Siebel Tools >  How to Show Icons in Custom Siebel Screens Tabs

How to Show Icons in Custom Siebel Screens Tabs?

Some people be wondering how does some screens have Icons, can we configure same for our custom screens??. I am referring to the icons similar to shown in the snap-shot below, like for Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Quotes.



Siebel Screen Icons

You can also put your custom icons to your custom screens by following the below procedure.

1. Get/Create your icon file and put it in the \Client\PUBLIC\enu\IMAGES folder. It should be in .gif format only. Say it, testicon.gif
2. Goto
Tools -> Bitmap Categories.
3. Query for a existing Bitmap Category lets say –
4. Do a Copy record [Ctrl+B] of [Contact] Bitmap Category and name the new Category as TestBitmapCat.
5. Come down to the
Bitmaps child object. There you will see a record with [Name = Screen Tab Icon]. If it is not there, then create a new one as below.

Name: Screen Tab Icon
Filename: <your icon file name, here it is testicon.gif >

  1. Now navigate to the Screen object in Tools as Tools -> Screens.
    7. Locate the Bitmap Category field in
    Screen object and pick the Category [TestBitmapCat] which we created just above.
    8. This way the Bitmap Category is associated to the Screen.
    9. Compile the
    Bitmap Category and Screen objects in Tools and re-launch your client.
    10. You can see your,
    testicon.gif file as icon to the left of your Screen name.