Siebel Tools >  Datetime functions and calculations

Siebel DateTime Conversions and escript functions

/* Getting Date and Time in format in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS */
var sGetInstallDateTime = ((sInstallDate.getMonth() + 1) + “/” + sInstallDate.getDate() +
“/” + sInstallDate.getFullYear()+ ” “+ sInstallDate.getHours() + “:” +
sInstallDate.getMinutes()+”:” + sInstallDate.getSeconds());
/* Getting Date and Time in format MM/DD/YYYY .*/
var sInstallOnlyDate = ((sInstallDate.getMonth() + 1) + “/” + sInstallDate.getDate() + “/” + sInstallDate.getFullYear());
/*Getting DateTime in Milliseconds */
sInstallDateMilliSec = sInstallDate.getTime(); //Converting date into milliseconds for one day
sysDateMilliSec = sysDate.getTime() + 31*24*60*60*1000;//Converting Date to millisec by adding 31 days.

This function serves the purpose of DateAdd function available in other languages. When we need to add x days to a date, we can use this function.

function AddDays(myDate,days)
/* Adds the number of Days specified in the input parameter ‘days’
* to the input parameter mydate and returns the new date
* @param myDate,days
* @return new Date

return new Date(myDate.getTime() + days*24*60*60*1000);


This function helps in finding a date from the past.

function SubtractDays(myDate,days)
* Will subtract ‘days’ number of
* days from the input date and return the new date
* @param myDate,days
* @return date
* @modified
return new Date(myDate.getTime() - days*24*60*60*1000);

This function is used to find if any date is greater than today.

function IsFutureDate(mydate)
* Function to check if a date is greater than today
* Returns 0 if Current Date is larger
* 1 if Passed Variable is larger

var istoday = new Date();
var myM = ToInteger(mydate.getMonth()+1);
var myD = ToInteger(mydate.getDate());
var myY = ToInteger(mydate.getFullYear());
var toM = ToInteger(istoday.getMonth()+1);
var toD = ToInteger(istoday.getDate());
var toY = ToInteger(istoday.getFullYear());
if ((myY < toY)||((myY==toY)&&(myM < toM))||((myY==toY)&&(myM==toM)&&(myD < = toD)))


This function is used to compare two dates and to find if one date is greater than or lesser than the other date.
function CompareDates(dte_from,dte_to)
/* Function to compare two dates.. will return 1 if dte_from is greater than dte_to else will return 0 */

var myM = ToInteger(dte_from.getMonth()+1);
var myD = ToInteger(dte_from.getDate());
var myY = ToInteger(dte_from.getFullYear());
var toM = ToInteger(dte_to.getMonth()+1);
var toD = ToInteger(dte_to.getDate());
var toY = ToInteger(dte_to.getFullYear());
if ((myY < toY)||((myY==toY)&&(myM < toM))||((myY==toY)&&(myM==toM)&&(myD < = toD)))