Siebel Administration >  Server Manager (srvrmgr) reference

How to start Server manager command line
First we need to go to the siebsrvr folder, load and maybe

./srvrmgr -g 19.123.564.765:2320 -u sadmin -p password -e ENTERPRISENAME
If you want to use any other userid and password, we need to grant that user
responsibility 'Siebel Administrator' in the GUI.

List components:
list components show SV_NAME, CC_NAME, CC_ALIAS ,  CP_DISP_RUN_STATE
list components show  CC_NAME, CC_ALIAS ,  CP_DISP_RUN_STATE

CC_NAME                                      CC_ALIAS                      CP_DISP_RUN_STATE
-------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------
Assignment Manager                           AsgnSrvr                      Online
Batch Assignment                             AsgnBatch                     Online
Business Integration Batch Manager           BusIntBatchMgr                Online
Business Integration Manager                 BusIntMgr                     Online
Communications Configuration Manager         CommConfigMgr                 Online
Communications Inbound Processor             CommInboundProcessor          Online
Communications Inbound Receiver              CommInboundRcvr               Online
Communications Outbound Manager              CommOutboundMgr               Online
Communications Session Manager               CommSessionMgr                Online
EAI Object Manager (ENU)                     EAIObjMgr_enu                 Online
Email Manager                                MailMgr                       Online
Enterprise Integration Mgr                   EIM                           Online

for one server it will be
list components for server SRVR_NAME show SV_NAME, CC_NAME, CC_ALIAS ,  CP_DISP_RUN_STATE

Show Component name like  EAI

list components %EAI% for server SRVR_NAME show SV_NAME, CC_NAME, CC_ALIAS ,  CP_DISP_RUN_STATE

To display event log levels
list evtloglvl for component component_alias_name
list evtloglvl for component  eComms_enu
list evtloglvl for component  CommInboundRcvr show ET_NAME, ET_ALIAS, EC_LOGHNDL_LVL
combine server and component: List Active sessions for server SRVR_NAME comp eFinans_ENU show SV_NAME,CC_ALIAS,OM_LOGIN

Change Event log levels

change evtloglvl event_alias_name=level for server siebel_server_name component component_alias_name
change evtloglvl SQL=5 for server SRVR_NAME component  eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu

for changing all event log levels, use %
change all event levels for one component in all servers

change evtloglvl % = 4 for component WfProcBatchMgr
change evtloglvl % = 1 for component WfProcBatchMgr

change all event levels for one component in one server

change evtloglvl % = 4 for server SRVR_NAME component WfProcBatchMgr
change evtloglvl % = 1 for server SRVR_NAME component WfProcBatchMgr

Show all parameters for one server that matches string Name
list param %Name% for server SRVR_NAME show PA_ALIAS,PA_VALUE

show temporary directory for Siebel in one server
list param CFGTempDir for server CZTRA_SRVR1 show PA_ALIAS,PA_VALUE

show host or server name e.g.
list param host for server SRVR_NAME show PA_ALIAS,PA_VALUE

show security adapter name for one server
list param SecAdptName for server SRVR_NAME show PA_ALIAS,PA_VALUE

This gets the configuration file for Siebel for one object manager
list param ConfigFile for comp eComm_enu

--application name
first get the config file -  scomm.cfg in our case
it should be in the defaults folder

The application name is given in this config file, the name of the paramenet is ApplicationName
RepositoryFile           = siebel_sia.srf
ApplicationName          = Siebel Power Communications
ApplicationTitle         = Siebel Communications
ApplicationSplashText    = Siebel Communications

This lists all parameters for one server and one component
list param for server SRVR_NAME component eComm_enu

For switching off browser script  or switching on Browser scripting in Siebel
change param CFGEnableScripting=false for comp eComm_enu
reset it back, enable browser scripting
change param CFGEnableScripting=true for comp eComm_enu

There is a  component that deletes historical data from Siebel tables
 (select table_name from all_tables where table_name like '%HIST%' and owner = 'SIEBEL';).
The component alias is SvrTblCleanup

To change the period after which task and session data will be deleted. 2880 is in seconds
change param DeleteEventHistoryInterval=2880 for component SvrTblCleanup server SRVR_NAME
To check if the parameter works
list param DeleteEventHistoryInterval for component SvrTblCleanup server SRVR_NAME

After this restart component SvrTblCleanup in all servers

List Parameters examples

list parameters named *INTERVAL* for one component across all servers
list param %INTERVAL% for component SvrTblCleanup

list parameters named *INTERVAL* for one component, for one server
list param %INTERVAL% for component SvrTblCleanup server SRVR_NAME

