Siebel Installations >  Copy srf in Windows with Powershell script

Copy srf in Windows with powerscript

This script can compile and copy srfs in Siebel. It is written in Powershell script.

The configurations of the server must be added in the xml file comp_srf.xml.

Both files are released under GNU License and must be in the same folder.




param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [string] $cfg )

$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"

function stopServices {

param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [object] $services )

write-host "Stopping related services..."

foreach ($i in $services) {

$serviceName = $i.InnerText

'Stopping "' + $serviceName + '" service'

$service = Stop-Service $serviceName -PassThru -Force

if ( $service -ne $null ) {

if ( $service.Status -ne 'Stopped' ) {

throw "Could not stop $serviceName. Aborting..."

} else {

"$serviceName was stopped successfully"





function restoreServices {

param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [object] $services,
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [int] $waitTime )

write-host "Restarting related services..."

$servicesReversed = @()

foreach ( $i in $services) { $servicesReversed = $servicesReversed + $i.innerText }


foreach ($serviceName in $servicesReversed) {

Write-Host "Starting $serviceName service"

$service = Start-Service $serviceName -PassThru

if ( $service -ne $null ) {

if ( $service.Status -ne 'Running' ) {

throw "Could not start $serviceName. Aborting..."

} else {

Write-Host "$serviceName was started successfully"



Write-Host "Waiting $waitTime seconds to give time to the process start correctly"

Start-Sleep -Seconds $waitTime



function getBackupDir {
param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [string] $format,
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [string] $root,
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)] [object] $date )

$formatOptions = $format -split "_"

$options = @()

foreach ( $option in $formatOptions ) {

$options += $started.($option)


($root + "\" + ( $options -join "_" ))


try {

$started = Get-Date

$config = [xml] [string]::join("\n",(Get-Content -read 5kb $cfg))
[void] [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile($config.compSRF.logging.log4netDLL)


$toolsBin = $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.root + $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.bin

$pids = [System.Collections.Hashtable] @{}

$srfBackupDir = getBackupDir -format $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.backup.srfSubdirFormat -root $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.backup.dirRoot -date $started

if ( Test-Path $srfBackupDir ) {

Write-Host $srfBackupDir "already exists"

} else {

New-Item -type 'directory' $srfBackupDir


$srfToCopy = @()

foreach ($lang in $config.compSRF.languagePacks.GetElementsByTagName("lang")) {

if ( $lang.HasAttribute("srfFilename") ) {

$destinationSRF = $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.serverRoot + "\" + $lang.InnerText + "\" + $lang.GetAttribute("srfFilename")
$srfToCopy = $srfToCopy + $destinationSRF
$jobName = $lang.InnerText + " SRF full compilation"

$options = "/c " + $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.root + $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.cfg + " /d " + $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.dataSource + " /u "
$options += $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.user + " /p " + $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.password
$options += " /bc '" + $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.siebelRepository + "' " + $destinationSRF + " /tl " + $lang.InnerText

$process = (Start-Process -PassThru -FilePath $toolsBin -ArgumentList $options)

Write-Host $process.ProcessName "for" $jobName "with PID =" $process.Id "started"

$pids.Add($process.Id, $process)

} else {

throw "Cannot find SRF filename attribute in the configuration file"



While ($pids.Count -gt 0) {

foreach ($processId in $pids.Keys) {

$process = $pids.$processId

if ( $process.HasExited ) {

Write-Host $process.ProcessName $process.Id "finished"



Start-Sleep -Seconds $config.compSRF.SiebelTools.timeToWait


write-host "copying SRF files"

foreach ($srf in $srfToCopy ) {

Copy-Item $srf $srfBackupDir -Verbose


restoreServices -services $config.compSRF.windowsServices.GetElementsByTagName("service") -waitTime $config.compSRF.timeToWait
$finished = Get-Date

$timeDiff = $finished - $started
write-host "Compilation took " $timeDiff.TotalMinutes "minutes to complete"

} catch {


} finally {



And here is a sample comp_srf.xml file

<!--address must be separated by comma-->
<logPattern>[%date] %-5level - %message%newline</logPattern>
<lang srfFilename="siebel_new_core_enu.srf">ENU</lang>
<lang srfFilename="siebel_new_core_ptb.srf">PTB</lang>
<lang srfFilename="siebel_new_core_esn.srf">ESN</lang>
<!-- order here is important to stop/start the services correctly -->
<!-- in seconds -->
<siebelRepository>Siebel Repository</siebelRepository>
<!-- time to sleep before checking the Siebel Tools processes, in seconds -->
<!-- use the same methods available to get-date object. Separator must be underscore as in "Day_Month_Year_DayOfWeek" -->