Siebel SQLs/Error Messages >  Check if all Workflows are correctly set up

Every Active Workflow needs to have Policies and arguments. If 

these are missing, then we need to correct this.

It is quite hard to check every Workflow from the GUI.

Here is an sql that will display results for all workflows.

This was Tested in Oracle 11g.

SELECT distinct "Policy Name",

acdeg.NAME "Policy Action",,


FROM siebel.s_escl_rule pol,

siebel.s_escl_cond con,

siebel.s_escl_link_col COL,

siebel.s_escl_col escol,

siebel.S_ESCL_ACTION ac,

siebel.S_ACTION_DEFN acdeg,

siebel.S_ACTION_ARG arg

WHERE pol.expire_dt IS NULL

AND pol.row_id = con.rule_id

AND = con.link_col_name

AND COL.cond_col_id = escol.row_id

and ac.ACTION_ID = acdeg.row_id(+)

and pol.row_id = ac.RULE_ID(+)

and acdeg.row_id = arg.ACTION_ID(+)

and (pol.expire_dt is null or pol.expire_dt > sysdate)

order by;