Siebel EIM >  How to set and call extended Parameters in EIM

How to set and call extended Parameters in EIM

 This can be done from the servermanager command line like this

srvrmgr>run task for component eim with config=test.ifb, Errorflags=1, traceflags=1, sqlflags=8, extendedParams="MY_EXT_PARAM=Test"

If your variable has mor than one word, the syntax is similar,

you just need to add a single quote inside. e.g.

srvrmgr>run task for component eim with config=test.ifb, Errorflags=1, traceflags=1, sqlflags=8, extendedParams="MY_EXT_PARAM='This is my Test parameter'"


Can we put conditions in the IFB File?

Yes this is also done by extended parameters.

If we want to delete all activities that were created before 1 Sept 2018.

Then set the IFB file like this

BATCH = 100


Then run the EIM Job like this

srvrmgr>run task for component eim with config=test.ifb, Errorflags=1, traceflags=1, sqlflags=8, extendedParams="$MYDATE='01-30-2009 16:46:10'"


How can we use multiple Extended Parameters in an EIM Job?


To define multiple Extended Parameters values, use a backslash before quote. Reference the example to see how to use this feature:
i:\sbsrvr\bin\srvrmgr.exe /g gateway /e entServer /s SIEBDEVSRVR /u sadmin /p passwd /c "START TASK FOR COMPONENT EIM WITH CONFIG=htcontacts_tpl2.ifb, ExtendedParams=\"BatchNum1=200001,BatchNum2=200002-200003"\, CONNECT=SiebSrvr_CRMSIEBDEV, ERRORFLAGS=1, TRACEFLAGS=0, SQLFLAGS=0"


EIM Error Message SBL-EIM-00211

GenericLog      GenericError    1       2018-01-12 19:56:06     (compmain.cpp 16(1555) err=100211 sys=0) SBL-EIM-00211: Failed to parse and define extended parameters.
GenericLog      GenericError    1       20018-01-12 19:56:06     (smisched.cpp 17(821) err=100211 sys=0) SBL-EIM-00211: Failed to parse and define extended parameters.



This could be because you have a syntax error in your extended Parameters.

Any special characters, also a comma can cause this.

Here is an example of a mistake


srvrmgr>run task for component eim with config=test.ifb, Errorflags=1, traceflags=1, sqlflags=8, extendedParams="MY_EXT_PARAM=Test, Test2"

Here the comma caused the error.

You should include the two words and comma in a single quote. Like this

srvrmgr>run task for component eim with config=test.ifb, Errorflags=1, traceflags=1, sqlflags=8, extendedParams="MY_EXT_PARAM='Test, Test2'"