

[Service Request.Service Element]

[Service Request.Service Location Id]

[Service Request.Service Point Asset]

[Service Request.Service Point Asset Id]

[Service Request.Service Point Func Location]

[Service Request.Service Point Install Dt]

[Service Request.Service Point Owner Id]

[Service Request.Service Point Product]

[Service Request.Service Point Product Id]

[Service Request.Service Point Product Id-new]

[Service Request.Service Point Product SubType]

[Service Request.Service Point SAP Equipment Number]

[Service Request.Service Point Serial Number]

[Service Request.Service Point Siemens Material Number]

[Service Request.Service Postal Code]

[Service Request.Service Postal Code (FS)]

[Service Request.Service Region]

[Service Request.Service Region Id]

[Service Request.Service Request Id]

[Service Request.Service Request Type]

[Service Request.Service State]

[Service Request.Service State (FS)]

[Service Request.Service Street Address]

[Service Request.Service Street Address (FS)]

[Service Request.Service Street Address 2]

[Service Request.Service Street Address 2 (FS)]

[Service Request.Service Type]

[Service Request.Severity]

[Service Request.Smart Issue Id]

[Service Request.Social Security #]

[Service Request.Source]

[Service Request.Source Field Id]

[Service Request.Source Field Id (Old)]

[Service Request.Source Read Only]

[Service Request.State]

[Service Request.Status]

[Service Request.Street Address]

[Service Request.Street Address 2]

[Service Request.Sub-Area]

[Service Request.Sub-Area No Constrain]

[Service Request.Sub-Status]

[Service Request.Supervisor Review]

[Service Request.Supplier Account]

[Service Request.Supplier Account  Id]

[Service Request.Swift Code Copy]

[Service Request.Symbol]

[Service Request.Symptom Code]

[Service Request.Symptom Discovered Date Time]

[Service Request.Synonym]

[Service Request.System Assignment Flag]

[Service Request.TReadOnlyState:Parent SR Number]

[Service Request.TeamspaceArchived LIC Value]

[Service Request.TeamspaceArchivedState]

[Service Request.TeamspaceExistenceState]

[Service Request.TeamspaceObjectType]

[Service Request.TeamspaceSymbolicURL]

[Service Request.Template Flag]

[Service Request.Test - Account Balance]

[Service Request.Test - Account Product]

[Service Request.Test - Acct Number]

[Service Request.Test - From Account Balance]

[Service Request.Test - Test]

[Service Request.Time Allocated]

[Service Request.Time Estimated]

[Service Request.Time Spent]

[Service Request.To Account # Copy]

[Service Request.Transfer All Shares]

[Service Request.Transfer Amount Copy]

[Service Request.Transfer Type Copy]

[Service Request.Type]

[Service Request.Type of Handling]

[Service Request.UG Explorer Label]

[Service Request.Vehicle License Expiry Date]

[Service Request.Vehicle License Number]

[Service Request.Vehicle License State]

[Service Request.Version]

[Service Request.Via Correspondent Copy]

[Service Request.WB Check Order From Account Copy]

[Service Request.WB Combined Asset]

[Service Request.WB Current Balance]

[Service Request.WB Dummy]

[Service Request.WB From Account Available Balance]

[Service Request.WB From Account Balance]

[Service Request.WB From Account Copy]

[Service Request.WB Personal Address]

[Service Request.WB Personal City]

[Service Request.WB Personal Country]

[Service Request.WB Personal Postal Code]

[Service Request.WB Personal State]

[Service Request.WB To Account Copy]

[Service Request.Warranty Updated Dt]

[Service Request.Webphone SR Number]

[Service Request.Wire Transfer City Copy]

[Service Request.Wire Transfer Country Copy]

[Service Request.Work Phone]

[Service Request.Y Calculated]