Siebel Open UI >  Siebel Open UI Barcode field size >32 and CPU performance

How do we increase the length of this textbox so that Siebel could read the complete Barcode number which is more than 32 Characters?

Below are the sample code and the steps to increase the length of the Barcode field displaying in the Asset Mgmt - Assets View


Create a custom PR file barcodepr.js with below content

if (typeof(SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr) === "undefined") {
define("siebel/custom/barcodepr", ["siebel/barcdviewpr"],
function () {
SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr = (function () {
var siebConsts = SiebelJS.Dependency("SiebelApp.Constants");

function barcodepr(pm) {
SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);

SiebelJS.Extend(barcodepr, SiebelAppFacade.barcdviewpr);

barcodepr.prototype.Init = function () {
SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr.superclass.Init.apply(this, arguments);

barcodepr.prototype.ShowUI = function () {
SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr.superclass.ShowUI.apply(this, arguments);

var barcodeDriver = this.GetPM().Get(siebConsts.get("SWE_BARCODE_DRIVER"));
var ctrlId = SiebelApp.S_App.GetActiveView().GetApplet(barcodeDriver).GetControls().BarcodeScanText.GetInputName();
$('[name=' + ctrlId + ']'). attr("maxlength", "100");


barcodepr.prototype.BindData = function (bRefresh) {
SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr.superclass.BindData.apply(this, arguments);

barcodepr.prototype.BindEvents = function () {
SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr.superclass.BindEvents.apply(this, arguments);

barcodepr.prototype.EndLife = function () {
SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr.superclass.EndLife.apply(this, arguments);

return barcodepr;
return "SiebelAppFacade.barcodepr";


Put the barcodepr.js file into your public under the eappweb folder : C:\<Siebel Install Folder>\eappweb\PUBLIC\enu\23048\scripts\siebel\custom
Go to Administration Application > Manifest Files and add siebel/custom/barcodepr.js file
Go to Administration Application > Manifest Administration, create the below records:
a. UI Objects
Type: View
Usage Type: Physical Renderer
Name: Asset Mgmt - Assets View

b. Object Expression - Expression: Desktop
Level: 1

c. Files - Name: siebel/custom/barcodepr.js
Re-start the web server and clear browser cache


Is an expected behavior seeing OpenUI enabled object manager component consuming more CPU in comparison with High Interactivity mode?

This is the expected behavior since the Open UI does a lot more processing than HI and provides a lot more functionality.

Major reasons for difference:

1) Componentization
2) Auto SI->HI conversion of all applets
3) Seed driven Manifest as opposed to XML
4) Visualization mode capabilities
5) Runtime metadata processing