Siebel Tools >  Find MVG Applets using Tools

Find MVG applets in Siebel

An MVG applet in Siebel is a list of values that change depending on some other value.
e.g. depending on the state where the account may be, the zip code may have a different list of

We had complains from users that some of their keystrokes were not being typed in Siebel.
It turned out that MVG applets had this 'feature' when Dell keyboards were used!
And after that we had to write a test case where we had to identify MVG applets.
So how do you find out MVG applets in Siebel?

Lets start by picking a screen where there are some drop down lists e.g. Opportunity screen
Select 'About View' to find out details about the screen.

In Opportunities -> Opportunities List
The applet name is Opportunity Form Applet - Child

Open Siebel Tools , go to the Applet Section and search for Opportunity Form Applet - Child
Drill down the applet, right click to edit.
Get the properties window by selecting View->Windows -> Properties Window
This window should appear in the center between palettes and object explorer.

Now select each of the drop downs lists, after some time you will find MVG applets.

e.g. Sales Team is an MVG applet here