List advanced parameters
list advanced param SIEBEL_CRASH_HANDLER for comp eComm_csy show PA_ALIAS, PA_VALUE, PA_NAME
list advanced param SIEBEL_CRASH_HANDLER for component eComm_csy server SRVR_NAME show PA_ALIAS, PA_VALUE, PA_NAME

list param MaximumPageSize for comp eComm_csy server CZPRD_SRVR_4
list param ResourceLanguage for component eComm_csy show PA_ALIAS, PA_VALUE, PA_NAME

Startup,shutdown and enable components
To enable a component (make online)
online component <component_alias_name> for server <Siebel_Server_Name>
e.g. online component CommOutboundMgr for server SRVR_NAME
To shutdown a component
startup component <component_alias_name> for server <siebel_server_name>
e.g. startup component CommOutboundMgr for server SRVR_NAME
enable component group
enable component group <Comp_group_alias_name> for server <Siebel_Server_Name>
Check component group status
list comp groups for server <Siebel_Server_Name>
To shutdown  a component
shutdown component <component_alias_name> for server <siebel_server_name>
e.g. shutdown component CommOutboundMgr for server SRVR_NAME

shutdown component SvrTblCleanup for server SRVR_NAME
list component SvrTblCleanup for server SRVR_NAME
startup component SvrTblCleanup for server SRVR_NAME
list component SvrTblCleanup for server SRVR_NAME

How to get server manager results in a file
spool /INSTALL_FOLDER/siebel/8.1/siebsrvr/enterprises/cleanup.txt
list param %INTERVAL% for component SvrTblCleanup server SRVR_NAME
spool off

Run task for – this runs tasks for components like EIM. An example would be like -


Another example , with default port 2320, with sadmin on a particular server
srvrmgr /g GATEWAY_SERVER_NAME:2320 /e ENTERPRISE_NAME /u SADMIN /p PASSWORD /c "run task for component EIM server SRVR_NAME with config=IFB_FILE_NAME.ifb, errorflags=1, traceflags=1, sqlflags=8, ExtendedParams='BATCH_RANGE=11111-11111, PROFILE_FILE=log.log'"

Check active users for Siebel:
List Active sessions for comp eCommunicationsObjMgr_enu show SV_NAME,CC_ALIAS,OM_LOGIN
List Active sessions for comp eCommunicationsObjMgrSSL_csy show SV_NAME,CC_ALIAS,OM_LOGIN
List Active sessions for comp eCommunicationsObjMgrSSL_enu show SV_NAME,CC_ALIAS,OM_LOGIN

Other commands
backup of name server
backup nameserver backup_gateway_<date>
import repository
repimexp /A I /G ALL /K Y /u sadmin /p xxxxxx /d SIEBEL /c DSN_NAME /F /home/Repository/Siebel_Repository_VXX.dat /R "Siebel Repository new" /L /home/logfile.log

or if you have a import ucf file, then you can use this command
./srvrupgwiz /m master_imprep.ucf

if you have an export ucf file, we can export repository like this
./srvrupgwiz /m master_exprep.ucf

ddlsync with a ddlsync ucf file
srvrupgwiz /m master_ddlsync.ucf

Synchronize batch components from the command line

After a fresh install of a Siebel database and after creating or modifying batch component definitions,
administrators must ensure that the data residing in the siebns.dat file is synchronized with data in the
S_SRM_ACTION and S_SRM_ACT_PARAM tables in the Siebel database. from the server manager , you can do it like this

sync comps
synchronize components

Remote Database extract from the server manager
run task for comp GenNewDb server SRVR_NAME
run task for comp DbXtract server SRVR_NAME with Client=USERID,ExtractRepos=TRUE
USERID =  siebel remote user userid, SRVR_NAME is the name of the server where the extract will be.

Other commands:

This displays number of running tasks, server last stop time and date, server enable and disable time and cipher strength


--------------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -----------
Server Cipher Strength      SrvrCipherStrength  56                   Integer
Server Disable Time         ServerDisableTime   0000-00-00 00:00:00  Date/Time
Server Enable Time          ServerEnableTime    0000-00-00 00:00:00  Date/Time
Server Non-Essential Tasks  NonEssientialTasks  59                   Integer
Server Start Time           ServerStartTime     2012-05-14 14:55:50  Date/Time
Server Stop Time            ServerStopTime      0000-00-00 00:00:00  Date/Time
Server Tasks                SrvrTasks           70                   Integer

This shows a list of completed and running tasks. TK_STATUS shows the error message

This shows the whole list of enterprise parameters. It might be a good idea to spool the results
There are many enterprise parameters and the result will be messy.
list ent param

This shows a whole list of statistics and averages e.g. Average response time of server, average SQL execution time, events processed
list statistics